What's everyone doin?

What's everyone doin?

Trying to not kms

Care to explain what's got you down?

chilling and browsing internet, I'll go to a friend's house to watch some UFC, should get some food.

Never watched it because I'm a betafag.

Girlfriend dumped me.
Almost 30.
No friends
Dead end job
Anxiety and depression disorders
Need friends or to be healthy enough to go outside
Work night shift don't talk to anyone

Same tbh fam

Lonely and super kms depressed although I won't because I'm a pussy and could live in this state of misery indefinitely


Oh. The dead end job thing doesn't have to be dead end. Wal-Mart actually pays pretty decent these days, with loads of room for advancement if you pass the management exams.

If she's your ex, she isn't deserving of you.

It's up to you to proactively change your life user. I have faith you'll make positive decisions and come out on top.

Walmart seems high stress tbh
Bright lights and loud noises and annoying people

Thinking about you and your cute face. :3 :3

True, but there's overnight positions at nearly every store.

My wife is a CSM, and I'm being interviewed for department manager. DM works like Monday through Friday, doesn't deal with blitz, and makes like 15 an hour.

For money, I'll put up with most anything.

I'll find something

I gotta get my license back. And deal with some legal issues.

It's just a bit of a cluster duck and I'm lonely as fuck

Monitoring this thread

Cred Forums Pass user since December 2014.

What does this mean?

Don't worry about it user.

Cred Forums Pass user since December 2014.

You'll get there. As far as the lonely thing, Cred Forums is a fantastic place to vent if you ignore the pricks.

Yeah that's why I'm here

Well, I hope everything works out for you user.

You guys should just kiss already

Cred Forums Pass user since December 2014.

You should go fuck yourself. There's absolutely no reason to be a pick unless it's to deal with your inferiority complex.

It means the faggot is too dumb he wasted his money to buy the pass.

lol you two are very hostile

and gay

Enjoy being an asshole. One day, you'll mouth off to someone and they'll fistfuck your cocksucker.

shoulda just not replied lol

trying to be happy