Other urls found in this thread:






















>be disabled
>use motorized wheel chair for years
>somehow come to the conclusion it can ride an escalator

What is it about motorized carts that make people into such wads?
>(Source: too much wally-world experience)






Good job OP and anons. You've created the most cancerous ylyl yet.



Will my sister notice this if I give it too her Cred Forums?




Well, have you noticed your mom giving it to you, faggot?

yeah no one will notice

Ylyl not cringe







I lost at yours. Good job.


This one is funny tho, look at that nerd in pigtails lol


screwed by a car? elaborate


Time for me to share some shitty, newish (5-6 years old) greentexts to commemorate Cred Forumss 13th, and almost 13 years of my life given to this hellhole I can't seem to escape.

And because it's still marginally better than killing myself.


bit ly = b1t 7y

I'm using bitly because dropbox doesn't keep count. I figured after 100 clicks, or when the hats go away, I can stop this spam.





Agreed it's atrocious

Its a nissan tard


The show with the blue haired girl (named R.E.M.) is an anime called Re:Zero, the main characters is named Suburu. Basically everyone wants Suburu to fuck Rem and someone made a joke with the car (by the company Suburu) fucking Rem.

While I'm waiting around for a reply on another thread, why not?

Thanks user

Holy fuck, that german soldier looks like Tom Cruise.


>No banana

Fucking gook.








i dunno, I usually notice if somebody gives me a hotdog....how observant is your sister?






Yes. It says so in op's post.


did someone say cancer?!

The ultimate glory hole is a wedding ring, after all.


sick reviews???

That's actually kinda sad.


Fuck I laughed







Hahaha, I find the implication of rather than just blaming the consequences of more than a century of aggressive french foreign policy on the leaders we have elected we should shift all the blame onto the dumb fuckers fleeing from the islamist death cult who carry out atrocities like this for breakfast rather droll. Rather droll indeed,

Good job peasasnts. Keep fighting amongst yourselves. Those dirty foreigners are coming here to rape your women. Doesnt that make you angry and upset?

Kill thy neighbour

Kill them good

Trips checked, elf decks are for skinny 13 year old cucks


Calm down neckbeard, your autism is showing. Hate foreigners quietly and coldly like the rest of us.

... Sause?










Not even a single (you). I love you Cred Forums.



Observation: The meatbag thinks he is humorous!

>bit ly = b1t 7y
No idea how to turn this into an address m8.


Go outside you fucking weeb



Take a moment to notice the drawn penises are censored.

This was probably on someones facebook at one point, and they didnt want to get Zucc'd

Jeepers, you sure are funny mister


I wish that was my life

i bet this deck sucks


One of these needs to be shopped as if the camera man was shaking along with him & everything is blurred except him.


casey neistat killed harambe


bit(FUKCING DOT)ly/2dj3tGq

You're loss. FFS do you have no malware protection? Does everything scare you on the internet?

lost hard

Who says mass extermination can't be fun?

well put, funny and concise and in the parlance of our time as well. You must be the head honcho what what? No I am only joshing, you know that. I would not want to infer that I find subtle xenophobia posted online to be a negative thing. No sirree, wink wink nudge nudge. Mum's the word. Gotta dehumanize those stinking foreigners, of course. You are doing god's work my son. God's work indeed

Haha, neckbeard. Autism. I love it. You are really getting the hang of the lingo around these parts. I am assuming noone suspects a thing. Good work, you arabian cockmuncher. good work

yeah i'm pretty much tripping off my tits at this point. the words probably aren't that well thought out. I was just meaning that I find it hilarious that rather than blaming any of the geo-political factors or France's history of marginalising and segregating its minority groups we should blame the foreigners! The foreigners!

And that my little bum chum is how you stay in power. Classic misdirection. Rather than address the corrupt cunts who got you into the mess in the first place, blame the peole fleeing a warzone! Cos it was them who created the problems in the first place. And do you know why? Cos they are foreigners! And they look funny! Aaaand the neo-nazi far right are trying to achieve the same effect as Isis, which is why we have all these arabian shit stirrers here trying to stir up anti-muslim sentiment. Because Isis wants us to hate the foreigners! They thrieve off that shit!

