I have trained extensively for this day. Today's the day that I roll dubs. Don't worry, guys. I won't fail you

I have trained extensively for this day. Today's the day that I roll dubs. Don't worry, guys. I won't fail you.

Yamcha did a Yamcha, not surprising...

You're pathetic.

Faggot this is how you dubs


Get out of here, Mr. Popo. Before it's too late.

Holy Black On A Popo

Popo checkn

Fine, I just wanted to show these bitches how it was done. Peace, worms!


>bitches not found
kill yoself mr popo


Don't fight guys. You are all equally inferior to me.

Shut your mouth, Korin. Your breath smells like that fat swordsmen's ass again.

Yamcha cannot exterminate the Jews by himself, you know. He needs allies. Who here have the dubs to heed his call?


krillin is just as worse


fuck off krilin is cool


It's true. Krillin is the strongest...human.

what's with the hate krillin?

A new challenger has arrived.

Roll niggazz

Whattup bitchez?

No way.

I don't need dubs. I'm already... perfect.

>can't roll dub
kill yorself

Shenron, grant me the power of the DragonDubs


this is my normal state

This is a super saiyan

So let me get this straight, I roll dubs, right?

This is a super saiyan that has surpassed the super saiayn, you can just call it a super saiyan 2

Nice singles faggot


You're a faggot. You've always been a faggot, Kakarot

Suck my nuts


Aw, man! So close! Oh, well. Guess I'll try again tomorrow.

Did....I roll....dubs....Ed...ward?



Hi guys. it's me: sonicchu. I just got my own tv show. i hope you watch it

Repent or be exorcised

i'll keep trainin for you yamchu

I win.

Kind of busy here.

Know your place, yamcha