Why should people who pay no tax and live off the state have the same say as people who pay tax and subsidise the state?

Why should people who pay no tax and live off the state have the same say as people who pay tax and subsidise the state?

Other urls found in this thread:


a society is far better of giving out money to supply people with bare necessities for human living than it would be to ignore them.

because of the 24th Amendment

>poor people have other people pay for their food
>WAHH! Lazy fucking niggers!

>rich faggot brags about making other people pay for his failures at business and not paying his taxes
>Oh wow! Such a businnical genius!

Fuck USA
Russia is great

How so? Does this not encourage laziness? Why work when you don't need to. It only creates a class of parasites who don't contribute and can't survive on their own. It's why socialism will always fail.

oh yeah i forgot humans are perfect in everyway and we all experience stress the same way and unemployment is a choice everytime.

>pic applies to education, food, shelter, etc. so on and so forth

When your faggot trumplord takes the taxes from every fucking shitlord American company using offseas tax loops, we can talk. Fucking child.

the same could be said for national defense, retirement funds, etc. Take your juvenile libertarian fantasy elsewhere.

Definitely unconstitutional since I absolutely have to have an employer provided health care plan in order for me to get health insurance (whether I like that insurance company or not), and now I can't have any other private health insurance agency of my choosing, it has to be "obamacare" if I don't have a job or am not covered through my employer.

But when you provide peoples' basic needs, they are less likely to find themselves in a life of crime.
Your pic is pathetic bullshit because it's saying that the taxes it already Constitutionally collects are some sort of theft.
The government gets its money regardless. How it spends it is up to the government.
And if spending it in a way that would significantly increase the quality(and quantity) of life of its citizens, why the fuck wouldn't it? Literally every other first world country has basic healthcare for everyone.
And "socialism" has nothing to do with a large government. That picture is downright pathetic.
There is such thing as democratic socialism, which is doing wonders for quality of life in Europe, especially Scandinavia. The fact that you don't understand democratic socialism and equate it with authoritarian socialism just shows how pathetic you really are.

National defense is both constitutional and wise. Most other crap is not.

But that's a socialist army.
And if some nigger robs you, you call the socialized security officers.
If your house is on fire, you call the socialized department who specializes in putting out fires.
Not to mention all the socialized paved roads you drive on(well, your mommy drives you on) and the socialized water that gets delivered to your house and the socialized men who show up to your house early mornings and take away your garbage.
Garbage men aren't in the Constitution. But we have them because it makes life better for everyone. Your argument is invalid.

Imma have to say that isn't a word.

Totally, we should just let the people who have the most money have the biggest say, politically.
That would make a nice change.

>But when you provide peoples' basic needs, they are less likely to find themselves in a life of crime.
Bullshit, look at niggers. Top users of welfare and commit the most crimes.

>Your pic is pathetic bullshit because it's saying that the taxes it already Constitutionally collects are some sort of theft.
Taxes are theft technically speaking, but I think some are necessary for national defense and such.

>The government gets its money regardless. How it spends it is up to the government.
You make it sound like an authoritarian system. I'm glad we agree.

>And if spending it in a way that would significantly increase the quality(and quantity) of life of its citizens, why the fuck wouldn't it? Literally every other first world country has basic healthcare for everyone.
We'll have a far more prosperous nation if everyone pulls their own weight. Imagine how much better society would be if all those lazy welfare leeches worked and contributed instead of just taking drugs and committing crime.

>And "socialism" has nothing to do with a large government. That picture is downright pathetic.
Socialism is the ultimate in big government, it's when it takes control of everything, seizing the means of production on behalf of the people.

There is such thing as democratic socialism, which is doing wonders for quality of life in Europe, especially Scandinavia. The fact that you don't understand democratic socialism and equate it with authoritarian socialism just shows how pathetic you really are.
They're not socialist, they're social democracies. The means of production aren't sezied by the workers, they're freaking market economies with social safety nets. Learn what socialism actually is.

Pic shows what a failure those social democracies are.

I see we got a fellow voluntirist here

Cool, let's just let government do everything then! Let's just go full commie since government is so good. Retard.

Yeah. We had to defend ourselves against the Nicaraguans, Vietnamese, Hondurans, Chileans, Cambodians, Laotians, Panamanians, Cubans, Grenadians, Haitians, Iraqis, Lebanese, Somalis, Venezuelans, Mexicans, Chinese, Bosnians, Afghans, and Pakistanis, to name a few. We have been so wise.

>We stand for organized terror - this should be frankly admitted. Terror is an absolute necessity during times of revolution. Our aim is to fight against the enemies of the Soviet Government and of the new order of life. We judge quickly. In most cases only a day passes between the apprehension of the criminal and his sentence. When confronted with evidence criminals in almost every case confess; and what argument can have greater weight than a criminal's own confession?
>We will turn our hearts into steel, which we will temper in the fire of suffering and the blood of fighters for freedom. We will make our hearts cruel, hard, and immovable, so that no mercy will enter them, and so that they will not quiver at the sight of a sea of enemy blood. We will let loose the floodgates of that sea. Without mercy, without sparing, we will kill our enemies in scores of hundreds. Let them be thousands; let them drown themselves in their own blood. For the blood of Lenin and Uritsky, Zinovief and Volodarski, let there be floods of the blood of the bourgeois - more blood, as much as possible.
>Felix Dzerzhinsky

>There is such thing as democratic socialism, which is doing wonders for quality of life in Europe
>cheery picks examples for democratic socialism, and only picks successful examples
>forgets about the UK and the NHS
>NHS has had more reboots, revamps, restructuring and overhauls than Spiderman

>They're not socialist, they're social democracies.
You wanting to distance yourself from the tarnished reputation of the failures of in-place nation-state socialism doesn't make your pipe-dream concept of democratic socialism any less relevant to the dozens of failed examples throughout post-WWII history, where the needs of the people outweighed their general worth and capacity to produce tangible equity.

>The means of production aren't sezied by the workers, they're freaking market economies with social safety nets. Learn what socialism actually is.
Is that why America is still climbing out of a regression, Canada more slowly doing the same and the Eurozone is suffering immensely under the stress of a threatened Brexit and 2.4 million refugees looking for free housing, food, medical care, transport and education?

Welcome to the USA faggot, didn't you realized it yet?

I forgot the > when I was quoting the other user.



Y should people who pay no taxes run for president

There should be a fee to vote. It could even be as low as $1-$5. Just that alone would keep the people who don't really care about voting away. Because even the poorest person can scrounge up $5 to vote if they think it's as important as it is. The money can go to the voting district to better the county/city and a lazy faggot that shouldn't have a say in how we operate can sit at home because he will be like "fuck that I have to leave the house AND pay $5? Not worth"

While trump may pay no taxes as an individual, I'm willing to bet that his corporation and all of his employees that do pay have generated more tax revenue than both Clintons combined. Not trying to defend him not paying but if you're gonna argue taxes in favor of Clinton you have to look at the other side too and ask yourself who's responsible for more dollars going into the govt. I'd be willing to bet it's not Hillary.

