

>Kill everyone. Humans are a failure species. I long ago lost hope of mankind being anything but a disgrace. There is far more evil in the world than good. If we can't learn to exterminate all evil in the world by removing those that cause harm then we might as well just die. We have to be extreme to extremist. A nuke the entire middle east out of existence and let the whole world know they're next if they don't fall in line. Be peaceful or die end of story. Only to harm the harmful. Only to kill the killers. Put aside all emotions and go purely by fact and logic. This is how we deserve our own lives

I say nuke the black cube. Should have been done years ago.

Hey my post. Cool

Were you angry when you posted it?

No that's just my world view


So you propose that we solve indiscriminate mindless killing with more indiscriminate mindless killing on a greater scale? Doing this will not only exasperate the problem, it'll almost make you part of it.

>Humans are a failure species.

So what civilizations do you guys prefer over our own inferior failed civilizations?

I'm personally a fan of the Civilizations made by Birds. Specifically the CAW and the SQUAK dynasty empires.

I knew some predictable tired faggot would call op this. Please hang yourself


hey look another one

there we go, an user that isnt retarded. congratulations guy

I personally support technocracies. Let machines make economic and military decisions for us (since humans are just too fucking retarded to make decisions for others)

They would not be indiscriminate or mindless. The exact opposite. The killings would target the most violent areas of the world. If you are peaceful and want to live leave your country. If your government won't allow you to leave we will escort you and once all the peaceful have been evacuated we destroy your county. Go around the world taking only the good of mankind and destroying the rest when we leave. Then found a world where proper morals are stressed and the evils of corruption and greed are made apparent. After awhile people will see it's better and won't need to be forced. They'll all realize they're happier this way and the whole system of living in peace will begin to perpetuate itself. Then when crimes happen their won't be arguments. The guilty will be proven guity and killed or proven innocent and apologized too. And how will a know whose guilty and innocent. We have an actual fair trial looked over by people who have already accepted the unbiased peaceful ways of life

I agree. Everyone should be subject to machines. Including you.

I however should have control of the machines and how they work. :^)

http:// www .truthcontest .com/


Blunt peasant

Of course. I'm far too incompetent and biased to help grow an economy and protect people from threats myself, but a supercomputer would be able to do that pretty easily since it can consider many more options (especially things we might not even think of doing) than an entire team of politicians could...

Modify the algorythm and the input.
Now you can have control over some computer, car, microwave, phone, router, lightbulb, calculator, console, or their mechanic muscled manufacturers.

oh god that'll dwindle into SJWs being given the right to kill anyone for offending their stupid opinions or "hurting" their feelings.

I got it. We need uncorruptable Robocops that will arrest the leaders that do bad things and the leaders won't be able to threaten it bribe them l

That's the cincher. Sjws are one of the groups wiped out. And eveyone will be taught that getting offended over nothing is just as bad as genuinely offeending someone. e.g. you taking offense to my inoffensive statement is in and of itself offensive.

actually I was more or less thinking of something more realistic, for example: A huge data server that takes in massive amounts of actual data about the economy, crime, trades, production, population change, etc, and makes careful unbiased decisions based on all of this.

>Robotic cops
Those can be hacked as fast as you can call them.
Those leaders would bribe a hacker, programmer, manufacturer, etc. To not kill it.
And even if you made an unhackable bot (wich you can't btw), how would you make them target bad leaders? What would it detect bad leaders, if they can't see actions, Only values?

OP is hitler

Monkeys are drinking booze and stealing kitchen knives maybe they'll be better people than us one day.

Except Hitler hated Jews for things that weren't guilty of. If Hitler had done everything except hate the jews, blacks, and gays he would have been good. Back then if someone said let's kill all the Nazis it was a good thing. Now they'd be called intolerant of another's beliefs. Assholes should die not people ASSUMED TO BE BE ASSHOLES. That's the difference. Hitler had no definitive scientific proof that news were bad. If he did that would mean Jews were bad and he would have been right.

it would need 200 (countries) variables for every one of those things to make a very rough estimate, and some of those variables would need to be connected to other things.
So now you have over 1200 variables that will change any minute now.
Huge would NOT be enough, nothing we have right now has enough memory, RAM, cache or even space to save all of that data.

>"A nuke the entire middle east out of existence"
>"except Hitler hated Jews for things that weren't guilty of"
>implying you're ignorant enough to believe that literally everyone in the middle east is guilty

That's why precisely we haven't done it yet. But it'd still be pretty cool, though.

Robot overlord style. Make a near omnipotent robot overlord to watch over us. Have it be a supergenuis computer with ghandis brain or something.

Not everyone currently in it is guilty but enough of them are ( not guilty of terrorism but having the evil values of Islam [Christians are almost as bad]). For example if your a scientologist and aren't guity of being an idiot then your one of the scammers and deserve to die. If your your a Muslim that believes in killing people for just being gay you deserve to die. If your a Muslim that doesn't hate gays why the fuck are you part of a religion that hates gays. If you don't think like a Nazi don't work for them duh. If your with the enemy youll get shot. If you don't believe everyone that's musilm hates gays or all Nazis hate Jews go find others like that and form your own group seprate from the original group that's so full of evil.

Good luck with that.
Let's just kill all the nuggets and be done with it.
The nuggets
You heard me they plot at night our demise