So Cred Forums

So Cred Forums,

Say you are working as an information extractor, and you are given a picrelated who you must get to spill some important intel. You will be alone in a room with this man with whatever you want, but you cannot actually physically torture him in any way. The man doesnt know that you can't hurt him, you can say anything you like to me.

How do you get him to talk? How long will it take?

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lmao I meant him not me

Start pulling out pliers send tell him that I'm going to pull off his finger and toe nails one by one till he tells me what I want to know

Just waterboard him, or tase him repeatedly. Did you want a more interesting answer than that?

Well first of all un-gag him.

His shoes does not match his outfit. Check them out first,find the information then ask Cred Forumstards how to extract information

>tl;dr op is a giant faggot

He said no physical torture, dumbass

Anything I want?
>dark room, clean but empty
>large shelf behind me with a dead, mutilated body hung from it, adorning the shelf would be multiple rusty tools, hooks, knives, etc.
>the song the song "Ave Maria" cut in half, play on loop
>a small glass of water
>one single light hovering over the table set on an extremely dim setting making only the center of the table visible at first
>otherwise the room would start out warm
>"please, make yourself comfortable. We'll be here for a while. When you're ready to talk, I'll listen"
>have the volume of the music slowly lowered and replaced with a consistent ringing sound that is progressively raised
>the temperature of the room is also lowered extremely slowly
>the light will also slowly get brighter and brighter revealing more and more of the room over time
>he will only be able to see my hands at first
>I will take a slow, very loud drink of water every few seconds
>loud enough that he can hear it clearly
>eventually the broken song and the swallowing noise will have annoyed him
>the ringing will have gotten louder and louder as well, and the temperature would become colder and colder, amplifying and already stressful situation
>the light will get bright, illuminating the hung mutilated body and torture devices behind me
>this will set him over the edge
>I will monitor his facial expressions, breathing etc.
>once I see that he is close to breaking, I will start pressuring him more
>"are you ready to tell me?" and "perhaps you would like to talk now?"
>once the glass is empty I'll break it suddenly without warning and start counting the glass shards on the table
>pressure him more for information until he breaks and talks

Torture his family in front of him

Easy, I just say "tell me what I want to know and you can have lunch.".
Then show the google pic related


pick one.

>walks into the room wearing leathertrenchcoat.jpg and aviator sun glasses
>lights a cigarette
>takes a dramatic drag of smoke
>steps into the kitchen, sets tea pot on high
>pot slowly begins to whistles, tension builds
>pulls out switch blade
>reaches into trenchcoat.jpg
>pulls out grape fruit
>slowly sink blade into grape fruit
>whistling intensifies
>takes bite, chews it and spits out skin
>pot is ration raging
>lowers aviators
>looks eyes
>looks down at his feet


pic related

Kek underrated

Talk up the people you work for in vague, grandiose terms, things like "the company sent me for such and such" should work wonders. Give him a good monologuing while you slowly put on nitrile exam gloves. (ask if he's got a latex allergy while you're at it, or any other health problems you should know about. Allergies, reactions to certain drugs, pacemaker, epilepsy.) Bring over your table of tools, and show him each one separately, with a vagueish reason what you have each of them for. Maybe throw in a story of the one time in Paraguay when you used such and such on a cartel hitman and he spilled an hour in. Too bad they couldn't put him back together just right, though...

Then pull out the doctor's bag. Say that your employers need him alive in case his info is bad. Let him know that there are plenty of states of "alive."

Also let him know that if he doesn't give you what you want in this session, you'll drag his family in here, and let him spectate the next one. That should make him spill.

As to how long, just keep talking until he spills, or you run out of material. If he's stubborn, have one of your conspirators call you out of the room so he can stew for a while. Give him a family photo to ponder for a bit while you're gone, and make sure your tools are in full view.

Hope this helps you beat it, user. I put my heart into it. I really did.

>Being this un-American...

Set out a can of gasoline, a lighter, and a fire extinguisher on a table next to him. Explain to him "Listen, I AM going to set you on fire. There's no way you can avoid that. What you CAN influence is how quickly I use the extinguisher to put you back out. When you tell me what I want to know, I'll put it out, OK? Here we go." Pick up the gas can and pour it all over him, then pick up the lighter.

If he isn't talking by then, I'm screwed, because you're too much of a pussy to let me actually light him up.

chinnese water torture

just takes longer than waterboarding. like hours or days before they break. but it will work. flat, hard surface. chilled room.

It has begun shows him all of the dank ass spudermun memes he'll break in 6 min flat


otherwise, depends on what you mean by physical torture. technically being tied to a chair could be physical torture depending on the specific conditions. The parameters are too vague.

>don't let him eat for a day
>feed him 1lb of shrooms
>take him from the neutral kitchen setting once he starts tripping
>clockwork orange his eyes
>closeup of an extremely fat man's asshole, farting on loop
>curved hd tv
>bass heavy speaker system
>heaters keeping the room at 85 degrees
>fans wafting raw sewage odour directly at him
>no light except for tv

trying too hard = fail

sit with a bucket of KFC and proceed to eat in front of him. When you see the drool running from under his mouth gag he is ready to crack and talk.

Ask him for the intel just once then pull up a chair and wait.
I'll eat and drink but he won't get shit until he speaks. I'll just remain silent and observe him.
Should take around 3-4 days. At most 5-7.

torture actually doesn't work:

give him a joint and get him to blab

how he gonna talk wit dat fing on his mouf

shoot him up with heroine for about a week straight, then with hold it from until he talks, but have a syringe ready to go right in front of him

give him chicken and melons for info

That's why I didn't say to drill his kneecaps and elbows.

What do you want? Name Calling?

Although somewhat dangerous. Let's not going in to untying. But make the atmosphere and mood more relaxed. I guess somewhat try to convince him that you are not all that bad.

Being nice rather than torture can lead someone to automatically spilling the beans without them noticing... Until it's to late right after.

>you cannot actually physically torture him
torture his family instead

do this to him shouldnt take too long