They shouldn't.

Only land owners should vote.

That's called a poll tax and it is illegal.

Well don't you think I know that? Sometimes things that aren't legal should be. And I'd rather have the people that care about this country and have some level of self responsibility making decisions than people that just want to vote free money into their pockets without having to do anything for it(unless they are legitimately in need) which is counterproductive to their impoverished situation.

Why should someone generalise and make stuff up, then start a thread acting like he has a political point to make?

I bought a foreclosed house during the housing crash because the previous owners skipped town. That makes me deplorable, right?

>Does this not encourage laziness

Disabled people - lazy?

Life isn't ideal, people aren't ideal. Stop living in an idealistic dream world because you're ok right now.

It takes one car accident to realise that misfortune can turn anyone's life into something far from ideal where help from others is necessary and you'll be glad you contributed to a system that cares for everyone as needed.

If some people abuse the system then they should be punished and it sucks, but it's always a minority exaggerated by critics and it is affordable within the system.

they should not

That's what private charity is for. Don't steal from others to fund a broken system that encourages laziness.

>lose the argument
>throw out abuse and straw men

Nice work, you just sabotaged any point you might have had by resorting to that shit.

He's right. Army is socialist, police, schools, fire brigade. And so on.

You don't need to "let the government do everything", you just have to accept he destroyed your point and try to offer a rebuttal.

Or you know, just get mad and throw abuse and make up strawman arguments. That's cool. Lets everyone know you're wrong.

Most voters are retired.

Take your failed ideology somewhere else, faggot

Because Americans are already underrepresented by the Electoral College as it stands. What crazy people want to see an even more skewed election?

For capitalism to continue as we know it we need billions of 3rd world laborers to exploit. Good luck maintaining that.

Fuck off and keep sucking cock in your gulag.

And you honestly thing communism/socialism is better? Yay, mass murder of over a hudred million!

OP here, laughing at all these people who think I'm a rich cunt who hates poor people.

Actually, I'm an average brit who pays his taxes, and who was born and grew up on a council estate (read "shithole commune") to a heroin addict and the 16 year old girl he groomed. I've seen all sorts of people who live off of Government handouts, from people who are badly disabled or who cannot find a job to those who have seven kids, commit fraud to claim for fake disabilities, and use every trick in the book to claim more money.

I think that only people contribute to the state should be able to vote for the people who are going to be spending their money. This doesn't mean that the the elderly, or genuinely disabled people, are going to be left alone because they don't vote. Only a small percentage of our population is elderly, but the elderly still receive their pensions as their kids and grandkids, who are taxpayers, vote on their behalf.

Well, communists turned backward Russian Empire with 90% of population comprised of poor peasants into industrial monster with nuclear weapon and satellites circling all around Earth. I don't see how Russian communism was failed ideology.

It always ends up collapsing, there are no freedoms of any sort, the people are miserable, and THE MASS FUCKING MURDER

>Dyadkin estimated that the USSR suffered 56 to 62 million "unnatural deaths"

Because tax and revenue are only a part of society. Also historically when the vote was made conditional it ended up with only the rich and powerful had it. At one point you even had to be a land owner to vote. That meant if you paid for lodging or lease farmland you could not vote. This was meant to keep the masses from having a fair say.

.... otherwise we're a banana republic of a bunch of bigots.

Choose your answer bith are correct.

Nigger you are confusing and putting in causation basic social contractualism (a.k.a. Rosseau's ideas) ans pure socialism. Also trying so badly to trolll with that simplistic and poor falacy.


So basically let Bill Gates decide what happens? Not sure if he would support Donnie T.

>It always ends up collapsing

What does? Communism?

You do realise that there are sects of communism that hate the Marxist-Leninist ideology that filtered through the Bolshevik revolution as much as any right-wing libertarian?

The 'efficiency above all else' and aggressive centralisation of the USSR is not the rule for communism. Indeed, many would argue that it wasn't communism at all at any stage.

Not really, robots will take the part of 3rd world laborers.

>cares for everyone as needed
See that's not what we're doing tho. We're caring for a crack addicted mother of 12 and all of her drug dealer baby daddies but it takes 3 years and several hearings go a veteran that had a stroke to get SSI disability(money that they paid into SS in the first place)and then it's the bare minimum and barely enough to survive on.

Oh of course, my bad. Your special snowflake version of communism won't have the mass murder and horrors previous incarnations of communism had.

Can anyone name a country which has successfully implemented Libertarianism?

I fully agree with you OP. I have often thought this very same thing many times.

I don't know specifically about the paying taxes part, but if you're on welfare, or unemployment are are 'able-bodied' then you should absolutely not be allowed to vote until you are not receiving aid from the government. Those who are disabled and the elderly are obviously and exception though.

Never argue with leftists dude. It's a waste of time.

CONFIRMED: Dead people are registering as democrats to vote for Hillary Clinton in the upcoming election.


Link related.

It's no matter how USSR ended up. If it weren't for commies Russia would have been now some India-rier shithole, no less.


They ceased killing people after death of Stalin. And people were happy because they didn't know the better way of life.

>It always ends up collapsing,

All empires end up collapsing. USSR was typical empire-type country. Commies or not but countries of this size historically don't exist very long time.

Because those two years I spent jobless sending out 10+ applications per day were a choice for me. The state isn't giving out a lot of money on welfare, either. Even if I was taking welfare/foodstamps/etc I wouldn't have been able to pay rent where I was.

Most people don't want to live off of welfare. It's not a good life to live. Most people want more than what a few shitty checks from the government can provide for them.

On top of that, do you know how hard it is to get a job when you're homeless? I mean, have you ever actually been homeless? Because that's what happens when the state doesn't help people who don't have jobs out; you get shitloads of homeless people, which is no way for a country to thrive.

If you don't give these people a say, it's quite likely that they'll wind up homeless next year. While that may seem like a perfect solution to you, that's a lot of people who're on the streets robbing you because they can't eat tonight.

If I were dead I would get out of my fucking grave to stop Trump as well.


Are you capable of making a point where you don't paint any aspect of reality that inconveniences your Ayn Rand theories as some form of caricature like "a crack addicted mother of 12"?

As if that's the rule for people who find themselves on welfare.

And yet I still do it. I'm masochistic

Russia is pretty shit tier now.

>Why should people who pay no tax and live off the state have the same say as people who pay tax and subsidise the state?

If that was true it would mean the end of the republican party.

>countries of this size historically don't exist very long time.

Weird. The tzars managed to exist there for what, six centuries?

If you do not own real property, you should not be able to vote.

>right-wing propaganda and scare-mongering

Alex Jones confirmed

You know those roads you love? Those are socialism. Medicare, medicaid, social security, etc... all of that's a socialist thing. Socialism is when the state gives aid to the people who live there who need it, and fuck all of your type who keep comparing it to communism. Just because communism uses socialism doesn't mean they're the same goddam thing.

>living the good life in mommie's basement

>Medicare, medicaid, social security, etc... all of that's a socialist thing.
I'm all for getting rid of that.

