What does Cred Forums and other trump supporters think of us Mexican Americans...

What does Cred Forums and other trump supporters think of us Mexican Americans? I'm Mexican American and love this country but I hate how trump says all mexican immigrants are rapist and drug dealers. Thoughts?

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I'm Mexican. Do you consider yourself a Chicano?

Half Mex born in 'Merica. Fuck Trump. I feel like he's going to deport me and I was fucking born here.

Yes I do. I'm from Los Angeles so I think people would say my opinion is biased. I don't think there is any reason for trump supporters to want to build the wall besides thinking that theyre afraid that the "white" race is going to end. Which is ridiculous if you think about it.

Trump did not say that all Mexican immigrants are rapists and drug dealers. I wish you stupid fucking beavers would learn the fucking language before you all go about spouting your ignorant fucking misunderstandings. He said SOME of the people crossing the border are drug dealers and rapists. SOME of them are wanted criminals in their home country. Not ALL. But the fact that we have no control over who is entering the country through the southern border means there is a legitimate argument to establishing stricter security measures at the border and halting undocumented immigrants. Trump doesn't hate mexicans. People who repeat that lie are illiterate mexicans who are too easily offended and political opponents attempting to smear him

It's going to be like in the hitler days where most german soldiers had no idea that jews were getting killed. They thought they were being imprisoned but later found out they were getting fucked in chambers.

White American males are probably the most paranoid, insecure and vengeful people on the planet. It's why they love their guns and hide behind god to judge anybody slightly different.

You only have to read the post below yours to see how aggressively defensive they become at the drop of a hat.That guy doesn't even need the truth to fully believe he's talking it.

Good one, Juan! You could try to make an argument and prove me wrong, or you could just be a passive aggressive little bitch and hide behind snarkiness while pretending you're superior you fucking reddit trash.

Sorry, I don't talk with rapist and drug dealers

Oh how disappointed you are going to be when you find out there already is a big fence on the border.

If you're not a criminal you have nothing to worry about. And you should feel appalled that the left has lumped you in with the criminals in their efforts to twist words. Because make no mistake about it. A Mexican American is an American. An illegal immigrant is a criminal. And I don't even like trump.

But it's true tho. You gun nuts are very paranoid. I mean you guys listen to alex jones and believe lizard people control the world. Grow up.

Im aware there's a fence you imbecile I've been to mexico before. I think the est. 11 million illegal immigrants along with the fact that immigrants illegally crossing the southern border is aadorable political issue proves IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK


But you do remember trump said even if you were born here and your parents weren't that you would get kicked out. I mean come one that is only one of the many things he has said that makes trump a facist asshole.

Not him but that's very generalistic, isn't it? I have a lot of guns. I carry every day. I've never listened to Alex jones and I don't watch Fox News. And lizard people? Cmon man. That's just silly.

WTF is a wall going to do that the fence isn't doing already? Jesus christ you people are retarded. When there's a will there's a way.

chicanos and pochos are not mexicans, a lot of you are even stateless

north american people dont like you so i dont know what you are trying to achieve by going there and calling yourself one of them.

Cred Forums adores alex jones

If you think that's gonna happen you're retarded. That's worse than is saying Hillary will take our guns. It's worse because she actually is actively trying to have it set up for when she wins

Show me any source where trump said that. Because he didnt. If you have documentation of US citizenship you cannot be deported. How fucking stupid are you to believe anyone who claims otherwise? He did say that he intended to change the laws to stop female immigrants from using anchor babies to get easy citizenship, but it can't be retroactively applied. It's like you idiots just repeat everything you hear on CNN without bothering to do any kind of fact checking

Define "North American People".

A chain link fence is easy to climb, or cut, or crawl under. A wall is not, you fucking retatd.

First of all I know that will never happen but his intent is what troubles me. Second I could give 2 shits about hillary but I know for a fact she doesn't have a policy to "take away muh guns". You paranoid fucks

Lol that's what you think. Way is that really what you think?? The fence right now isn't a chain link fence. Omg everyday I find new things that make trump supporters look stupid. I might just screenshot this.

factchecking on "rebelmedia.tv" that is of course.
where non lying people do not lie to you. period.
also they are not racist ofc. they are just race realist queerphobes who want to establish a white ethnostate :^^^))))))))))

That motherfucker started his campaign on saying people like me shouldn't be citizens. Btw I was born in the USA and my parents both fucked in the USA while both being illegal immigrants. Now they both are citizens and I feel like that's a big fuck you to most of you alt right degenerates

I'd vote trump. Not for the wall, not for anything other than the guy is a total douche, but he doesn't have the connections Hillary or the Clinton family has. He isn't in that mess for donor dollars. Perhaps what I am hoping for is a reset. Someone who is so dumb that it will set back the system 10+ years just trying to figure out why issues are now being solved that are no longer relevant. However. Condition of voting. We get to shave that bastards head. That hair is fucking terrible.

i know what you mean and you know thats bullshit but ok

north american people today are the descendants of the colonists and slaves that conquered the land and the remaining north american natives.

hispanics and asians have nothing to do with it.
native pre colombian central americans have nothing to do with

You're doing a good enough job to prove my point already, moron. I'm not even Mexican you gormless cunt. I'm quite probably far whiter than you think you are.


