2MB size limit? WTF is this shit? Like half of my good stuff for posting is now useless. Discuss

2MB size limit? WTF is this shit? Like half of my good stuff for posting is now useless. Discuss

Does this mean I may as well delete all of my dank stuff as I can no longer upload?

MFW all my good webms are above 2MB

C'mon faggits, there must be more people that are outraged at this, not only me!

Really b/ really?




ok well at least I know that works



Is there one missing from this set?

well this sucks

Where's his nose nigger

I know. It sucks, its missing from my set. You got it?

Actually it may be the hair that's missing
Def not the nose









wtf is this shit?

I'm assuming it snot going to chance and I may as well delete a lot of good stuff as i'll never be able to post it again.