This is all the money I have. I stopped counting after $2.00. Don't know what it is exactly...

This is all the money I have. I stopped counting after $2.00. Don't know what it is exactly. I live close to Walmart and I'd like to buy something to eat. Won't eat ramen noodles. Needs to be prepared without cooking. Would appreciate your suggestions.




Are you fucking 12?

Probably some 20 something that's not allowed to enter or the fridge or else his parents will kick him out. Lol

beans and rice are the standard poor person food for those who have to live on 10 dollars a week. steal some hot sauce packets from taco bell, totally edible.

but for reals how about bananas? you can get like 6 of them for 2 bucks.

A small bottle of edible lube

Good one.

spam 2.50$

Get the big hoagie sandwich it should last you a day or two

Poverty sucks user. If it were me and I still ate meat, I'd get a can or two of Dinty Moore beef stew. You can eat it cold and it'll fill you up nicely. Good luck, dude.

>buy pack of plasticware
>take out knife
>cut off dick
>eat a dick

learn to cook
cuts food costs by 30-60%


Lol, poor people.


Chicken noodle soup $1.00 a can

None of these are good but you get what you pay for.

walmart is huge you can practically grab something eat it and walk around

bananas are literally 68 cents a pound, get a fuck ton of nanners and that will keep ya full

i've seen some people eat chef boyardee ravioles straight out of the can (not warming it up) it's technically pre-cooked beef, tomato sauce, pre-cooked pasta so i'd say there's nothing wrong with it you should probably do that they go for like 88C to $1 for a 2 serving can.

Dis bitch expecting all the dough to roll in.....we are so lazy nowadays.

I actually do this. Girlfriend and friend have never mentioned it as weird but other people say it's weird. How weird is it exactly?

if the can says "ready to serve" which is like 90% of all canned goods, not that weird.

>steal some hot sauce packets from taco bell
>steal something that's given out for free
>steal some air from the atmosphere
>steal some water from a nearby brook
>steal some milk from a cow
>accidentally buy the cow
>how can you fuck up this hard

>90% of all canned goods
How do you can something without cooking it?

I see those mexican coins there. Get every coin thats out of the ordinary, and you can sell them for extra cash if you go to the right places

>Mexican coin
>sell for extra cash
Are you fucking retarded? a peso is worth 5 fucking cents

people like foreign coins, and the right people like them even more. Youd be surprised what you can get for them, if you knew how to sell them

ey bby u wan sum fk

By sticking it in a can dipshit.

The canning process will literally steam cook anything that's not

Lunchables nigga

Hot dogs+ Mac n cheese