Why don't we just kill the poor?

Why don't we just kill the poor?

>no more welfare tax
>unslightly slums gone
>crime rate drops drastically

Literally no downside

Other urls found in this thread:


no more cheap labor that makes the world go round


I vote to bring gladiatorial matches back.

We'll just use robots

Killing the people who do most of the worlds work will have no downside?

You are as unintelligent as you are wicked.


sometimes the poor become rich
sometimes the rich become poor
Cred Forums would no longer exist without the poor
it's why you're here op.

Because Jesus said to help the poor, duh.

I'd rather a world full of poor people on welfare than rich people being greedy cunts.

Fuck the rich. Eat them or something, they're more useful that way.

>kill the poor
dude someone will always be the poor.
also dead kennedys.

I can't see someone as up-their-own-arse as OP to get into this kind of angry, fuck the state punk music.

Do you know what Hell is user?

You will know one day, I am certain.


We can eat their brains

I too like that band, user

who is going to work for you then?

They don't actually think 'kill the poor', they think 'fuck the state'. I figured that was pretty clear from my post, and that OP won't be into that kind of thing.

We just need better segregation, like the hunger games books.

It's already implemented by traffic patterns and general layout in a city. We just need to be honest with ourselves and take that next step to full social expulsion of the poor into their own allocated area.

We just gotta print out a bankload of money and then everyone will be rich.
Problem solved.
And yah, get da robots to do all the shit jobs. Fuckin robots

Why dont we kill the rich?

Bring it cunt

>Thinking he's hard while living a comfortable life sheltered by money

Oh boy, rich people sure are dumb. Can't wait till we get sick of your shit and bring out the guillotines again.

Then have fun build everything on your own retard so go ahead and make my iphone

The poor build your society. Only the non rich say stupid shut you just said

Try to kill me.

If they could've done that, they would've.
Turns out robotics still has a ways to go if it's going to replace farmers, cooks, and anyone else who's job requires different skills and even just moderate coordination.
The only reason it works on an assembly line is because it only needs to do one thing.

sorry im not a native english speaker. and your first post kinda confused me. got it now.

No worries man, it wasn't very well worded on my part tbh

you mean like in denmark, one of the most happy countries? probably wont work, ask the rich politicians, they will tell ya.

Because the rich got rich by being assholes and only caring about themselves. We're only gonna get fair wealth distribution when enough people are sick of it and we take their stuff. Fuck em, they have it coming.

Fuck off commie. Go wait in line for toilet paper

What would you say? Butter or margarine?

Why dont we take 80% from the rich and give it to the poor and invest in education and technology to extend and make a stable middle class?

redistribution is not comunism.

because 800% sounded better.

Plz kill me

This, and poor people are like cockroaches. No matter how many you kill or drive out, they'll inexplicably pop up when you least expect them to. The poor are so massive a group that they're nearly impossible to kill.

Because devaluing the currency and turning modern day society into 1930's Germany is a great idea nigger.

yeah i dun goofed

Still, taxing rich people is the best way to improve the life of the majority. The only big problem is that you can store your money somewhere else in the world.

>literally no downside

the super rich can't even get dressed without the ppl they pay to do shit for them.

Who would pay the rich people's taxes without the poor? People like Trump might have to start paying taxes.

lol, do you think you would be able to afford coffee if there were no poor people working on the plantages for way too less money?

And who will mass produce the robots asshole

i was sarcastic about denmark. ofc it would work. but right, for me as a german, our rich fags just put their money on banks in the swiss so they even have to pay less taxes. fucking dicks even pay to less taxes here.

maybe this will start the 4th reich

The poor and then the robots kill them

Which one of his videos is this gif from?

Actually this. I know I sound like an asshole, but they're a drain on society, they're stinky, they're always needing something. Why do we have to endure these assholes who can't keep their shit together?

When it comes right down to it, nobody really hates niggers. Middle-class to wealthy black people are largely fine, speak well, etc. It's the poor ghettorats that nobody likes.

Granted, poor white people can have more decorum than poor blacks, but they're still pickup driving WWE fans, so I'm inclined to kill them based off that alone.

But yes. Let's kill the poor. Especially the homeless.


robots that arent massproduced before.

The robots dumbass



A very swift modest proposal.

we need a working class, problem is they're are way too many of them that aren't working and are just sucking resources.

I'd be for ending every kind of welfare, food stamps, tax credits for kids, medicare, medicade, SS, all of it. Public education is ok, but theres too many worthless fucks who don't work, never plan to, and just leech off the hard working middle and upper class. Fuck them.

because every human being has the right to suffer apparantly.

>hard working
>upper class
pick one

You'll be first in line for the guillotines when the revolution comes.

That would make it so the country is so much more liberal. Pic related.

You do realize that robots would just make the situation worse, right?
What's Joe the Assembly line guy gonna do once he's out of a job?
Take up physics?

If we ever see advances good enough to put manual laborers out of a job the crime problem is just going to get worse, and, ironically, there will be even more poor people than ever.

dont worry, im not a murrican. I catch sarcasm.

Sadly most societies are too ignorant to aknowledge the benefits of redistribution. Even with scientific findings that money is only a minor factor in happiness when income reaches a certain amount.


