Why aren't you watching this?

Why aren't you watching this?
Netflix: It's such a beautiful day

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one of the greatest movies i have ever seen. hertzfeldt is a genius

Easily one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

I would suggest World of Tomorrow before It's Such a Beautiful Day.

"Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead."

That film actually put some things into perspective, and helped me through a rough time in my life.

I will look that one up.

Oh but I have... many a time...


Because I want to give my self a aneurysm

2nd time today I've watched it. Beautiful and sad I am glad I have seen it.

seen it

im depressed enough as it is

I need to find the creators contact info

seen this and a lot of don hertzfeldt's other works including the world of tomorrow. It carries such a deep meaning exists around us all the time but becomes drowned out my the monotony of every day life.

one of my favorites


I don't know why, but I cried for 20 minutes after I saw it.

All of you need to go back and watch his first major release, Rejected.

Watched this a few months ago. Couldn't get it out of my head. Depressing as hell but also cathartic. Reminds me of all the time I spend doing stupid meaningless things. Don't watch it if you're already depressed, will just reinforce those feelings.

My favourite film :)

I love this and world of tomorrow. Thanks for this user gonna watch it again today, it's one of my favorites

ehhh, overrated. he hadn't really come into his own yet and was pandering to the meme crowd

I like memes though.

"Bill sees a woman's sneaker filled with leaves on the sidewalk and it fills him with incredible sadness "

Didn't know he had so much other stuff, looks like I know my plans for tonight.

Love this movie so much, cry everytime I see it.


When the Wind Blows is a favorite of mine, not Hertzfeldt though.