Giving advice to y'all silver scrubs

Giving advice to y'all silver scrubs.

What do you wanna know ? Can help about specific maps etc..

Do you play esea

Unless you're well ranked on a 128 tick like esea you're still a scrub. Steam MM is cancer.

I'm a Mirage fuckboi and I love it

I know I ain't a pro or anything lol. I fail to see why a 128 tick serv wouild assess my skill better than a 64 one. I mean, it's not like you could be "good at 64 but suck at 128" it's pretty much the same game.

Faceit mostly, but I usually don't give a shit when I play there cause I use it as a way to chill after MM (cause I like shiny ranks like a retard)

generic question but any other tips to improve other than DM/aim maps? currently MGE and trying to climb but feels like i'm getting worse

Not op but op is shit,
Just play lots of mm and watch tournaments, you will see improvement very quickly

Ehhhh its not pretty much the same game, give it a go. Its a different feeling you have to get use to

KtK Jedi Awp Tricks _A.H.R.

filthy russian

playin MM every day, and i make sure to catch the tournaments whenever they're on. fuck it, i'll keep it up and see if anythin changes. thanks famalam

- ◄══════════════▓► + Luck
- ◄═══▓═══════════► + Aim
- ◄═▓═════════════► + Skill
- ◄═════════════▓═► + Rage
- ◄═══▓═══════════► + Teamwork

Several extremely easy ways to improve but that no one does are:

- Get better at planting the bomb. Stop doing the retarded default everyone does when you have a choice.

- Get better afterplants, hide in spots less common than the retarded defaults everyone else does.
For example, I see maybe only 1/10 do the same as me on Mirage A site: plant a site for CT / Ramp or Short / Ramp, hide very far away in ramp and play sound. Close to impossible for the CT to clutch it.
Instead of planting for palace and hiding at firebox like every moron.
Naturally it translates in every map, and only works when you have the time to do it. Work on knowing where you can plant and where you can cover it from giving your particular situation.

It doesn't cost anything to apply this ALL THE TIME. I can't count how many times I planted like a tryhard even if we were 3v1. You plant good, your friends go chase and die like autistic fucks, youi're still chill, you've got your extremely strong plant, the CT won't win.
Same scenario but it's a shit plant, well, good job you're now on a 50/50 gamble just because you were too lazy to get a good plant when you thought the round was "easy win".

- And the most important thing: WORK ON YOUR CROSSHAIR PLACEMENT. This is like the single most important thing. More than DM and Aimap, more than pretty much everything. Learn to stick your crosshair to where you're going where you're covering. It's the simpliest thing to do, it takes 15 minutes of forcing yourself one day and then you're set forever. It's a game changer in duels. So many of my low level friends just watch wherever, have their crosshair too high or too low all the time. That means that everytime they engage an ennemy they have to adjust SO MUCH their aim, it takes them half a second more than me, who already have the crosshair in the general area of my target.

Its more then just playing and watching tournys Im a Dota 2 pro, been to a couple TI's its more about getting your mouse and keyboard set up to fit you. You would be suprised that id say 95% of people use settings that there body isnt natrually use to. In my first camp before my first pro tourny I was coached to adjust ALL of my settins hotkeys and so on even the sensitivity on my mouse. I know your use to it but tweak things and get use to that. Look at GUIDES and see what people are doing. And once again fuck around with your settings. Most people play with stupid high sensitivity on CS when its better low personally for me. Its all in the settings. Watching pros and playing helps but shit you have to tweak your shit to you can move your mouse to the head easily every time. If your zooming past it as you try and aim your sensitivity is to high. Practice messing with your settings and youll get better. Little things like veen dumming down graphics helps to. Being good at a video g ame is complex.

I played pretty much 50/50 between MM & Faceit (128 ticks low latency here in europe) and tbh I don't give a shit about the difference.

Well, not like you'd go very far with it. Don't even know why I blanked it.

ayyy thanks man. was about to jump into a game so i'll try and work on some of these. wish me luck boys

I personally dont care how you feel. You can die for all I care
But thanks for agreeing with me

Kinda this too
Get better hardware if you can. I mean, we're ,not going pro but I definitely am better at home on my 144Hz, SS Rival and Qck+ mousepad than at my friend's on his shitty 60Hz, generic mouse and cardboard as mousepad.

Also, don't listen to music when you're playing CS competitive. Many of my RL friends do and they don't hear the most basic stuff like the guy defusing or stuff like that. (around MGE but still, these are very basic things)

im solo eagle, does it mean im global in a 5 man premade?
i wreck globes on aim map, except awp
>80%hs reporting

You're not making any sense bro, go home, you're probably drunk or something.

In fact I taunt my GE friends that complain when we're on MM about "these shitty 64 servs, I kill him 100% on a 128" it's kind of a running gag between us.

Sure 128 feels a lil better at times but I don't feel the need to cry whine and play only on them. Game is fun to me both way and I like my shiny mm scrub medal.

I'm playing solo most of the times. Sometimes duo, I didn't queue as more than 2 in MM for weeks. When we group they all want to tag Faceit because "muh superior 128 tick" lel.

So no, solo eagle isn't 5 men premade. Eagle is eagle. It's good if you are already strong in the aim area, just work on the rest and you're on your way to valhalla ! (plants, crosshair placement, communication, staying cool headed, clutching, decision making, reading economy of opponent etc...)