You need poor, dumb people to point at and go thank god I'm not them. If we got rid of them, then it would be "why don't we kill the middle class, they will never be as good as us rich folk"

>Why dont we take 80% from the rich and give it to the poor

Why don't you go fuck yourself?

The reason they're rich and you're poor is that they're smart and you're an idiot and you make poor financial choices, not because The Rich are keeping you down.

I come from a family that got foreclosed (again, thanks to the retarded financial choices of my parents) so I didn't have shit.

I've been working for 2 and a half years and I own a flat in a fairly expensive city, and have enough savings to live and still be able to pay my mortgage for over a year if I somehow managed to lose my job.

>meanwhile my friends are all studying meme degrees and the few who are working part time waste all their money on alcohol and weed. Who cares anyway, they still live with their parents at 22 so they have no expenses.
>the only one who works full time also still lives with his parents, and blew all his savings (20K!) to buy a hip and cool new Fiat 500, rather than doing something useful with them.

>durr it's the rich man, i swear
>they be keepin' us down 'n shiet

Not if we raise the price of lumber, poorfag.]

And really, get your shit together. Quit leeching off others. Do your fair share, stay off the sauce, stop being a methhead and just stop looking to others to solve your problems.

"oh boo hoo i can't get a good job"

well, that's what you get for a: not studying in school or b: getting a degree in something stupid like psychology or art history.


>Sage with a photo
Howdy newfag

Thats why you are here, on Cred Forums. All virgin and neckbearded.

Jesus.....I guess we better kill the rich so that we can stop the decline of western society.

> Lose every one of your countries wait staff, cleaners, landscapers, maids, service station staff, manufacturing workers and anyone else doing shit paying jobs
> Lose your entire transportation industry (truckers etc)
> The middle class are simply the lower class now
> Lose 90% of future military personnel
> Lose 90% of gun owners and people used to dealing with violence
> Get invaded by China while you're recovering from the civil war
> Now you're all poor


exactly. our state even released household money statistics and in the theory every adult german would have 60.000€ sadly thats not how the money is splittet since most of it is owned by rich people.


Damn got me so good. I'm white, middle class and love my privilege. Keep hating ^_^

There's a fuck-ton more poor than not. Why don't we kill all of you?

fucking loser. hahaha.
you are literally the reason of your own misery.

No, because the middle class doesn't go around asking for free shit constantly. They don't need welfare. they aren't prone to crime. They sure as shit don't set up fucking tent cities under overpasses and make passing by them fucking impossible without stepping in a pool of piss and shit.

Fuck the poor.

I define upper class as a household making 3x+ the average income in the US, thats about 175k a year for a family of 4. If you think every 75k+ job a year is easy and takes no hard work, why doesn't everyone have one? Checkmate.

The top 1% makes about 400k a year, theres a lot of doctors, surgeons, businesses owners there too, but by and large past the 1%ers are a bunch of lazy shit bags that make money with no effort because they have money.

But germany's economy was booming and successful then. They completely turned around from their depression and even funded a war.

You should look into the truth of what Hitler did leading up to the war. It's amazing how much information was buried because they lost.

60.000 Euros? So 60 Euros. Either you're bad at maths or arguing you commie faggot.

>all rich people are smart and make good choices
>what is inheritance
Fucking Retard: The Post
There's no upward mobility in this country anymore. If you're rich, there's a 99% chance you were born with it.

>I come from a family that got foreclosed
You should have been killed already.

Bring it on faggot. I'll knock your dick in the dirt so fast

check out thread >706156222

Look at this newfag haha

As an American living under the poverty line in a rural area I'm all for this.
Too many handouts have ruined this country for everyone. Just put a bullet in everyone who won't work and won't treat others with respect. Or at the very least stop the idiots from breeding.


If the minimum wage was high enough to live on we would pay much less for welfare

The majority of people aren't net contributors. You'd need to be making at least $50k, or £36k.

no but tard muricans write numbers with , instead of dots. sorry that you dont have common knowledge.

French revolution style. Spread the fucking wealth around.

where exactly are those poor people going to get their welfare from if nobody is rich?

lol, keep social security because government funded pensions are going are so well?

Look at Detroit, half of all workers are never going to be able to retire, because the fed keeps printing money and inflating the value away. Obama added 10 trillion to our debt, literally doubling it. Hillary will double it again with all her expensive socialism. And who will pay for it all? Our children? *crickets*

Will just bring back slavery with 3rd world countries all around us owning slaves from mexico and Canada will be easy.

well if they kill the rich and get their money, they become the rich.

"They're smart"

No, they're thieves, they under pay, overcharge and store money in offshore accounts to avoid taxation, for a normal person, that would be illegal, but because you are rich, you can do it without any qualms...

Well since people like Trump don't even have to pay federal tax, I'd say it would be the middle class, like it is now.

