Ask the loneliest and most miserable man on earth anything

Ask the loneliest and most miserable man on earth anything

>never had friends
>obese with manboobs
>NEET with 60,000$ debt
>no phone facebook or skype
>literally cant remember last time I talked to anyone other than shitposting on Cred Forums
>no family
>headachess all the time

so ask me anything

wats kv

wuts kv?

What time is it?

What's KV?

kissless virgin

I thought I was on r9k for a sec when I saw this on the catalog

Oh. Why hasn't OP hung yet?

How do I avoid becoming you?

>n33t with 60000 debt
The mob?
Maid cafes?
Walmart grocery home delivery?

It's all a lie anyway

start practicing buddhism

or you might kill yourself as well

or do yoga

ey man, love you. Full homo

college failure

how do you afford living? you have internet too?

back in college I had a part time job
I saved some money
and bought a laptop

private college?

I took huge ass loans because I could not afford rent too

Okay so let me understand this...

Your life completely sucks and you have nothing that's actually holding you back from doing something new, aside from the debt, which you could probably escape if you ran to another country and assumed a new identity (just become a refugee or some shit).

So...... what's holding you back from doing something about your problems?

You already realize that nothing's gonna change, no matter how much you wish for it to change, or hope for it to change, right? Do you subconsciously enjoy your situation? I mean, if you weren't "content" with your state of being, you'd probably do something about it already.

And don't say that you can't do it. Of course you can. Stop overthinking things and just do it. Get a hooker if you have no social skills. Bam. No longer a kissles virgin and nobody has to know when you lost your virginity, or to who. One problem gone. Cook your own shit and stop eating junk food. You'll start losing weight without even exercising. As long as you eat healthy and don't overeat, of course. You can set up social media accounts and update them when your life is in a better state. This is hardly a problem. You can make your own family in the future, if that's what you wish for. Sorry about your parents if they're dead or if you never knew them. Nothing you can do about that. Dunno about the headaches. Probably a lifestyle thing. And friendships are easy to form. You just gotta leave your room, dude. Join some kind of club. Find something you enjoy and you'll meet other people that have that thing in common with you. Bam. Friends. And if you have no way to clear your debt you can just ditch your country and try your luck with a new identity, elsewhere. That sounds pretty desperate and all, but hey, if it's the main reason why your life's a mess, or just a major hindrance, then why not just fuck it all. What do you care anyway? You have nothing to lose.

OP listen to him

It's ok user. We're your friends.

>Shitposting on Cred Forums
You won't get any pity from me