Bernie Supporters BTFO by based Hillary!

Bernie Supporters BTFO by based Hillary!

lol fucking faggots


Did you listen to the video or just shit-post? This isn't anti Sanders supporters at all.

>effectively calling them butthurt/misguided retards who they will trick into supporting them anyway

only proving her point further. Hillary is on another level in politics while bernie and his followers are just dumb angry retards.

Nice strawman.

Clinton is rightly saying that Bernie's supporters were primarily young people who grew up in the great recession and are finding it difficult to find work after school, dealing with student loan debt, and seeing large corporations seeming to operate with impunity.

I can't wait for November when this Trump shit withers into obscurity.

>actually processed what she said

>actually butthurt

>Clinton is rightly saying that Bernie's supporters were primarily young people who grew up in the great recession and are finding it difficult to find work after school, dealing with student loan debt, and seeing large corporations seeming to operate with impunity.

No shit you retard, thats what Im saying. Hillary fucked over Bernie and is now taking all of his supporters by just finding out what they want and promising them that because she knows how to play the game.

Her supporters are dumb and desperate and will support her anyway. This is why shes winning and bernie and his """""'revolution"""""""' will fade into nothingness

you can throw a stick and hit any candidate who's supporters are dumb and desperate and will support them anyway.

>mfw #basementdwellers is the number one trending thing on twitter now

lol faggot bernie supporters

>hillary not only fucks over bernie, but gets all his angry supporters to then support her by just taping into what they are mad about

>give some vague idea that "lol everyone does this"


official winner MOST IRONIC POST award

>dumb angry retards
You literally described every democratic voter for this election. Make America great again.

Cruize supporting trump

cool spin, honey.
not at all what was said.
nor was it denied that hillary swept up the berniebros. pretty crafty

yeah, you cant just agree with me after the fact and add a passive aggressive insult and then pretend you "got me" you stupid faggot.

Hillarys is winning and bernie and his supporters are stupid retarded chess pieces to be used and then discarded like the trash they are

a republican candidate supporting the republican nominee is nothing at all like this.

>still butthurt and aimlessfor no apparent reason

>still no argument

Hillary was exactly right about bernie retards being angry and confused retards who just want free shit.

Im so glad she utterly destroyed him AND got all his supporters behind her. Nice "revolution" lol

>CNN trying to bury this story with this


i still have yet to argue against that fact and wonder why you're raging.
i've accepted that you just presumed you were gonna trigger a buncha berniebros and just weren't prepared for any other response

>lol u mad

wow, amazing. Now shut up and vote for hillary

i literally validated your argument

lul wat