Aah its so easy. So fucking easy

I love this world, I really do

People are so fucking retarded. So fucking gullible.

We fucking deserve to get bombed

You have to mix it in with the ketchup faggot

This dropbox Its not worth checking out imo.

Are you legit retarded?

>Rather droll indeed
Nobody talks like that anymore neckbeard


Meh. Some good, some bad. I said it was a bunch of shitty green txts. Hours worth if you're bored. I promised nothing grand, after all everything I got was from Cred Forums. But they are overall better than most of the green texts you get today. And, best of all, it's free.


and serve it to unsuspecting customers at the fast food restaurant you work at.


I'm English and some of this is actually spot on


Y tho ;~;

wtf why there is a shark in the pool? souce?

The world may never know

>I find the implication of rather than just blaming the consequence
>the implication of rather than just
>the implication of rather than

It's like you're using big words incorrectly to sounds smart.

Religion is all about interpretation of the source text. The fact that there are interpretations that condone and encourage violence, slavery, and rape, and the fact the same interpretations that literally cause the shia/suni divide ( a "feud" that has been around since almost the beginning of the religion) to be ignored, means that people believe the doctrine ISIS is spouting to be CLOSER TO WHAT MOHAMMED ACTUALLY INTENDED. If anything, the normal Muslims are infidels for not believing in the truest form of religion, at least based on how their book lays out the definition of the infidel.

"Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and messengers, to Gabriel and Michael,- Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith."

"But if ye cannot- and of a surety ye cannot- then fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones,- which is prepared for those who reject Faith."

Where's your religion of peace now, libfag?


Holy fuck I lost.

im not talking, i'm typing

This is not my mothertongue

My beard is magnificient and nowhere near my neck

You shame your family daily.
Everyday their contempt grows
Like the cancerous weed that choketh the sun
from the flower, a parasite
They see you as an uninvited skidmark stain
that should have stayed a blow, or nay a tugjob

Your parents hate you; so do I
but nowhere near as much as you do when you cry

en hvers vegna ekki að koma til eyjunni minni og ég má láta þig sjúga á hani minn

Lol dumb cunt

how do you have a beard that is not near your neck?

What language is that?
>amerifag that doesn't bother to learn languages here

But if ye cannot- and of a surety ye cannot- then fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones,- which is prepared for those who reject Faith.

That was the quote I was looking for originally.

Fuckin great

God damn it iceland, could you go atleast a day without writing a stupid song,

Glad I can make you laugh, right when this thread become a political/religious argument...

whoops wrong quote

"91And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.
192But if they cease, Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
193And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah; but if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practise "

What's this creep from





Oo bless that ass. you're on some real shite user

nice trips

no im using big words cos im pretty high and i am finding language liberating today. maybe it makes sense f you read it in the voice i got reading it in my head. it wasnt meant to make sense. I was merely expressing my merriment at the notion of people blaming homeless refugees for their ills rather than the cunts stuffing their pockets and lie to you daily. the pleasant chap and gent who own so much that you or I would never dream to dare how powerful they are.

But it is the man on the street, the woman on the road, the dirty battered miserable fleeing little insignificant rattish vermin foreign looking refugee you blame

Not a history of violence perpetrated by our men

The refugees are parasites they come they rape our girls

whatever shall we do If not defend our piece of earth

so rally forth and rally forth, vanquish these kebabs

But please my boy dont think my boy dont question this surmise

that you are being played my boy

and "Isis" is a lie

I think she will notice that the hotdog isn't cooked first and it will distract her.

>cos im pretty high
Being high is no excuse

haha sorry

we will stop now mister putin

feels and kek

Oh go fuck yourself

Typical Romans. I'd be surprised if this didn't go on a fair bit, them history dudes could be pretty mean.

