I'm drunk as fuck. Ask me anything

I'm drunk as fuck. Ask me anything.

are you drunk ?

how many fingers are on your hands?

ayyy should i take a shot and join you? ive had a couple of beers but i could be drunk instead of buzzed

how many drunks am I holding up?



Yes cunt


what is the partial derivative of (sec^2(x)/tan(y))-csc(z)?

with respect to y

when's the last time you thought of where your life was going and why are you eating taco bell right now?

literally 3 days ago

I have one question.

Are you drunker than me? I'll throw down, I got a handle of rum next to me, already a 6 pack finished. DO YOU WANT TO THROW DOWN NIGGA? Because I'll throw down.

If you don't watch Tremors while getting drunk then you're a bitch made faggot ass fucking fuck.

nigga should i take a shot or nah

yah. take 3 doubles just for me.

Fist your own ass m8

Singles do nothing
Dubs shot
Trips chug
Quads whole handle.

Could you present me with a thesis about the diversions of the political agenda on the XXI century and its impact on the global economy?

You guys mind if I get a little sk8?

Yourw not that drunk, your grammar ia good

If I did that I would be sober. I drink on my own, you're not my supervisor.

Because my fingers are like little snipers. They hit the target even if the general is drunk off his balls.

Draw me like one of your French derivative

Which he is and he is telling me to post sk8 shit.

Incoming...many sk8.


Hang on a minute. 2mb. Wasn't it 3mb? Fucking 420chan is 4mb.

The fuck happened?

Well, there goes like half my dope sk8 shit. Thanks Billy Gates.

how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?