>Dead people
Why didn't these people ever vote in their life time?
How many people could there even be that never registered?


I'll take "Things That Never Happened" for $200, Alex.

You want foreigners to vote too? Haha ok Chinaman.

>government gives


Wrong, we pay for that shit with our tax dollars. Also, if this was done by private organizations it would be far lest wasteful and much more efficient than bureaucrats.

Because when there are millions of homeless you'll finally get a chance to use your gun


they shouldn't. It incentives people to vote for more welfare, eventually reaching a socialist tipping point when the lazy majority vote to steal everything from the working minority through taxes that eventually destroy the economy and country. Vote for business. Vote for freedom. Vote TRUMP

in the old days, for 99% of our existence as intelligent beings, food was out there for the taking. housing was what you can build. yhou didn't need to work for anyone.

>implying I wouldn't hire a private security force along with other successful people to defend ourselves from the parasites

By that logic, red states would have much less say in the election, just sayin

I'm just thinking of everyone I know right now. I don't think any of them (minus the old people) would be able to vote if land ownership became a requirement. And I doubt it'd be easy to vote in a couple decades if it were. People are needing to rent apartments more and more nowadays. My landlord's a nice lady, but I don't think her (and other people who own apartment complexes), large businesses (fuck the Waltons), and other rich people should be the only ones making the decisions.

>look at niggers. Top users of welfare
>Top users of welfare
>Top users

Bullshit! There are more whites on welfare than blacks you dumb fuck.

You really must feel prepared for any eventuality with those lovely cartoons of yours...It's like watching someone who found their political and economic ideology through picture books and Cred Forums memes, rather than from actual reading.

It really demonstrates the extent of your lack of reading comprehension capabilities when you said MY "special snowflake version", as though I was even arguing in favour of communism, instead of just trying to instill some sense of reality to the reams of self-congratulatory diarrhea that's coming from you and others in this thread.

Do people like you even care about making your country a better place, or do you just want to make fatuous remarks and abuse what you see as the enemy?

>Why should people who pay no tax...
Politicians have been lowering taxes to buy votes for so long almost half the households in America don't pay federal income tax.
Do you really want tax cuts to be a form of disenfranchisement?
Also, most of these people still pay into FICA, so fuck your pic.

As a percentage of their population they are

>>forgets about the UK and the NHS
The NHS is dying on its arse.

The population is ageing, and drugs/treatments are get more sophisticated and expensive. Some hard choices will have to be made about how much can be provided for "free."

The two years? They just ended last september. I was in Louisiana when gas prices dropped and shitloads of people who were more qualified than I was for the shit-tier work I was qualified for needed jobs. Made it quite hard for everyone to find a job around that time.

You could make the argument that only the top 10% or so earners/taxpayers should be able to vote- these are the net givers to the system. Everyone else 'takes' more than they pay into the system

>Do people like you even care about making your country a better place, or do you just want to make fatuous remarks and abuse what you see as the enemy?
I don't want it to collapse from socialism.

Yeah, when times get tough it's really best to just give up and go the American way, and let free market capitalism decide who gets healthcare.

>implying voting matters..

great idea, they'd just vote themselves more money and make sure no one can get into the threshhold needed to vote

oh wait it's a really dumb idea

Yes, I know we pay for that shit with our tax dollars. It's early and fuck semantics.

Secondly, why hasn't the private sector stepped up to make up for what the government hasn't been providing, or at least hasn't been providing enough?

raise the estate tax to 100% above 5 mil

use the money to give everyone who wants it free housing (shared rooms) and basic food.

you want to live alone? you want anything else at all? you need to get a job

i see no reason why we can't do that today.

What's wrong with that? It's moral and smart

Are you American, just out of curiosity?

why should the private sector support a fucked up system? that'd be dumb

Exactly, numb nuts. I was pointing out how stupid OPs point is

Dem quads
What if I am?

as some on whos dying ....no your right ... but the poor people will rob you anyways...let taxes and the such manage... fuck it kill us all... run the earth... with out us.

Why should it step up for no system at all?

This. Conservativefags always forget that their base is poor white trash...which is a larger segment of the population than the minorities they rail against for mooching off the system.

Let me guess you either
>live with your parents
>have never left the suburbs
>had your education paid for you by your parents
>came from a pretty well off background and have no idea what it's like below the poverty line
And all the information you get is from people also like this.

>conservatives are poor
>conservatives are rich assholes who don't care about the poor

Pick one, you dumb faggot.

Also, Democrats and liberals are supposed to care about the poor and uneducated. Right? But you're always quick to rant about poor people as lesser beings than you.

Because you don't actually give a shit about the poor. It's just a lie to legitimize your power grabs. The same way you pretend to care about blacks, while reinforcing the systems of dependence and poverty that keep them on your inner city plantations, murdering each other and voting for you.

Yeah doesn't make sense to me. I have some cousins that are die hard conservatives, not white trash but they are poor. They bitch and moan about govt spending this and liberals giving away our tax dollars that. But then they also complain when their entitlements get cut. Like its totslly OK that they get govt aid but no one else should. The cognitive dissonance is astounding

When more than 47% of Americans pay no income taxes, I wouldn't exactly call lowering them as buying votes. Giving "free shit" to people is a much more widely used tactic by politicians. Just look at Bernie Sanders for proof. Promising unskilled labor that they would be paid as much as skilled. Promising to forgive student loan debt, and make tuition free.

When you work out the numbers, this simply cannot be done. Even if you taxed the rich at 100% leaving them nothing at all, you could still not pay for college for the number of students that are out there.

How about instead we make it easier to get a real job when you graduate. Not an unskilled position which unfortunately is some of the only stuff out there at the moment for our college grads. How about putting caps on university profits? Lower the tuition a little bit that way. Do these glorified teachers (professors) really need to be making over $100K / year? They are the ones teaching people that it should be free, yet they live pretty damn good for what they do.

The problem with the government taking even more is, that they already waste way too much now. How about they get their affairs in order first. Billions of tax dollars wasted on stupid shit. Much of it is payback for political favors too. The whole system has become corrupt, and we need to get rid of them all and start fresh. Term limits should be on everything.

That's WHY you need regulations!
Unregulated capitalism is the cause of every single recession, which causes a hole lot of our other problems.

>don't care about the poor

tfw conservatives give more to charity than liberals

Educate yourself.

>the conservative base is poor
>Conservative leadership are rich assholes who dont care about the poor
There, fixed that for you

It's smart that Americans, who live in a country that still produces one of the highest amounts of wealth per capita, is foisting 10s of 1000s of dollars on middle and lower income earners because they couldn't afford decent insurance?

It's moral to have members of the lower half of a supposedly wealthy population often die needlessly because of avoidance of hospital costs, etc?

When I was 15, I needed an extremely technical operation on my left arm around the elbow to reconstruct damaged nerves, without which I would no longer have the motor use of my left hand.

