I need help Cred Forums

I need help Cred Forums
I have a bump under my penis skin. Something white comes out when i squeeze it. And sometimes blood. ( i've poked it whit a needle)What is it? I have it for 2 months now. I woudnt mind but i have a gf and i might get laid.
I would send a better pic, but 2mb is too small.
I would be really glad if you help figuring out what this is.
Btw i am positive it is not a STD.

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It's cancer. RIP in Papajohns

You poked it with a needle and its still there? Thats a tumor then im sorry

I thought it was a ingrown hair, so i tried poking until the hair comes up

cut your penis user

Is there anyone who can give me a serious response?

sounds like you got a pimple my nigga better amputate that dick no way you getting laid now.

Cred Forums is not your doctor

Prob just a pimple or something but we're not doctors


We're not doctors. If it's been there for 2 months, use some common sense and get it checked out. You're trying to take advice from dedicated jackasses. What'd you think would happen?

Congratulations user you have a fatty cyst on your dick!

You'll need to get it surgically removed, or cut your dick open and get it out.

Sounds like a simple pimple, god knows how tf you got a pimple on your dick tho

Go ask your doc

I hate hospitals.

You can do it yourself with an X-acto blade and some alcohol.

Just cut a little slit and squeeze it out.

Almost certainly an ingrown hair. No fucking way you're going to get it out by squeezing so don't even bother. And fat chance on successfully preforming the required chirurgical procedures in order to lance it without causing a massive dick rotting infection or accidentally circumcising yourself.

So... you're just going to have to wait it out buddy. And that also means no sexy times with anybody else other than yourself (although that wouldn't be a problem i'd imagine) unless you want to humiliate yourself by showing someone else your massive penile zit.

Student Nurse here, can confirm its either this or a tumor
Get yo ass to hospital OP, god speed.

Btw, ask if you can keep your severed dick in a jar after they cut it off :^)

How about you go to a doctor if you're actually worried about it?

Are you straight up retarded? Or are you 15?
Fucking hell mate

How can a pimple last 2 months.
I dont think so. It gets smaller when i squeeze it. Than it gets bigger again

Cut off your dick with a hatchet and film it.
Deliver m8

Cut the surface skin a little and pop the shit out of it.

What do you mean?
How long do i have to wait?

>cut your dick open
I'm sure that'll go well

your dick is complicated, because it's in such a hot area, the bacteria can form alot faster, try rubbing some toothpaste into it, the fluoride helps destroy the bad cells same thing with teeth.

I've tried that whit a little knife. It didn't work

wait, are you telling me toothpaste helps with zits?

See what's happened is you have a buildup of pus under the skin, but it's deep enough that there is a hardened mass of solid pus at the center. It's slowly going to grow and grow. The more you squeeze at it the slower it'll grow but you need to have the core of it surgically removed and the area cleaned.

Get to a doctor or cut your dick open and dump rubbing alcohol on it.


Instead of asking random fucking people over the internet, go to a fucking doctor.

Yep, it gets smaller and rebuilds itself, that's what cysts do.

I really hope you planned not to have a good sex life OP.

yes, its a known semi-natural treatment. because its removes bacteria and also the mint in it will help clean out your pores.

I am going to try that
Well, thats a hard choice

That is an inflamed fordyce spot. Google it. Lather your nethers with coconut oil before bed and wash thoroughly twoce a day. That helped me a lot.

just don't go apeshit with it your putting menthol on the sensitive skin on your dick, to much and you'll be burning for at least 20 minutes in open air.

I just rubbed toothpaste, should i wash it?Coconut oil? Are you serious?

Yes, I had similar thing op, it's a bit hard in touch, I visited the urologist once and he cut it off with sterile scalpel and hook, disinfected it with some shit, after that the pimplethingy never rebuilded. Go to your family doctor op.

Heey i have had it myself, it is a clogged sebaceous gland. Nothing to worry about unless it's getting red and when it's starting to hurt because that means it's infected. As long as it doesnt hurt or anything you can leave it there or you can get a gp to remove it (which is what I did cuz i thought it was ugly). Anyway, its no big deal to leave it there, there is a big chance it will go away out of its own in a few months.

I am trying get this shit off my dick whitout going to the doctor.
If i would want to go to the doctor, i wouldn't be asking you about this

just leave it in for like 20 mins then was it out.

You don't need to go to a hospital. Just go to a walk in clinic. Seriously, go book an appointment right now.

So fuckin what, if you hated grocery stores would you ask Cred Forums for food?

I hate doctors.