Poorfag here, no.
If the minimum wage was higher I wouldn't be able to find a job as easily because my boss wouldn't be able to hire as many people. Also, you'd devalue the currency and everything would cost more.
So you would just put me out of a job and make things more expensive. This would force me to take welfare or commit crimes to get by.

literally what problem does that solve? we'd have a new generation of stuck up ass holes, the only difference being that these guys haven't even worked for that money.

and then we eat them. man we are solving overpopulation, global warming and poorness all in one

Noones stopping you dude, it's super easy.. but they breed like rabbits

you're right; but let's just kill all the 1%'ers anyway since the ones who work now will become lazy sooner or later

This is clearly coming from someone who had a McDonalds job for 2 weeks and got fired and now thinks he knows everything about having a job while he mooches off his poor mother.

This is terrible bait, enough so I wont read any posts below OP.

But anyone who actually believes this knows nothing about how capitalist economics works. If you eliminated the poor, there would be no rich. Those that were slightly above the poor would become the new poor, and if you eliminate them then the people slightly higher on the financial ladder than them would become the new poor, and so on.

>inb4 milton friedman fag.

>the rich just work harder

I wish this meme would die. I work 58 hour weeks at a care home for minimum wage because I like helping people. Am I just lazy?

Why don't we just make it to where only the people who work, or perform some kind of community service, can benefit from social welfare programs?

Amen. Take away their lifeline. I bet they can come up with money real fucking fast without their monthly handout.

"oh i donts gots enuff munny fo mah 5 chirrren"

Well, perhaps we need to reassess our labor laws. Not everyone gets to grow up to be an astronaut. Some may need to work in a factory from childhood.

And mommy can put that child-shitting pussy to work. The only free thing we should give out is condoms and abortions. Keep the poor population minimized.

>I'd hide with my money while paying poor people to protect me


Except a stronger lower class creates jobs because they spend the highest percentage of their pay, instead of hording it away.

you can always try to become president of the united states

Ok, but with the last part, most rich people inherit.

Thanks for that image user. Much obliged.

The taxation part is the spineless governments fault, they should be taxed at 39.6% on ALL their profits.

The rest of it, yeah that's being smart. Underpay? How the fuck can you underpay when you and the person you're paying both agree to the wage? the god damn retard in these statements.

Oh well, off to light a cigar with a 100 dollar bill and under pay my employees for a while longer.

yes you are. that's why high income managers get in a year what you would earn in 200 years.
sounds fair to me.

No but you're not who they're talking about. you value helping people more than you value money.
Nigger noggins value money as much as rich people but refuse to work for it. They think you should just give it to them.

My mum works 12hour shifts, she comes home, and sleeps, she can barely afford her rent.

Currently she is living in a house, with:
No central heating,
Damp Problems,
Almost every window is broken, due to...
Vines coming through the walls,
Electrics go out a few hours after EVERY time it rains,
And so on, she can't afford to move...

Good joke bud. We all know how managers actually are.

no no, just killing them is ignoring a resource. We could use them as slave labor. Now we are talking just like the nazi's did.

the thing is, most value their life more than everything else. with people sacrifincing theirselves for a better life of others there wouldnt be a problem with changing the world

murrican or slav?

When people say working hard, they don't mean working harder in general, they mean working harder to get rich.

You're not lazy, you're stupid. Get a degree and be a nurse, doctor, whatever. You can help people and also make money too.


Forcing people to pay their employees more weakens the lower class. Less jobs, things cost more, more welfare, more crime.

Until you become poor

>they don't mean working harder in general, they mean working harder to get rich.

What, like YouTubers who work hard to get rich?

>Hurr Durr, I'll read out a top 10 list, and get millions a year.

But if you're too poor you spend all your time and energy just to get by and have none left to work on bettering your situation.

>crime rate drops drastically
Wouldnt killing the poor make you the worst criminal?

Also, how poor do you have to be to die?
Too many questions make it hard to see this as a good thing

honestly, this sounds so fucking boring.


don't we usually have poor people go to war with another country?

I just moved to MA for a job making $100k/year and I feel broke as fuck here. I feel like $100k is like minimum wage in this fucking state.

>Get a degree
With what money? Where would he fit in the time to do so?

>source: politifact.com
You're supposed to cite the link and not the entire website, you daft cunt.

that didnt work in spain where everyone stopped to learn propper profesions and went to college. now they are educated poor and useless

This probably isn't far off from what will eventually be attempted.

Was that from the rich kids from instagram thing? Looks like it. That shit pissed me off.

If women stopped shitting out kids like brood sows we wouldn't need as many people, and could afford paying more.

No higher minimum wage. The economy can't sustain it. And frankly, why should I pay more for sullen looks, whiny complaints and shitty work?

And fuck that union noise. It's organized crime. If you don't like the pay, fuck off somewhere else and we'll find someone who DOES appreciate the pay we give. There's always someone who will take your job.

And you can find someone who will pay you more for the same job. It's the great thing about a free market.

Yes. Those assholes are the reason why people like Phillip Seymour Hoffman fucked their kids over, just in case so they wouldn't become like that.

Life is hard. You have to make choices and sacrifices. Personally I didn't have any money for a degree either, so now I've got 100k in student loan debt, but I also make 90k a year working 40-50 hour weeks. I'm happy with my choice.

Lack of resources are rarely ever the problem. Lack of motivation is. No one EVER "has time" or "has the money" they MAKE time and FIND the money.

reported for islamophobic content
enjoy your v& inshallah

Not in the real world it doesn't.

