If you could say one thing to a person you lost, what would it be?

If you could say one thing to a person you lost, what would it be?

Thank you.
Even if you hate me now, thank you for helping give me the possibility to grow when I didn't have it before.
And I'm sorry that it took me this long to stop caring about my shitty childish need of wanting 'someone'. Even if you never talk to me again, thank you.
My last promise, is that the gift you've given me, and the time you've invested in me, will not go to waste. Even though I hate my life, I will still do the best I can, given my human condition.

You deserve the happiness you've found. I hope it doesn't end.

Id get real close to their ear... And whisper.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

"We're going to finish this. Fight me, and don't hold back, or I'll never forgive you. It isn't over until one of us can't fight anymore."

You're 'It'

Guess you're not Lost anymore....

"I love you"

Where were you?

Fuck you

Please don't die...

Dad. Who killed you. Was it her or her son? I know you died instantly. They found you down the street under a car even though you were already dead.

This is a true story fellow user. I Haven't had anywhere to actually say it. My dad was murdered. He's dead. I will never know the truth because the cops closed the case even with the coroner report saying it was fishy. I wish I could do something.

Hi Karah so It's been almost a year since we talked. You were one of the best friends I've ever had and also one of the longest. You were so kind and beautiful. The last time we saw each other you kissed me. After our 4 years of being friends I have waited for that moment since the start. I really do miss us just talking. I still love you and if Im going to be completely honest I cry almost everyday when I realize you'll never speak to me again. I don't know what I did but I really would like to know. After almost 5 years lf being friends and you just stop talking to me without reason or warning it hurts. A lot. Anyways. I love you but fuck you for dropping me.

Where are you

I'm in love with you, you dumbass. And don't pretend you don't want some cock or boypussy as well.

I miss you. Please Adolf come back. We have unfinished work.

Tell you what, if anyone said that to anyone, regardless of sex, thats suffocating.

That's why the fool is single

I love you mom...

This is some good fucking drugs, because im pretty sure you're dead.


samefag detected

I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment.

I'm sorry for taking your meds. I was going through a bad part of my life. I'm clean now but I still think about that. Sorry

I stayed angry at you to distract me from the pain and keep me from calling you. Distorted memories to stay angry until I could not be angry anymore. When the anger faded, all that was left was me. I no longer need you and I wish you the best.

Fucking kek.

Jesus died for your sins. Not even samefagged.


Kristen, I wish I had known what you were going through. I wish I had recognized that you were hurting, that you were so alone, that you were in so much pain.

A part of me died the day you took your life, and that hole in my heart will never be filled. I cherish the time we spent together and will always the memory of you with me.

I miss you Kristen.


sorry I kekked

My nigga

Sorry for thinking i liked a girl i new for a few weeks and throwing away the year and potential future i had with you

Dad will be with you soon, baby.