Without a socialised healthcare system, my family likely wouldn't have been able to afford it (~92,000 euros), and I would have use of only my right hand today. Instead, I did get the operation, and like so many other people, benefited directly from a society that isn't so far up its own arse with insecurity that it can't even pay money to fucking fund a system that saves people's lives because "hurrhurhur socialism kills, look at Stalin. Checkmate libucks hurr"

I cannot express how fucking delighted I am that I don't have a society that is paralysed by selfish fucking morons like you.

>complete bullshit lies and right-wing propaganda

a simple google search will prove your wrong.

>a person who gives more to the government but then steals a lot back is better than the person who gives their fair share.

>implying those Blackwater thugs wouldn't just put a bullet in your head and take all your shit

yeah exactly. don't give anyone money, don't pay into charities - these things just help a broken system.

That's fucking retarded and you know it.

Listen kiddo, I've heard enough horror stories about the Canadian health system to know that socialized medicine is horrible and ineffective. It's better to go bankrupt than to be subject to any socialized health system.

it's both. the poor ones dream of being rich and hte rich ones are doing everything they can to stop the poor ones from getting rich.

the leaders of the democrats may not like the poor but the millions of regular democrat voters do. certainly a lot more than the republicans.

you mean you've heard enough propaganda

probably the ideal would be a two tier system, closer to the UK. basic free service and a paid accelerated system if you can afford it.

The thing about socialized health care is, comparatively, it sucks shit. It's great if the worst thing you ever contract is a cold.

That wouldn't be too bad, but as long as the wealthy get the better healthcare, I'm okay with it.

Found the libcuck. One in every thread these days.

I heard of patients waiting -years- to see a specialist.


If you do actually have horror stories from the Canadian system to tell, go through them and explain how they prove the American system to be superior?

If I have to pay you to not be a criminal, die.

i'm a liberal, yes. what's your point?

the american system is superior to any in the world, if you actually have health insurance. my employer provides it and i have access to the best doctors in the world, living in nyc.

the poor can still get help if they need it.

the middle class without jobs too, but they'll be saddled with bills they can't pay.

Because they are the Helots, but instead of virtuously belonging to the State they belong only to the Democrats.

Come Cred Forumsrothers, let us supp upon the black stew and we can discuss our rheta.

Most blacks in the US live in red states. That's why red states are poor as dirt, idiot.

You're either too young to know any better, or too stupid.

it's also the redneck poor white trash trailer park dwellers that do it

I don't think anyone understood the point you were trying to make, but I commend you for that made up word you used.

yep, without the electoral college the republican party would disappear, with all focus on elections at major cities.

Shitloads of poor white people...

> has nothing to do with largest black population in US, who just so happen to steal everything you own, rape and murder the shit out of you, are far more racist against you than whites are against blacks, etc.

In other words, you're a fucking moron.

Tell me again how blacks are the way they are because of what whites did to them centuries ago.. but white trash isn't the way it is because of what blacks are doing to them right fucking now.

Or your parents could've taken the responsibility to insure your stupid ass and you would've gotten the surgery anyway and by doctors who have been made better through competitive capitalism. In the grand scheme you likely would've paid between $500-$2000(depending on the insurance) but you would've received the care needed. This is the reality for most Americans. We're not dying in the streets in masse because nobody can afford to go to the doctor.

take a stroll through Kentucky, West Virginia, SE Ohio... all Trump strongholds, all white squalor

And to add. We have a govt ran healthcare system. It's called the VA. I don't want every one of my hospitals to be like a VA hospital.

All poor as dirt yet.. they don't rob rape and murder the fuck out of humans.

Tell me again how poverty is the cause of criminality, and how whites somehow aren't subject to your causes?

Usa hasnt collapsed. You cant say all empires collapse faggot.

incoherent, the post.

your meme is crying. just like you.

remember to thank obarry on the way out.

you're a coward

i live around millions of diverse people and have never had a problem. white people rob and steal too.

stop being so fucking afraid

never worked a day in his life.

plenty of white people rob and murder too, idiot

Aw, that's cute. The liberal can't counter so he resorts to baseless personal insults when faced with facts.

> I've never seen liberals do that before...

Yes, yes we know. The part that counts is that they don't do it anywhere near as much as blacks.

Do you follow, derpowitz?

Y do you post non arguments?

Not him but percentage wise far more blacks murder than whites. Like ridiculously more

When my house is on fire I call a group of people whom volunteer to come out the fire out.

nice thought out post. to bad user the retard answered.

maybe our ancestors shouldn't have selected them based on strength, power and penis size. sounds like buyer's remorse to me

such a silly post. hmmm, user what have you paid?


per capita is a non-argument. it's meaningless.

Your pic is stupid and false. Everybody pays tax in one way or another. Some people pay more or in different ways than others based on income level. And you just want rich to have more votes than poor.

Fuck that. People like you should be publicly executed with steak knives.

Conservatism is a dying ideology.

cuz thats a good state

They were the cheapest, and most abundant. It had nothing to do with strength, power, etc.. it was cost and availability.

There were and still are white slaves, user.

Even black slavers owned white slaves in the US during the AST.

you need to grow up a little sweetie before you post again.

Not en masse, but there is an inordinate amount of strain of the US healthcare system because people avoid hospitals until they no longer can, causing enormous complications where there needn't have been any if treatment was free at the point of access. So there's your inefficiency (and tax dollars) being squandered. Of course, there are some who do put it off for so long that their condition causes them to essentially drop dead. Not that that seems to bother you. Certainly doesn't cost anything...

You really are delusional if you think most Americans receive the care they need for "$500-$2000", especially in cases like mine where it was an extremely risky and complicated operation. This really is a case of someone who needs to literally walk of their home and ask your fellow citizens what their experiences are.

By the way, my parents did pay for insurance. The combination of insurance and state aid is exactly how they could shoulder a ~90,000 cost with such short notice. In the end, because of their fairly decent income, they paid ~15,000. If they were poorer, more would have been paid for them. I really don't understand how free market capitalism could improve this situation? Something something 'invisible hand' making everything competitive?

Yeah, facts and science are lies white people use to persecute blacks.

Sigh. The stupidity.

thank you for the tears.

I didn't.

the problem is you just don't understand statistics. and someone who put together a pretty meme that you saw took advantage of that.

the democrats

it's an attempt to take power away from the cities. the republicans should want it to stand as is.

> "per capita doesn't matter"


> "you don't understand statistics"

You're either stupid, or stupid.

Which is it?

How is it that roughly 3-6% of the entire population commits between 45-57% of all murders depending on the year? And how is that a non argument? Not the guy you replied to btw

the fact that you think this is an argument proves you have no clue.

but please, continue to believe the memes. i don't give a shit. yuo're in the minority, thankfully.

ok, not an argument, but a good question. Why should a repeated tax evader (not avoidance, which is legal, but evasion - by false claims about charity payments he did not make as well as off shore banking and other extrememly dodgy deals) who has paid no tax (and thinks that makes him smart) have any say in how tax revenue is spent. he thinks it is smart not to fund our defence - so he wants to be commander in cheif? fuck him. he thinks it smart not to pay Veterans pensions? Fuck him he thinks it smart not to pay for roads and airpotts and heatlh care and education and disease control, and environmental protection and drugs regulation and research into cancer, the internet, the space program, foreign aid that builds our security int he world and all the other things taxes pay for that let him live in a civil society that he can leech off? Fuck him. But don't vote for the greedy bastard. Because he has been robbing the country blind for years and won't stop because he is in the whitehouse.

it is a good fucking question.