That wouldn't even make my fiances better. That's 5 years out of work (for the most part) raking up debt to most likely end up in the same job I'm in now. By the time I get to a position which makes it financially viable, I could be running the place I'm working now and have more than enough for me to be happy anyway. Where's the incentive to change career and study?

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to take a nursing degree if only to be better at what I do now, but why bother given the situation I'm in?

Youtubers aren't rich, even the top ones could barely afford a London property.

Never gonna happen chief.
"History is filled with the sound of silken slippers going downstairs and wooden shoes coming up"
aka being rich makes you soft, being poor makes you hard, eventually the poor take your shit get rich and lose their shit to someone else.

I work 80 hours a week and make mid six figures.

And you could make more, you just might not like the job. So job satisfaction is part of your pay.

The answer is simple stop taxing the poor to death, imagine how much more money we would have if there wasnt a sales tax, or if the company was made to pay for your tax deductions. Stop taxing the shit out of us the secound we get paid.

"Bernie Sanders supporters are living in their parent's basement" - Hillary Clinton 2/16/2016

what do I need to do to get donations from rich people for nothing?

this is just straight up an incorrect assumption

The idiots want to pay the US prices for a degree rather than finding a programme that will take them abroad.

Thats why we build robits to kill the little fucks

Kill the rich fags

Less to kill - same effect

:no rich fags = no poor fags

Robots aren't cheap.

I agree, but 'job satisfaction' doesn't pay the bills. There's a room for compromise; pay a fairer wage to everybody. I don't blame people for not working minimum wage jobs, it's simply not a fair exchange of effort for cash.

a 501C3 to let people write it off.


If you lazy fucks can pull yourselves away from your "jerry springer show" and "judge mathis"

>what is inheritance

First of all, imagine you got a 2M$ inheritance tomorrow.
To leave you an inheritance your parents or grandparents or someone at some point along your bloodline worked hard.
Then some faggot on a canadian hat knitting board who never did anything in his entire life claims he's got more claim to it than you do. How the fuck would you feel?

Second, if you're stupid even if you get an inheritance you'll just blow it all on stupid shit.

>they're thieves
Stealing is illegal no matter how rich you are.
In fact, the rich stand to lose the most from stealing since if they end up in jail for 3 months they lose a lot more than Tyrone who's been in and out of prison for the last 10 years anyway.

>they under pay
So don't work for them.

So don't buy from them.

> store money in offshore accounts to avoid taxation

Again, that's either illegal already or they're using some loophole, in which case just fucking fix the loophole.

Fuck off.


80 hours is terrible... you might as well fully devote your life to it at that point, go do oil or man a secretive station.
And if that's somewhere like New York, that's not worth it.

We'll build them off taxes

no, you don't deserve free money.
If you want more money, negotiate better terms with your employer or find a different job. The government shouldn't have to hold your fucking hand.

TBH I've thought that would be a pretty dope idea with violent offenders in prison!

So the wealthy have to take a hit because you're unwilling to work at a job that doesn't completely satisfy you.

..for fuck sake. The hubris of people...

what about a society not based on money

With all due respect, 'it makes me feel upset' isn't a good reason to not increase inheritance tax.

Are you a Bernie supporter? And, if so, did:
Annoy you?

No one knows your situation better than you do. Maybe in 5 years you will get promoted / find something else ect.

What I can tell you for a fact though is that the average RN salary is 35 dollars an hour. Assuming you do average, let's do the math.

100k for school, you work hard and graduate with 100k in debt and get a degree in 4 years.

Now lost wages, say 50 hours a week at 10 bucks an hour. 50 * 52 * 4 * (wage 10) = 105k.

Then you start working 50 hour weeks for 40 bucks an hour (wages are rising), after 7 years you've turned a profit on your investment and have the rest of your life ahead of you.

Sit down and do the math for yourself with your real numbers.

If you don't want to do the hard work to better your situation, that's fine but don't blame someone else for keeping you down.

No, I'm saying a fair days work is worth a fair days pay, and I don't think minimum wage reflects that. That's nothing like saying 'people deserve something for nothing'.

>1950: computers aren't cheap
>2000: computers are cheap
>2000: robots aren't cheap
>2050: robots are cheap

No Im a german who wants to get free money from careless stupid people for the sole purpose of egocentrical recreation

sounds like you're trying to project something onto others.

I love my job though. My job is my hobby, basically.

And it's in Chicago. which isn't a NY or SF. I live in a hi-rise on the north side of town, far away from the "chiraq", which despite the news reports, is largely geographically and socio-economically isolated.

So I have a pretty fucking awesome life.

It actually is.
If you upset too many people they leave.
This is called brain drain and it's why you don't just take everything rich people have and redistribute it.
You see....10,000 poor people could leave your country and it'd barely register. 10,000 multi millionaires leave your country and jobs dry up, the economy shits itself, and some other country starts to do better than yours.

Takes about 2 million views to get $3,000, depending on if they were mostly mobile views.