No problem Cody give me a sec while I finish this burrito.

I didn't get close enough to see the exact construction of the fence nor did I care but literally everything I said still stands about the current fence. People are crossing it by climbing over it or digging under it or just tearing through it, shitbrain.


What makes you think people trying to live the American dream won't hop the wall?

trump is a idiot, all his followers are idiots. I think its a set up to show the world how many stupid Americans are in America and its working. The whole world is watching and laughing at Americans proving there point on how stupid America is and now its pretty fuckin sad. Its not all white people, its everyone that supports trump. trump equals stupid and i'm not about to hope on that train its going to derail hard.

Her official policy is "enforce stricter background checks and close loop holes to guns out of the wrong hands" which is newspeak for steadily legislate gun culture out of the US so they can outright ban them in another 20 years.

There's always the good ones and the shitty ones. I don't know what I would categorize myself as but I'm glad I didn't turn out a cholo or a faggot but a shitposter on a Taiwanese shoemaking forum.

What is wrong with that?? If someone is on the no fly list then maybe they shouldnt have guns. That is only say that there should be stricter gun laws so crazy people don't buy them. Are you anti American or something? Stricter gun laws = less mass shootings.

All I'm seeing is trump stating his stance against anchor babies, but nothing about retroactively deporting anchor babies. Which is exactly what I said an hour ago. I guess your people really are illiterate

I wish you luck to the wars to come.

The no fly list is an arbitrary list with no due process you can be placed on entirely by mistake.

You cannot revoke a constitutionally protected right without due process.

And mass shootings are literally a non-issue. They're statistically insignificant (along with gun crime as a whole) and are hyperbolized and sensationalized by the media. Gun laws as they are now are fine. If anything they need to be changed to be less restrictive.

A wall? lol, you do understand they barley ever jump a walls to delver drugs they dig and before they never let any terrorist in these tunnels now that might change due to trump. The government also makes loads of cash from drug money all over the world. Also dumb ass, its not only Mexicans bringing in drugs idiot its the germans, the italians, the russians, the chinese, the koreans, the vietnamese, the dutch, the cubans the list is endless but trump and his supporters are too stupid to understand this.. and when immigrants come from asia or africa anywhere they come by the fucking boat loads. I would be protesting all the rape and killing in europe right now I don't see a problem with Mexicans. Mexicans come here to work for cheap labor and the key word is (W O R K).

I wish you luck in the wars to come*

God help you.

Blah blah blah. I'm sorry Pedro, if you don't have papers you have to go back. And this time there's going to be a giant fucking wall to keep you out.

Prove me wrong faggot

If war goes come I want to be there when you get shot in the head and watch your family die. That would be great to watch when your face is all red and smell like shit from you being scared.

What """war""" are you talking about you stupid wetback? And I'll be the one making the head shots, kid.

Guy you replied to. She has another useless AWB locked and loaded. There's only one reason to try something again that has already failed. It's a stepping stone to more useless bans and all out eventual confiscation. Plus she gets a SCOTUS pick. If she wins guns are going to be her main target.

Man it's 4:41am right now and I don't feel like doing an investigative report right now but that skittles comment trumps son made could be made to the mass shooters. fagget

Don't be a little white bitch.. be a white man and call someone wetback to there face.. like i said, you would get shot and when you're dead your red neck dad will be crying like a bitch asking when you got rekt but he will know. Stupid inbred go back to fucking your sister and mom.

He said that to get more supporters and it worked. If you can threaten everybody of someone's race you can get a whole bunch of attention and possibly riots.

lmfao I'm not the guy you're talking to but jesus christ stfu you are nothing but an internet warrio lmao go to sleep you kiddo

Gringo here. Mexicans (and some Koreans) have saved the eastern part of my city with restaurants, groceries, small business. It was becoming very impoverished and dangerous after the Ford plant closed many years ago.

However, there is new money there and the city has noticed and like magic roads are getting fixed because the population now has money to pay property tax.

Honestly, I feel much safer there than anywhere in the city except for the super rich part. The rednecks on the southside are just cunts wanting to shoot people. Black folks downtown are super desperate and will rob you for your used bandaid.