Now that heroin is rampant in rural white communities, violent crime is rising. There was an entire white family executed in rural Ohio this year.

> never go full retard

you came to the wrong place to make this argument m8. this place is mostly suburban white children who have been brainwashed by liberal teachers. sit back and watch the tears flow as they cry because you hurt their fragile ego's.

It's called a deductible fuckwit. I get all the care I need and my out of pocket expenses(for me but I have great insurance) will total $400 every year with the occasional $20-$50 here and there for dr visits and vision and dental.

this is where we are headed with our current system.
the rich will control you.

How does one example prove anything, in any way whatsoever? You could post dozens, hundreds.. and they wouldn't mean anything given a population of 160 or so million.

I mean.. you're kidding right? I bet you and that "per capita doesn't matter" guy will somehow not acknowledge this, and instead group together and agree lol.

then you won't be needed. fire up the ovens.

If they were funded sufficiently, why would they have to be like them (if they are in fact terrible, that is)?

he doesn't. none of the beneficial billionaires do

> two years
> 10+ application per day

So you sent out over 7000 applications before you got a job? wow you must come across as a proper mongoloid or something.

It's called letting the govt run ANYTHING. Every time the govt runs something it's insufficient and overexpensive. Private sector drives down costs and boosts quality through competition and this applies to anything and everything. In other words you get what you pay for.

going to need some statistics kid.
don't link to some news article like you did last time.

>doctors who have been made better through competitive capitalism.

how did this happen? the ones who did it cheaper got more customers and that makes them better? the ones who are good can charge more so that makes them better?

No. Absolutely fucking no. Competitive capitalism has nothing to do with the improvement of medicine. Moreover, the US system costs twice as much as socialized systems in Europe, for a worse overall outcome. Yes some centers stand out as world leading, but for twice the money the US as a whole gets a fuck all back Competitive capitalism has simply lined the pockets of health care companies, not improved health care.

which is underfunded because the US spends too much money on private health care and has huge lobbys bribing republicans not to allow a more efficient and cheaper single payer system that would give better health care and be less of a drag on the economy.

what? an unsourced meme isn't good enough?

the real electoral map. the state may be red but rest assured the recipients are blue.

you mean there were no roads at all until socialism was invented?
how did people travel?

what is gerrymandering? clear sign that the republcians are fucking with the divisions, desperately trying to stay relevant.

being this stupid

Why did you crop out the source at the bottom of the EU country's non(kek)biased organization that created that to pander socialized medicine to the masses?

where in the contitution does it say that capitalism was the system that our forefathers chose?

which rights in particular are being violated?

I think this is not entirely true....

Top users of welfare are poor white people, followed by blacks, then natives, then Mexicans

sorry I made you cry kid

this word "constitutional" you keep using. I don't think it means what you think it means...

I know what deductible is, friend. I'm not sure how that counters anything I'm saying.

I don't know the exact details of your insurance scheme, so I can't really discuss it, but from the very fact that you admit that's it's really good (that could be an outright lie for all I know), does that not make you a little bit less eager to paint the insurance based US system as superior?

Could everyone get your superb insurance for $400? If so, what would you have to pay for a certain operation in comparison to your counterparts in Western Europe who are in a socialised system? Because I don't know the details of your scheme, I can't say for sure, but I can say for sure that many people in the US who are more intelligent and capable than you or I aren't able to get access to this fantastic insurance, and their lives are imo needlessly more precarious than they ought to be.

cities contain 80% of the population of the US. the focus in elections would only be on the cities and what will help city dwellers, without the electoral college

I have to remember this one

what is crying. what is a little man who is trying to be relevant.
every day kid the same shit from you.
its getting weak.

simplisitc black and white thinking suggests that you are simple. All or nothing is the cry of people who have nothing in their heads. As for the picture/quote call it what you will, yeah, it would be a lovely world if everyone was lovely and we were all lovely to everyone else and th love just spread and shared and everyone was in love and we all lived in peace and harmony and caring and sharing and loveliness.

now grow up.

Would the military or police be more useful to the public if it wasn't 'run' by the government?

We're talking about funding here; not letting politicians actually run the hospitals.



My specific insurance costs more and provides a $400 deductible for me and regardless of the operation that's what I pay up front. Anything not covered I will get billed for(last surgery I ended up with maybe $300 in bills and that was for my wife) family is $900 deductible. Most people go with the cheapest option that tends to range from $1500-3600 deductible. I'm having children currently so it's better for me to have good insurance. And I get to go to the best doctors for super cheap($20 usually). Like top of the line. Now that being said my mom had no ins and she had to have a hospital stay a few years ago. Accumulated a $16k bill. They looked at her situation and wrote the debt off(tax break I'm sure). But they didn't turn her away. That's not really happening here either.

corporate run police and fire would be a disaster.

just like states being more independent would be a disaster.

it used to take days to cross a state. now it takes days to cross the country. the federal government today is like states used to be in the past.

we won't be going backwards.

Find a reputable source that disproves his crop, then.

You have been listening to the Tory rhetoric that is starving the NHS to make it fail so they can privatise it and make billions by charging people, as in the USA. The NHS is one of the most economically efficient health services int eh world, it is one of the least costly with one of the highest ratings for service and treatment. The Tories, and UKIP have been lying about it (blaming immigrants when possible) for years. Also int he USA the republicans spread huge lies about it - no one in the UK would recognise the description they give (it is criminally slanderous).

forget what the big pharma and big health care lobby tells you - the NHS is cheap and efficient and better than the US system on all fronts.

It's ok if you want to deny what is happening to your white community. Doesn't change the reality. Take a drive sometime, see what's happening.

exactly. people are making these decisions and they do it on a case by case basis

now if some drug addict who keeps falling over breaking his leg every time he's hopped up on crack, that would be a different story. the debt likely won't go forgiven.

the system, in general, works.

but of course we take the one or two horrible stories and plaster it all over the news

i was out with my friend, he fell and hit his head. i took him to the hospital, panicked. we spent hours there but he never even got a bill.

Should've clarified. FEDERAL govt. police aren't federal run institutions. Military runs itself for the most part with approval from higher up. As far as funding goes? Sure. More funding helps. But look at it like building a bridge. A govt contract for infrastructure is $10M(for example sake). Ok so they spent $9M. Next year they get $9M. Now they're pissed. If they had spent the $10M plus another $1M then next year they get $11M. This encourages wasteful spending and price hikes for the sake of getting more. And it works.