>everyone working for minimum wage is doing a hard days work

there's a reason places like costco that pay on average 15 dollars an hour do so much better than those that don't. Protip they pay it because their people are worth it.

without the poor, there would be no rich.
>Who will buy all the fast food?
>Who will buy cigs?
>Who will buy lottery tickets?
>Who will buy $200 shoes?
The list goes on, friend.

I'm poor. I'm not happy but I'm not ready to die.

It sounds like, to you. But I suspect that's because you went to public schools.

I agree, the ideal outcome of a degree is great. Shame it doesn't work that way for a vast majority of graduates. My point isn't 'I just don't think it adds up lol', it's 'why gamble my livelihood for more money than I'd realistically need anyway'. 7 years in my current job would lead to a situation where I'm more than comfortable, comes with no real risk and is simply more familiar and easy than the alternative.

It is.
You're saying you HAVE to pay a certain amount even though some people may accept less.
If there were no laws on minimum wage and I start a business and I offer to pay a dollar an hour no one will work for me.
If I pay competitively and offer perks, I'll get more high quality employees.

yeah kill all poor and ugly people ,start that program from a poo in a loo country

Dude farmers should be easy. Think like Google self driving car, but with farm vehicles

well you see.
inter generational wealth tends to last about five generations before apathy kicks in.

the lack of wealth is the main motivation for innovation...

why dont we kill everyone with sub-par IQ?

because IQ tests are bullshit.

why don't we just let nature run its course there kiddo.

tldr: poor doesn't mean stupid... it means your family was stupid.

A bad choice of occupation. in 5 years healthcare will collapse. (Right now it's doing pretty well). Each occupation experiences cycles in terms of demand for employment. Others will be higher, but you must integrate demand into the calculation.

So say the RN has a 75% chance getting a job in 5 years, when s/he graduates, so multiply your number by .75.

Do you mind if we send all our Mexicans to Germany? We'll include a free Ford with each Mexican family!

> To leave you an inheritance your parents or grandparents or someone at some point along your bloodline worked hard.

Basically 600 years ago a village chieftain with a big army fucked your ancestor.


So that's another reason to hate the rich people, they could monumentally fuck is for no reason because we upset them. Do away with them, eat the rich.

Do you understand what "mid six figures" means?
The guy is making 500K a year.

If I could trade places with him I'd do it in a heartbeat.

>work 80 hour weeks for 4 years
>buy 500 acres of land, retire and never work again except when you feel like it


I don't share your optimism for the future, but ok.

There are real risks, and it's hard work, but in general the outcome for people getting a good degree (medical, STEM, etc) are extremely positive over the 10+ year horizon.

If you pay me well enough I can accomodate 30 mexicans in my house. Deal? *Keep the Ford

>No higher minimum wage. The economy can't sustain it.
If anything the economy needs it. The economy only works if money is moving and the rich dont let their money have any movement.

bro managing an ecosystem isn't easy.
indoor sterile farms are just becoming possible and even those systems have huge amount of data.

>posts image
hello newfriend

>Bought a house in his twenties with a 9-5 job that didn't require a degree
"Kids have it easy these days"


Berniebot detected

I don't think you understand. Everyone works for their own self interest, even you. When you get upset that they left in this scenario you're working for your own self interest because you need them.

Bro healthcare is going to be booming over the next 50 years. As medical tech advances, people will live to be older, more old people = more medical needs = more money to be made there

OP can't into capitalism

Ok, I thought 150k for some reason.

Basically, the Fords are coming regardless of whether or not the Mexicans come.

But PAY you? What do you think Germany is?! Some kind of nazi capitalist country? It's a socialist country. Everything's free there.

I agree 100%. Those given a death sentence should be given a 2nd chance by letting them fight to the death. Id pay good sum to see that

No, they make us need them. We certainly don't, but look who has all the power. Revolution when?

most of the great minds in history where poor.

>if the rich leave our country will tank
>so we should just kill them all and this will not affect our country in any way shape or form whatsoever

This is why you're poor. You don't think about the long term consequences of your actions.

On the bright side, 20% of graduates from countries that will fully fund everyone's degrees become millionaires.
Most of them prefer to stay in the big cities and own a house, but if they did move to a poor place they would be relatively rich.

Sorry I'm too poor to read

You just said they could fuck you by leaving the country. I wouldn't call that an artificial power structure if just their absence fucks your world up.

Well then well send our Volkswagen to you as well, 1 for each 9/10.

kek, yes, but statistically they should be, there are way more poor people than rich ones.

The average IQ however, rises based on total wealth. On average, someone worth 500k is smarter than someone worth 20k. When there are 100x as many people woth 20k, you also get more statistical outliers from the bell curve.

do the rich look concerned too you?
if i owned a farm... why would i kill all the animals.

I have no idea what you just said.

Acomadte 30 mexicans in your house yeah buddy, thats like 30 30 packs of skunk beer a day, they fucking multiple like mice 30 mexicans in your home will be 120 mexicans in a matter of 9 months

>rich people are smarter

No, they have better chances and as such better education. Take any hood-rat at birth and stick him in a rich family with private schooling and he'll perform just as well.