Yes, coconut oil is where its at.
Please take a few moments to read into fordyce spots and how to treat them. They're pretty common actually. ffs get the toothpast off your dick, dummy!

I would have had a garden then

Just cut it out and take pics fag

Had the same Problem a few years ago... i just pressed it out

It doesnt work. It gets even bigger after that

Bullshit, you wouldn't put that kind of effort in. You're a Cred Forumsro ffs.

Why? They exist for shit like this. Are you seriously going to take the advice of a conglomerate who would be significantly more entertained by you doing irreparable damage to your dick than someone who is a trained professional?

Do you live somewhere where you don't have free health care and you don't have insurance? I can see you being iffy over a large bill, but you really should get it looked at. Especially since no woman is going to want to fuck that.

Razor blade it off. Seriously I had the same thing either you go to the doctor and he does it is you do it yourself. I the razor is razor shark it should let just just slice it super fast. I held it between my fingers and sliced fast and clean. Boom. Done

here you go OP:



Don't be such a pathetic pussy. Go see a doctor to get it removed properly, or learn to live with a mold growing on your wanger.

I'll go to doctor, if nothing happens in a week

Go to a fucking clinic you tard.

dude just got to a doctor before you add scar tissue to your already mangled dick
gonna look back at it someday and say "why the fuck didn't i go to the doctor"

looks like a Sebaceous Cyst, sometimes they don't pop for a while, put a heating pad on it and take sitz baths it should go down in a few days

Nothing WILL happen in a week. You've spent 2 months doing nothing but being a massive pussy, and clearly nothing has changed. Why the fuck would your dick fetus suddenly fix itself after all this time?
Go to the doctor now. Doctors have seen so many dicks (even kid dicks). They've seen so many dicks, some might even think that all doctors are gay. They seriously don't care about how your dick looks, they will just slice that shit off and forget they ever did it. Fucking do it, faggot.

I will use toothpaste for a week.
Thing might change

Has to pull out the sac and disinfect with bleach

toothpaste on your dick will not do jack shit to a cyst. Nobody has any idea what that shit even is. Toothpaste might fuck your dick up even further.

Same thing for cologne. I'd actually recomend it over toothpaste in this case since it'll be less messy.

OP heres what you need to do.
Get some cologne. The cheap shit like english leather, Brut, or Old Spice will be fine. Get a good handful and slather as much as you can all over your cock and balls. It'll kill anything down there and permeate the skin to get anything underneath the surface. It'll prolly cure that welt in just an hour or so.

Another upside to cologne in this case is that even the cheap shit has ingredients designed to react with the naturally occuring pheremones and hormones put out by a body to attract women. Being in such close proximity to the reproductive area will amplify this effect to the extent that bitches will naturally equate you with sexiness. It's human physiology and there's no way for her to not want to jump on your cock at some level, unless her olfactory nerves are fried as fuck.

This fucking thread.....

So you're just a pussy who resorts to trying to get some info online, but you ask fucking Cred Forums.

You're a turd.

I was considering cologne. I will definetly do it.

I hate other people

If you have a thing on your fucking dick and are too stupid to immediately go to a doctor you're not fit to breed.

Pop it an post results

Cool... if you don't mind can you take pics every ten minutes or so to show the fags in this thread how some simple knowledge of hygene and homeopathic treatments can go a long way towards personal health and better luck with women?

I'll use the cologne tomorrow, but if that works i will make a new thread. If it does not i have to go to the doctor

I had one for 3 weeks. I popped it and white stuff/blood came out. I think it was an ingrown hair or some shit. Looked exactly like yours. Do not worry

Just pop it an take pics

Ive had the same experience. After that it didn't go away so i got worried

i remember dat thread

>old man sticking dentures in sleeping wives vag

Sebaceous cyst nigga. Da gonna have to slice that nigga open and drain. You gonna need stitches and have to explain story every time you whip your dick out.

medical student here..
1) Dont pop it or stick needles in it
2) If you're a virgin (which you most likely are) then its not an STD
3) Its either an ingrown hair or you dont wash your dick...


i wouldn't do that OP i've put that shit near my dick and it hurts like a mother fucker same if you put it on your arsehole it feels like getting anal rape and not the good kind

I wash my dick every day. Damn every 12 hours.
It is not an ingrown hair. It can not be.

I am okay whit pain. I belive every pleasure exsists because of the opposite.

ok but that has nothing do with the fact that cologne is basically alcohol may as well just get some 120 proof vodka and use that, heck he can even drink some to numb the feeling of it burning on his dick.

Dont use "he" i am OP and i wont waste vodka on my dick