He made the claim

You paid for it already. But you also paid for the crackhead that breaks his leg every time he's high. And that's not ok

well these are things that, if actually true, can be fixed.

by the way, the spending by the government doesn't just disappear. usually it's paid to every day american workers or contractors or businesses big and small.

why isn't it ok? who cares.

We already have more people than we do decent paying jobs, this is going to get MUCH worse as technology starts to replace more jobs. It's happening now and the pace is accelerating. We have to lose this "you must work to eat" mentality. It's old fashioned and will only lead to major social unrest in the coming years.

You mean people who use the little money they have to buy products which increase the income of the shoppers who pay taxes?
Gee, i don't know, i guess we should just kill those poor fuckers, while we are at it we might as well kill idiots who don't understand how the most basic shit works...

yes, even manufacturing will look completely different in 10 years.

we need re-training and re-education, preferably free, to prepare for a future where the jobs look different.

Denmark doesn't have niggers

Because they are corrupt just like how people who work for the the state/ have state jobs are corrupt also and make the poor people's live much more worse.

I understand that and that's how the govt can be used to create private sector jobs. But if you tell me a bridge will cost $10M it had better cost $10M. Building me a $9M for $10M is bad business and you need to be able to explain where that extra $1M went.

>Why should people who pay no tax and live off the state have the same say as people who pay tax and subsidise the state?

Because the constitution sez so. If you don't like it, you can try and get the constitution changes. Try to get the "equality before the law" clause taken out. I'm sure that'll be a really popular move.

glory to russia

Fun Fact: Red states rely more on Federal aid programs than Blue states. Red states have more people on welfare than Blue states.

they probably overpaid for either parts or labor. both of those things go back into the economy though.

You may not but I do. Idgaf about some crackhead who's prone to accidents. I care about me and my family and should only be responsible for them.

freemarket capitalism is not moral. Nor is it efficient. It relies on monetised demand - so if you don't have the money, your needs are not counted or provided for. If you can buy something then it is exchangeable for anything else that can be bought. so if you take all the trees and sell them, that is smart business. No trees left? oh well we have money... no fish... well we have money... no clean air... we have money. No health care.. we have money we can buy it, but everyone else can die. freemarkets do not actually exist of course (lack of freedom or existence of information for a start) and are distorted by capital being concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. You know that Apple could in theory buy all of the GDP of some countries for a year. Everything. Every scrap of food, every person who did anything in the entire country. Of course all the people would die from lack of food, but hey, money is all that matters, yes? because it is a free market?

free markets are not moral. They also indulge idiocy. We all love toys, and this year billions of bits of junk will be manufactured as decorations for halloween and christmas, with a an enormous carbon foot print, using up non renewable resources and all of it ends up as trash. it satisfies demand, but the demand is frivolous and stupid and the market is inefficient in that way.

>Of these 590 000[2] immigrants and their descendants:

200 000 (34%)[3] have a Western background (Norway, Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, UK, Poland and Iceland; definition: EU countries, non-EU Nordic countries, Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, Switzerland, Vatican State, Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand.).
390 000 (66%)[3] have a non-Western background (Turkey, Iraq, Jews, Romani, Somalia, Pakistan, Iran and Thailand; all other countries).

not a lot, but they got niggers


you live in a society. and if you didn't, you would not be able to survive. people like you love the talk but if you suddenly found yhourself in front of a mob and you had no recourse to the law you'd be the first one begging for your life.

voodoo economics site? please...

Except we aren't handing out money for the bare necessities. Some how every person on welfare has an iPhone, Xbox one and big screen tv.

That's no fucking excuse. This isn't paying a day laborer $9/hr instead of $8/hr. This is a million dollars we're talking about. If you have me that excuse you would never build a bridge in my area again

Careful dude, you might actually make one of them think.

>american system is superior to any in the world,
it just costs more and has more people killed by medication and bad treatment than any other western country, has lower health outcomes for the people who have good insurance and far lower ones for those without. it is a fucking awful system. really. don't read the propaganda, look at WHO statistics. you have a worse rate for childhood deaths than third world countries...

>muh tax loops
I don't think you know what you're talking about. You're just using buzzwords you were programmed to use to make a hollow argument that distracts from the real issue.

If you want to talk about money fleeing the country, we can. We can talk about the hostile tax environment the liberals have created that encourages corporations not to repatriate money because it's too expensive. We can talk about the (so called) "free trade agreements" pushed by liberals and progressives that encouraged corporations to take their operations out of country in the first place.

But I doubt you're informed on any of those issues beyond MSNBC or Al Jazeera talking points. You couldn't have an honest discussion if you wanted to.

no thim, but i'm of the opinion we should have higher childhood death. but i'm a weirdo.

Why would there be a mob? If there's a mob then they are probably acting illegally. If the police aren't already there they're on their way. And while we wait I'll be doing my damnedest to hold them off at gunpoint. I won't be going to hell alone. But your mob fallacy is what we're talking about and people don't riot over healthcare. Are we talking about a mob of crippled broke leg crackheads?

I'm glad to hear you're able to afford respectable insurance, and that your kids are covered by it, but you must realise that in a system like yours, you aren't the rule. People's expenses aren't usually written off, even if they have kids to feed and have to sell their house so as to not choose between having a crucial operation and their kids going hungry.

I'm not saying that people are literally refused entry into a hospital. I'm also not saying that the service you receive is poor; you are in one of the best countries for medical treatment if you can afford the healthcare. But as I said, it makes so many lives more precarious and miserable than they need to be to not have a significant safety net there if they are from a low income background and have medical complications.

you mean Trump, don't you? tax dodger who took $850 million from New York state funding, (and more from other places). in his case i would agree the man should have no say in government.

Donald Trump pays no taxes. He definitely shouldn't be allowed to vote, much less run for office.



yeah, you already live in a society then. sorry, you want police you gotta pay like everyone else, faggot.

Look it's this simple. If you want good insurance, you get it. There is no excuse. Poor people got poor all on their own. There is no oppression. There is no conspiracy against one person or another. There is only the choices you make as an individual and how those choices impact your future. It's not my fault Tyrone broke his leg on a crack binge. I absolutely should not be held responsible for it.



You choose to reside in the United States.. as part of that deal, you have to pay fees so the United States can continue it's operation.

If you live in a condo, you have to pay condo fees. They don't care if it costs money to move out or if you own the property.. part of the deal is paying the condo fees.. In return, the condo complex mows your lawn, takes care of a pool, pays for your trash pick up, pays taxes on land, provides area security, etc.

Think of the US government as the Condo association. You pay a relatively small fee, and they provide services. Too bad if you like the spot or you inherited it from family, you own the condo, you pay the fee.
The fact is, the system has been perfected so well that there really is nowhere you can go and not pay a condo fee.. so get used to it.

Except the majority of nigger welfare leeches aren't disabled.

>Poor people got poor all on their own

are you really so dumb that you think everyone in this world starts out rich? fuck yuo're an idiot.

I shouldn't have to pay for their healthcare. Everyone wants public safety. Not everyone wants to pay to splint tyrones leg every time he breaks it because he thought it was a good idea to do drugs and waste his money on killing himself.