In filthy rich btfo nigger jew

>literally no downside
then you wouldn't have been able to create this thread because you'd be dead

Because they're angry and done with it all and vastly outnumber you and all want to live in your comfy farm house.

dont worry Ill sell them to the chinese. Oh wait, Im starting slavery. Whatever.

Bring them on, when I have 300 I could build my own drug cartel

Job forecasting is notoriously poor. It's like Hillary being up in the polls. She has as much chance of winning as Ross Perot in 1992. Amusingly, I'm not the first to realize this:

This is actually not true. Money does improve your iq that's true but most of your intelligence is genetic.

Who dictates what is poor and what Isn't? It's subjective. Also many of the world's millionaires came from poor backgrounds initially and created opportunity for others to become rich.

Main point is that it's subjective. Upper class British people probably wouldn't spit on OP despite what sense of importance he feels he has.

Society requires multiple classes because without it it wouldn't function properly.

In regards to your points:

> Amend welfare system so that it's not so easily abused

> Invest money in better housing

> Implement better policing and procedures to reduce crime

Also crime is very prevalent within middle and upper classes but it just takes different forms. For instance the global credit crunch of 2008 stemmed from criminal behaviour of senior bankers and malpractice. Compare that to the actions of your local petty thieves and there's no comparison in the damage made.

You need the poor to farm, mine, clean, build, craft, sew, and all the other tasks the upper class employ them to do.

Or just legalize murder.
I saw the argumentti for criminalisation when we needed to get the population up, but now we have passed that point.
At this point we no longer need to populate to get workforce, so what's the harm?
We have the educational leverage so we can pass any job foward (we don't need to protect some rich dude for his Company, we just give his chair to the new younger and healthier).
Now the system just leads into an accumulation of wealth, where it just sits on foreign bank accounts and imigrant trophywifes fake tits, giving nothing to the government. If the seats and wealth would be more freely taken it would circulate more leading into a healthier government and thus make America great again

How does that make rich people inherently smarter?

>people actually believe it's as easy as having the will to do shit
okay lemme break down how it goes for me trying to get a job, which I just barely managed to do, mind you, but I DID in fact get a decent paying job just today.
First off, can't be hired without photo ID and proof of residence
Now proof of residence means a bill in your name
No company will put any bill in your name without a well paying job and proof of pay.
Can't get photo ID without proof of residence either
Oh also good luck getting a car or paying for the gas to get to the job, can't buy a car without a retardedly high amount of money for even a shitty junker, AND a co signer
Oh and that whole place to live thing? You can't live without one. And without a job you won't have a place to live.
Now try getting hired when homeless and broke
It doesn't fucking happen nigger. And anybody who thinks it's as easy as walk into a place and ask for a job clearly already has literally all the above, because you can't do step 1 without having step 2-4 done, and steps 2-4 need step 1 to be done first.
The system is designed to keep the poor as poor and worthless as possible.

>Who dictates what is poor and what Isn't?
I do.

they havent killed us yet, and its because they need us

IQ is flawed.
we need the autistic and often poor inventor,deal with it.

its called human resources.

if you're rich there's no motivation too succeed.
iv earned my place in the world,surrounded by the children of the rich. "daddy" fluffs up those numbers with tutors, private schools and psycho educational assessments.(proven to have a financial bias)

you hate the homeless we get it.
but to be frank you're just another pleb eating up propaganda.

user speaks truth


Money is just numbers. The value of which are determined by resources. A country rich in resources should be rich, period. Except it just doesn't work that way (Look at Africa, a continent of course, but still)

People don't just get together in groups and start getting shit done (Unless they're amish or from syberia or something)

But in the U.S., like much of the rest of the developed world, we have technologies that have allowed people to harvest resources at super fast rates requiring little if any human labor.

It's when those resources become sold on the market the economic problems ensue.

If farming is no longer an industry that hires millions of people a year, the cost of food should go down drastically. That's just one example.

Poor people are already doing slave labor.

In countries which fund their citizens degrees, over 20% of the university graduates eventually become millionaires.

Most of the millionaire graduates choose to live in big cities and own homes. The homes cost a lot. However, if they chose to move location where people are poorer they will be relatively rich.

Why don't we just kill everyone?

Science, research, and facts disagree with what you're saying.

Watch freakonomics, its explores this in fairly good detail. Money and education helps, but the smarter people have already gravitated towards doing things that give them money and education, thus, again on AVERAGE, higher educated people have higher iqs.

Finding a way to make society work for you and your family ie accruing wealth is brain work. Genetically speaking those geared towards being intelligent probably come from wealthy families.
If the majority of your iq is genetic and your grandpa is an oil baron who outsmarted a bunch of business fags to make your family rich, I'd say you have a better chance at being smart compared to someone who's family just scraped by for generations.

you don't think pigs in a farm would rip you to shreds?

deal with it.

that's what fences are for. (police, automated weapons and private security)

Ooooor just mentally challenged and anyone over 70 thats basically a vegetable 95+ just put to sleep.

> missing the point entirely

>durr all people are equal there is no such thing as innate talent

>he honestly believes this

By your logic anyone could do anything.
We could all be drawers, and yet most people suck at drawing.
Everyone could be a programmer, and yet most people suck at programming.
Everyone could be a singer, and yet most people sing so bad you have to restrain from shutting them up.

