Who or what is the true identity of supreme leader snoke

Who or what is the true identity of supreme leader snoke

Darth Plagueis


Han solo

Mace windo

Confirmed already to not be


Confirmed be not already

Have you seen the rebels cannon? I think it could be ezra Bridger

Future Rey


It's like they just wanted to say "Fuck you, we think you are total retards" as clearly as possible to the fans.


darth vader

Pretty sure it's going to be Sploder.

I actually really like the idea that he's Darth Plagueis. But nobody outside Lucasfilm knows for sure, and I'm okay with waiting to find out.


Obviously Ezera, not even suspenseful in the least.

O really? Can you link me?

A guy who had one snoke too much and is cancer.


Daniel Craig

He means Ezra Bridger from the Rebels cartoon. I don't know why anyone thinks so.

I fucking hate how they chose to completely cgi important characters. Modern cgi has two huge flaws and several other minor flaws. The two main problems being: Motion relative to reality and physics relative to reality. The gravity-breaking physics flaw really annoys me. Everything always moves faster than it should. I also realize that movies are indeed fictitious, however, it should still be fixed. Please revert back to makeup and animatronics.