No one is saying no taxes. We're just saying make good choices and provide for yourself for the most part and don't leech off society.

should you have to pay for policing of a felon? let's say he went to jail, got out of jail and then gets his house robbed. should we have to subsidize his policing? what about a child molestor who's out of jail.

what's the cut off for help?

no your argument falls apart almost immediately.

lots of mental disability is hard to spot.

Gotta love how the left pushes the Darwin theories and how there is no God. Then they don't want to practice it in human society. If you truly believed in total evolution with no higher interference. Then you would let the leeches die when they don't work.

No. but everyone has potential to pull themselves out of poverty. Unless they're disabled and in that case give them all the free shit they could ask for. They actually have a need. But if you're able bodied and are on welfare there's a problem. And it isn't the job market.

Sorry, but just because you have a huge company paying various taxes does not let you off the hook for personal taxation which you are legally liable for. that is special pleading. Look I runa company that pays a million a year, so I should be let of a million a year from my own taxation... i should get to keep that money because I employ other people...

not how it works, or how it should work. You should pay your dues, as should the company and all your employees. otherwise you are a freeloader.

so then when you said

>Poor people got poor all on their own

what you really meant was:

>poor people failing to make themselves rich is their fault

there's a bit of a difference, isn't there?

yes especially when you have fucking mansions and various servants

If you're an able bodied grown man and you're poor it's definitely your own fault. That's what I meant.

but of course you would first give everyone int he country the same amount of land, so they all had the same right to vote, and only lost it if they were foolish enough to give it up. Wouldn't you? because you wouldnt want to perpetuate a system where landowners ran the state for their own benefit and didnt give a fuck about anyone else...

The simple truth is that if you receive government benefits and are still allowed to vote, there is a conflict of interest. This is not debatable. This is a statement of fact.

When the government is paying you money and providing you services, and a candidate says "vote for me, I'll increase your benefits" or "don't vote for him, he'll take your benefits away" you are literally being paid to vote a certain way. You've lost your ability to to make a free choice.

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the Republic." - Ben Franklin

The issue is that there ALWAYS has to be multiple tiers of society. You can't have a world with nothing but managers.. because you need low income classes. So lets use that analogy with the condo.. say that this complex for some reason has to have some very low cost properties while also some million dollar ones. Would it be fair to charge condo fees of 1000 per month to the little 600 sq foot $30k dump? Fuck no.

In order for society to function, you have to have those people, and if you don't take care of those people problems arise.. either they leave, die out (which is also unethical), or revolt.
You are asking to make living virtually impossible for a large section of society.
Yes, tax scaling is absolutely necessary. The value of money is different for someone with less than someone with more... and you cannot condemn someone for having less.

This graphic was altered to reflect a conservative propaganda narrative.

Just about everybody pays taxes in some form or another. You clearly think only some of these count; which and why? Be as specific as possible.

you sound like such a pampered fucking twat who's never had nay responsibilies. if you had to support your ailing mother or something, or if you weren't smart enough to get anything other than basic manufacturing job paying minimum wage, you won't get very far in life.

not everyone lives on their mother's dime, like you, faggot

yes, that is the essence of the american dream. you can make it on the backs of lots of people barely getting by.

all you need is some marketable skill and some social ability.

and in that sense the system works fine.

while capitalism has never been successful in providing for the world population, and is currently using resources at such a rate that we will not be able to sustain our lives, never mind our civilisation, for more than another century. yeah, maybe we need a third way... democratic socialism perhaps...

That California map perfectly describes the landscape in our state. Liberal fucks on the coast with conservative manual labor in-land.

cities are on the coast.

when you're actually around other cultures you no longer fear them. you becomes less of a fucking coward.

>maybe we need a third way
Being saying that for a while now, but it only get's people to spout "your brand of socialism is still socialism" even if it has tons of captalist features... people can be quite annoying when they are decided to defent an ideology.

Aww, how cute... Fox News got themselves a Cred Forumsot

>the elderly still receive their pensions as their kids and grandkids, who are taxpayers, vote on their behalf.

but have no right to vote after they have spent 40 or 50 years contributing to their national insurance, contributing to the country, and still contribute through unpaid child care, charity work and just being human?

I speak as one who was employed for twenty years, well paid, paid my taxes and national insurance, and then was struck by disabling illness - I have been on ESA for years. I have tried to get part time work that fits around my illness, but it isn't easy, even as a volunteer -

You would deny me a vote, even though I am educated, and have been a contributor.

no mate, you need to think this one over

>people can be quite annoying when they are decided to defent an ideology.

And I'm to believe you're the exception?

You couldn't be more wrong friendo. I lay a lot of my moms bills. The ones she can't afford on her SSI payout because she had a stroke. It took her 3 years after the stroke to get approved to receive money she paid in. Yet some dindu with 12 kids and all her drug addicted baby daddies get welfare like that. I've seen this shit in action. Moms a veteran and govt run healthcare sucks a fat dick. And btw I do work in manufacturing. But I'm a lab tech making roughly $50k/yr. I know it isn't a lot but I haven't been here long. But I definitely don't rely on anyone else to pay for my shit and me and my family have everything we need. I used to be jobless and couldn't pay rent most months. Now I own and am about to have another property to build on. Don't tell me that you can't pull yourself out of poverty. Because if there is a legitimate reason you're not working then we wouldn't be having this conversation.

And what about the people who are barely getting by? You can't build a society on the backs of those who are suffering and thus unhappy.

In the fourth quarter of the 20th century we were on the backs of china, but now china is like "hey... we don't have to be slaves" and are bringing up their economy.. that's why our american dream concept is starting to falter. It can be remedied, but the approach will have to be vastly different.

Unlike places like Sweden or Japan, we don't have a monoculture of highly intelligent people. We have 1st world and 3rd world intelligence's.. we have to function as the master and slave.. in order to do that and keep people happy, disparity has to reach a level where those who are poor (lower middle class is more accurate at this point since most full time urban jobs pay over min wage now) can still live FUNCTIONAL lives.. This means affordable food and health.

I am not saying we need to give everyone the same prize for being in the race, but the losers still need water and maybe a T-shirt.

No, why should you? I'm just saying, if they believe enough in it, they will be annoying to deal with.

For every one honest person like you, there are a multitude of bad actors who would be intent upon taking advantage of the system if we allowed it.

It's not fair that you don't get the vote, but it's necessary.

i grew up in a poor family and now own my own business. i'm just not stupid enough to think it's easy for everyone

i have a marketable skill that i actually enjoy doing. hardly anyone does though.

Does it really matter? Most of you guys don't vote anyway...

there's a difference between saying "hey, let's try this" and "that's not what i was told to like so fuck you!"

one of those is productive exploration of new ideas; the other is what people do when they dismiss an idea because it sounds like socialism.

if you have the wrong skill set it is hard to get a job, especially in a downturned economy. Being over 50, university educated and not having a car can utterly fuck you up. Over educated for most low level jobs, and no relevant skills for high level ones, that all want young people at entry. No one wants a smart old man to hump boxes or flip burgers, no one wants an old man to sell cars or insurance (when they have no sales experience) no one wants a former manager as a line worker.

try it some time and find out how easy it is. (not the guy you were casually insulting, but been there and done that)

wow, I'd hate to think we had a system where any old average joe could scam the system; much better to have one where only the rich/political elite have that opportunity. that way, when we spend money unnecessarily, it's on important things like $10million tanks instead of $50 worth of junk food. glad to see the misuse of my tax dollars is well prioritized.