Your view of the world dehumanizes people to simple machines who just need the right program and they could do anything.
But that's not surprising coming from a fucking commie.

describe Africa more.

everything exept that it is designed as this. Quite the contrary, it became like this because of the lack of design, because it is easier this way.

Modern society is far from being finished, a middle thing in the transition to democratic ideals.

Why do you hate the poor, OP? Is it some kind of self-loathing because you'd be just as poor if it wasn't for your dad's money?

As long as you don't send any of those horrible "new" VW bugs to us. You can send the original ones, because chicks dig a guy in a VW ^^

Thanks comrade. Keep drinking the kool-aid and reading the papers.

Good for you,Chad. Nobody fucking cares.

Your position is stupid and I say this as a poor person. I get that our lot in life is frustrating but if you want a better life, make one. Don't try to steal from people who are successful like a bunch of crabs in a bucket.
Let's say you do eat the rich or in your example, the pigs eat the farmer. What happens?
Luckily there's a book for you! It's called Animal Farm. read it and find out.

Did you vote for Bernie?

no shit? which vw? maybe ill move to the states after all

Some people are too stupid to even get education. I did an integrated masters degree, so I could get the government to pay for it all. I took a bursary too, free money.

So many of my classmates just cried that it was too expensive, they couldn't even read the terms and conditions.

the poor are usually the most fucked because everything they can afford, especially food is usually toxic

>nobody really hates niggers

t. nigger

Animal Farm was written as a socialist critique to the governing establishment you fool

instead of killing the poor, the government could just get back the ability to produce its own money. but instead we have the production of money privatized - together with the gigantic profits from that. you just have to realize that money does not has to be scarce

That's the rub though, we used to need the poor.

We're entering a time over the next 20-50 years where we just won't need them anymore, so the next logical questions becomes if all the jobs are automated out of existence (mainly because of the crybaby we want 15 dollar wages), what should we as a society do with people that refuse to learn new marketable skills and just want to leech off the rest of us no producing anything?

This is a valid question that we will need to figure out starting in the next 5-10 years.

Look up an automated pizza machine, or maybe it was a burger machine. The working robots that will perform free (minus electricity) labor is here, today.


Was it fiction?

Hit a soft spot, huh?

While you didn't speak very intelligently, you did make a good point.

So many jobs have been created in the last two decades. No job should ever have to be created. It's all done to preserve the economic system where a guy whose machines, or computers, etc, are producing the amount of goods that would have taken millions of people is making billions of dollars while hiring only thousands of people to do it.

I live in Michigan, a state that is infamous for creating jobs. Always through the state but often disguised as the private sector. Case in point: In the 90's the state created 15,000 new jobs in road construction and the private contractor who oversees our roads was ordered to work it out so that the roads would need to be maintained much more often than would would be necessary; poor mixtures, shallow depth, tar fixtures, etc.

As a result we have road construction on every busy road every 3-4 years, and our roads are still often shit.

Oh, but it created 15,000 new jobs. People who can now afford to go and buy shit that came from the guy who owns the machines.

Sexual service stations?
Genetically engineered catgirls?
Experimental Mars colony?

We can come up with something.

Instead of killing the poor why dont we hire them give them opportunitys to execel.

Fucking this, i was homeless for a few months in early spring, took me forever to find a job, washing in public restroom sinks, carrying my life around in a army bag, go to work for 8-10 hpurs 6 days a week while sleepig at a homeless shelter that i had to leave after 2-3 houra of sleep and try and keep warm to the sun came up. I got very lucky, free meals from our kitchen, chef let me take food from the kitchen, boss gave me cigarettes, after a month of shitty living i managed to scrape together rent and get a place to live.

i think you're miss-reading my statement.
making a better lot in life... means you're a better asset for the farmer.

i don't think that you can escape the farm.(nor should you)

that is a high-school required text here in Canada.

If you've achieved an economy where mass labor is superfluous, does it matter who's producing anything? Working hard simply for the sake of working hard is asinine. If we head in a direction where automation truly replaces most work, then I don't see a point to discouraging not working.

But yet my point is, is everything is in such a way that it makes even surviving nearly impossible purely because "I'm sorry you don't have money so you'll never have money. Have fun starving and being poor, I'm sure your baby didn't need food this month anyway. Clearly it's just that you aren't trying hard enough, that's why every time you get told you're the perfect fit for the job, it's an arbitrary, dumb rule that keeps you from being hired. Sorry, not sorry. Next in line"
Fuck this sorry ass country man. I don't want to live off the government, and I'm not above manual labor. Yet it's still like this. I BARELY got a job and I had to lie, struggle, and bully people just to fucking get it. And I STILL might be in this situation a year from now, for stupid shit 100% beyond my control. This economy is fucked and anybody who thinks it's anything other than just a shitty way of handling everything is wrong. Period.
everybody who claims it isn't that hard to get a job or keep your finances in order clearly hasn't ever struggled, due to either being born before this shit hit or being born into money. Literally no other fucking way

We call that the Accounting department.

Global warming is a myth, faggot.