Mexicans will just hand you a card for their landscaping or ferrier service.

Not sure how the lazy stereotype got stuck with them. it's the gringos around here who expect the world to revolve around them.

Legal or not they bust their asses and buy houses and hire me to set up their POS systems and networks.

Why is it black and white homeless people always ask for money yet Mexicans are doing what they can for money. A Mexican bum asking for oney is rare. They are usually doing some kind of work and not asking for handouts.

Trump is trolling the country. He is a joke. If you are legal (that should go without saying) and aren't on the doll. You're fine by me paco. Just wear a condom for fucks sake.

>eyyy cabron I'm a gringo essay leesin to me da blanca people are lasy we is da hard workers trust me mang I'm a gringo like u

Sorry Miguel, you have to go back.

And that isn't the same with Hillary? How many people can you pull the blinders over and screw? Trump doesn't have his hands dirty yet. He's nieve. But Hillary is well experienced

Ironically, collectively they are doing more than their part to "make America great again"

..and let me stop the first faggot who hollers about food stamps and shit. It's just not the case. Most are too proud and would rather starve. I see many disproportionately more white trash whores used ebt than anyone else

Sorry the truth isn't more popular.

Strong argument. You win.

Fuck you, Chad. Do you even have a job faggot?

Dude probably is smoking a cigarette outside his trailer park home. No offense to people who live in trailer parks.

I'm glad to see you acknowledge your inherent inferiority to the master race. Now please step on the repatriotization catapult so you can go be with your family.

I know why you're mad I get it. All your white women are making you think you're less than nothing, your dick is little, your not attractive, you stink your ways are shit. You're losing your women too Mexicans, Latinos, Blacks, Asians, I see more white girls with anything other than white boys I get it. People making you think your race is getting weeded out and theres no women/white women for the white man and it's becoming true. Live with it.. but don't worry if you do find yourself a chick she will be with you but fucking a colored on the side 100% guarantee that. So you can stay mad or just live with it.

What state are you in?

That's what gets to me about moronic trump supporter. Whenever confronted with his bigoted policies they always clarify the point for him because they follow him so blindly. Bunch of idiots


You people have been trying this for years. It's not working. In other words, sorry Antonio, you have to go back.

Mhmm ok. You are boring so I'll wait for the next reply from someone else.

While true that he didn't explicitly say ALL Mexicans were rapists and drug dealers, he's been pushing this wacky idea that the Mexican government is deliberately sending their worst elements of society over here. The truth is that there are immigrants coming in from all over the world that are rapists and drug dealers. My main concern with Trumps stance on immigration is that of the entire Hispanic population in America only about 6% are non citizens that are here illegally, he's going to waste billions of tax payer dollars to erect a giant wall and line his pockets with our money when he uses contractors that he owns to do this in addition to the wasteful spending of law enforcement and judicial hearings. It's a non issue that him and his followers are blowing up because, (and I sincerely believe this) Trump and his supporters are bigots that just don't like Non white immigrants, Muslims, and anyone that doesn't agree with them.

trump comes from dirty money and his hands are dirty. You have to read up more just don't shit something out your ass without looking at the tissue to make sure you got all.. u check you look into it or u will be walking around smelling like shit like all trump supporters do.

Antonio? did he fuck your white girlfriend and left you Micheal? is that why you're crying?

Haha little dick

Honestly I just couldn't think of any more generic mexican names so I googled some. Sorry Francisco, you have to go back.

You in Detroit? I can vouch for immigrants coming in and saving parts of cities that were once crime riddled ghettos. Mexicans, Arabs, Greek, Polish have all saved Detroit and its suburbs.

Jesus christ dude get out of ur moms basement more and maybe you will find more people and possibly make friends.

I have plenty of friends. They're white like they should be because they didn't come here illegally. Sorry Jose, you have to go back.

This will piss you off david duke, theres a white girl asleep right next to me nude.. she passed out after we got done fucking Nathaniel how does that make you feel jack? You mad, I asked her what kind of dudes she use to fuck she said only white guys and there dicks were small as fuck which i think is pretty fucked up thing to say but hey its the truth non the less. Iv'e seen some big white dicks online but theyre like spotting a unicorn in the wild ;)

Are they the best friends? I heard you have nothing but the best friends. Everyone says your friends are the best.


Is this literally the only argument you have left? Sad! Sorry Alejandro, you have to go back.

Who's arguing Sam, i'm telling you the truth Harvey. Sorry the truth hurts and you have nothing to fire back with Tom ;) As a colored person I've fucked more white girls than anything else.. hot as fuck ones too just a lot of them are crazy and latch on to my dick.. I fucked a set of white twins before it was hot but kinda weird when they made out with each other lol.