God, for fucks sake people
>Blame everything on a solitary reason
If you truly understood the economy and all the things that are happening around it lately, you wuld know that there aren't single reasons to pinpoint any specific problem right now, faggot


simply false.

There are many natural monopolies and many services which cannot be monetised or given to markets to fulfil as they are too nebulous to be marketable.

health care is one. (as seen in the USA, private health care is inefficient, diverting money to shareholders and running costs, not treatment, driving up wages for skilled workers past the affordability of the needy, only avalable to the rich, so not meeting society's needs.)

freemartkets are not efficient - they supply demands for frivolous things, and do so inefficiently by having resources wasted on failed enterprises and unnecessary competition.

learn to economics.

I'm drunk, on 13 grams of kratom, took about 4 hits of my herb vape, and just snorted half a bar and it made perfect sense.

yes, there are many issues. if you don't quite look the way employers want you to look. if you get nervous during an interview, if you have some sort of issue in your past. these days they look at social media too. i know people who won't hire trump supporters, for example.

there are many reasons you might not be in as easy a position to get a decent job as everyone else.

Not him but I'd rather have a $10M tank than feed millions of drug dealers on my dime.

If only taxpayers voted, then you wouldn't get millions of white trash jingoists demanding an unrealistically large military.

Also, manufacturing tanks and military equipment makes a shit ton of jobs.


what do you have against drugs? they're great. probably the very last bit of a truly free market too. grow/make your own drugs and sell them for profit.

I would chalk it up to migrant/minority communities voting for the candidate that is most likely to give them subsidies. I don't think anyone here fears other cultures as California is one of the most diverse states in the country.

The other aspect is colleges and college life, in general they lean left because they are full of uneducated people with little or no substance. Once a person builds up anything worth losing they begin to become more conservative, as you can see by voter analysis showing older voters are more likely to vote conservative.

>I'd rather have war than actually have everyone be happy and able to sustain themselves


bullshit. the more educated people become the more liberal they are. countless studies prove it.

it's the poor people who believe they're going to be rich that vote republican. sadly

Laws are there for a reason. And whatever that reason may be regardless we have to follow them. I'm ok with weed. It's harmless and will soon be a nationwide non issue. But other harder drugs ruin families and children suffer. And the people putting it on the street are usually driving around in escalades on 22s while they get $4-500/mo in food stamps.

You're completely blinded by the intesity of your own butthurt, friendo.

You're falsely assuming that there are generally two classes: the poor who rely on government bennies (the 99%) and the ultra-rich elite (the 1%). It's simply not true! There's a middle class that makes up a majority of voters. That middle class has more votes than Warpig McMoneybags, you fucking cunt!

You're fucking retarded. You can only imagine one outcome because your political ideology (which you adhere to with religious conviction) has thoroughly brainwashed you into believing this false dichotomy of rich vs. poor.

i didn't. but searching for similar images brings up a non cropped one that gives the source as "the Commonwealth Fund" a Washington DC based health care think tank... and it cites various sources, none EU....

Yeah. Okay. The major issue this is that most laws today get passed with a mindset of profit, not actually making the community a safer place.

Your happiness is not my responsibility.


I'm not telling you it is, I'm telling you there is a way of making the world a safer place for you and your children by doing something. Moron

not crying, but surely you agree? After all, Trump will make a whole lot of very rich people pay even less tax - surely then they should have even less say in government?

He said drug DEALERS, not drug users. Also, please elaborate on how a drug user receiving government benefits sustains themselves? You do realize the very description is contradictory, right?

That's not actually true. At least in GA it's a criminal act to use the breaking of a law specifically for the purpose of generation of revenue(think speed traps). The agency and city govt stands the chance for the GBI to shut them down. Happened recently in the city of White.

The point is that as with many things that a larger volume of people use, is that there's not one particular group using it :P Therefore, there are not exclusively drug users in that group, but actually people who need the money to take care of their kids, and their homes. Therefore, yeah, sustaining themselves.

i have a 6 figure job and sometimes i take drugs. just tonight me and some friends are going to eat a bah of shrooms

so what? it's possible to do both, be productive and use drugs. why isn't possible to be unproductive and use drugs?

So feeding drug dealers makes the world safer for my children?

>It's why socialism will always fail.
Point me to one example of a socialist state which failed because of laziness.
>protip you can't
I also love how you're using the hammer and sickle to represent socialism - the USSR was not socialist, it barely even was communist. The hammer and sickle represent the totalitarian Stalinist regime and nothing else.
>invading brown countries for oil is a better use of taxpayer money than financing healthcare to save the lives of your citizens

it's a long term vs short term thing

>It's a long-held political axiom, and it's upheld in a recent study by PayScale, the nation's largest private salary survey company. In research shared with The Atlantic, they showed that Americans who make less than $70,000 (about 70% of the country) are considerably more likely to vote Democratic. Those making more than $70,000 are more likely to vote Republican.


Sure pal, Universities are not full of educated people, they are full of the uneducated who are in the process of learning. Once they leave and get good jobs they will vote for the political party that favors the haves over the have-nots.

and you made the false claim that it was a Eu biased source when it was American...

People do drugs regardless if they are legal
illegal drugs are forced into black market
gangs/drug dealers have to resort to violence to ensure loss prevention
Legalize and regulate drugs
take away gangs profits
go to cvs
buy percocet without risking getting shot

the real problem is that money is tied up with crime. the two should have nothing to do with each other.

if you commit crimes, you shuold be able to pay taxes on what you made withot worry of getting persecuted for it. police should stop you in other ways.

also, why not let anyone, anyone, contribute any money, ill gained or not, to retirement funds? you still face a steep penalty if you get it out early and most of these silly drug dealers think they will live past next year.

Ask Donald trump . Apparently he thinks it's very American to not pay taxes.


but if it was built by private sector for 10m then how much would be spent on the bridge, and how much would be siphoned off as profit? The fact that they pocket $2m and build you a bridge for $8m costs by using cheaper materials and putting workers lives at risk through bad practices does count for something. Id rather have the better built bridge...

Guess who pays the least tax proportional to their wealth than any other group of people.
Spoiler: It's rich people.
Guess who has the most influence in politics.
Spoiler: It's fucking rich people.

Can't you fucking see that they WANT the middle class to blame the poor to distract us from the real problem? Fucking prole.

>everyone that goes to college will make more than 70k a year

You are in for a world of disappointment after school, kid

that's because they decide to horde money once they start getting it.

Republican party - for the stupid/filthy rich
democratic party - for the stupid filthy rich

Pick one america.