>where a guy whose machines, or computers, etc, are producing the amount of goods
Are you telling me my computer can produce goods for me!?!?! Damn it! And all this time I've been blowing money at the store.


... still waiting. It's a pretty slow comp I'll just give it a minute.

yeah, you might love or fear that idea... but we still need creative workers.

starvation will do what it has always done.

automation will only solidify the rich over the poor.

this is a non issue.

Ah my bad, too many tabs open and too many hydrocodones in my belly.
I thought you were unironically proposing the poor (pigs) should eat the rich (farmer) and not making the obvious connection to Animal Farm somehow.

The fact that anybody hired you without proof of owning a house nearby is amazing. I've literally had people refuse to hire purely because I didn't own a house. its like, I'm sorry I wasn't born a rich, landowning, moderately well off person. My fucking bad.

For one thing it's violent and for another theyll kill you back

I guess I'm not sure I follow your thoughts.

Currently cheap labor does 2 things, first it produces something, and second its the act of trading ones time for money.

If people stop trading their time for money, how are people supposed to get money to buy things?

My thoughts are prices will drop, maybe 50% or so on consumer goods, thinks like gas and electricity will stay the same.

So what do we do? Go full commie and give out handouts? I'm not voting for that. We need to find something productive for the displayed labor forces to do so they get paid and can keep living.

Replace the lower-management roles with the poor. Get rid of the idiots and the poor at the same time.


i dont argue that you are wrong. Im saying that after the revolutions of the 19th and 20th century societies and politics changed to make life better for everyone. Then it stopped and though things are easier in europe its far from perfect. Even in Norway or Denmark you can fall into the hole, and then you almost cant get out again.

The goal for the future should be continuing the progress made in this fields, yet we only argue about inmigrants and tumblr.

You said that sarcastically, but my computer makes me pizza all the time. *scratches head*

People outside the US use . Instead of ,

ITT: middle class people, realize they aren't rich...
and that their iceberg is melting.

It would be considered a genocide against minorities.

FUCK YOU! the poor are my workforce. Who the fuck is going to manned my shops and build shit in my two factories for a super low price? You, are you going to do it for minimum wage? didn't think so.

Stop trying to fuck with the system asshole. This shit works for some of us.


Because stupid people can be rich, so let's just kill stupid people

>tfw the rich receive far more welfare than the poor

I just told him straight up that i was homeless and was down to work, and yeah after months of job searching that eventually led up to me being homeless and all the time searching while on the street looking for working living out of bag, i got damn emotional after getting hired, lucked put hard and found a great boss to gove me a chance.

Sure, but not everyone can be a creative worker, not everyone can write code, not everyone can work in the tech industry, or operate heavy machinery, etc.

More so than not being able, many just don't want to. They work shit jobs because they don't want to put in the effort to get a degree, find training, get certs, etc.

Now thats fine, but where there are not shit jobs to work, that means no money for them.

get a fucking mail box at the post office...you ever notice immigrants and criminals don't have these problems?

In my opinion immigrants only partially tie in. Not enough to even weigh in on the issue. The issue is the price of living vs the amount of money that can be REASONABLY made by each person. It's completely unlivable in some areas of the US if you don't make well above the "average"

Finally. You see this, this is Cred Forums

Take your fucking shit to Cred Forums

I think that pic is overly complex. it would have been much easier to put just the rich guy beside the poor, reaching into his basket.

God damnit this angers me


>immigrants and criminals don't have these problems
Because typically they work under the table for far less money.

No, I'm asking if you voted for Bernie:
Hillary R Clinton: "Bernie Sanders supporters are living in their parent's basement" 2/16/2016

>oh yeah just pay 70 bucks a year for a PO box. Problem solved
Dumbass you weren't listening. When one has no home or money, it's impossible to do this shit
Oh and guess what smart guy? Now in some areas, such as my own, you need proof of residence for a PO box.

but thats not a problem of inmigration. inmigrants are a good resource. fucking up the economy is a home made issue.

the us can hold much more inmigrants without going to shit if infrastructure and industries would run properly. but no, better invest millions in humvees and weapons than in society and jobs

Everyone will be poor when robots takes over the jobs. Either that or we would need some kind of dispersion of the wealth generated.

>Why don't we just kill the poor?

that would be suicide for you then.


actually you're wrong. people crave creative work.

so your point was these lazy un-creative are a threat?

Then you and I agree. This whole country is back ass backwards starting from the government downwards.
And worst part, everybody LIKES it this way. At least those who make the decisions do


Take the poorest 1%, kill them as a compassion thing.

Take the richest 1%, kill them and use their wealth on the progress of the species.

Repeat if necessary.

> PO Box
> can't win sweepstakes
> rules say "no po boxes"
> u never win life's lottery
> never move out of your car

Automaztion would eliminate the movement of money, say no one can afgord anything because robots replaced them. Who is going to buy the dumb shit you got rich off of in the first place? Musicians, actors, inventors, doctors, no one would be able to afford these things thus you would be poor in the long run.

lol, cant earn 70$ a month...
list the homeless shelter you dumb fuck.

>make poor financial choices,
Being born with a disabilty or born really ugly sure was a concious financial choice, yessir