I really hope you're tweaking, otherwise that is a stupid amount of wasted typing.


I'm sure they were perfect for her


Love, its what makes a Subaru

excuse for what? I am not presenting you with an apology. Was merely stating facts you pedantic waste of semen and bile

Fuck you nigger

no you

thats correct on both accounts


Lazy Town




I dont blame him

Not the same user, you are a faggot

fucking underrated

dumping some :^)
















Just playing devil's advocate, all i'm trying to explain is that Islam is still violent, and promotes it regardless of the fact that the west has done some shitty stuff.

The United States, and her allies are all to blame here. I think your too quick to point fingers at colonialism, remember that Iran/Iraq and the other oil rich countries benefited greatly from western interest in oil in the 50-70's.

Islamic regimes overthrew the pro-american government in iran in the 70s, meaning Islamic extremism is given legitimacy through fatwas and what not.

We gave weapons to the afghani muj in the 80's, which got used on us in the 2000's and even today.


We support isreal who's holy book claims the land is theirs, yet kick people who's genetics prove ancestry for thousands of years out through force.

Of course the Islamic world hates us, but to argue that and not also see that Islam is a violent religion in and of itself is just dumb.




I am gain. You must be stagnation. Nice to meet you.


Shit, after all these years of this cancerous faggot, I finally smiled at that fucking banana.

I really, really fucking hate you.



So we could, not too justify.

High and tired from a 8hr shift, can't type thoughts super coherently xd









Garruks horde smh
Other than that it's fine

wow idubbbz hair is so long

unfunniest shit EVER. Wtf, if this is your taste in ylyl then.... oh wow

Working link for audio?






First day from reddit?

You post is even formatted like one from there, even down to abusing ellipsis

delete this video no one can see whats going on anyway








thats not funny its really quite sad

Yeah that got me


another good one






Cred Forums Pass user since October 2016.

Who's the girl in the fifth pic?

i just uploaded the nutshack theme but every noun is replaced with the nutshack theme but 10 hours

i own a STI, and i approve of this message

They ever get a direct answer???

Lost, hardcore


thats just going too fucking far jesus christ



what the fuck is that jizz in the first pic




was in this thread. holy shit that was in 2014 whoa


That isn't sanitary is it?

>being so poor you dont even recognize what decent pressure tap water looks like

wow. i...i was gonna make fun of this, but thats some fucking serious tier poverty

fucking wow


Hope those are double-sleeved. Don't want slut on any cards.

Strangely upsetting to watch.

props to you user


pic related



This is fucking epic with this in the background: youtube.com/watch?v=XnFSb8xcmN4

Hey, this was posted 1 year ago


An adult still playing yugioh kys

The first time I saw this omfg

Fire Marshall Bill In The Hospital – YouTube

Fire Marshall Bill goes to SCHOOL – YouTube
[MIRROR] Tess Munster/Holliday – YouTube

Japan World Cup 3 - Part 1 – YouTube

Dear car guys.. any ideas?

What Obi-Wan's Ghost ACTUALLY Should Have Done – YouTube

Luke Won't Forgive Anakin – YouTube

your a fucking disgrace

How did I just lose to this?

What am i looking at?

the unbreakable kimberly schitt

nothing can hurt me more than you calling magic yugioh



it's the latest in kielbasa storage technology. perfectly sanitary and can be used as an extension cord for equipment.


that show was creepy as fuck

Perfectly photoshopped punctuation


Lost, but this is actually clever

Kill yourself. Actually. Please.


I am from the UK and this happened last week to me.

People like you are complete social outcasts.


ive seen weirder
here it is

this shit always gets me

Those are some dank plates


LOST!!! XDD classic and never gets old HERP DERP!! so random! XD

Holy shit dude get a life lol

MTG faggot

fuck, lost again

What's your favorite Xavier wolf song


new YLYL

this broke me you asshole

I'll date that cutie

Lost bad


Erin from The Office

this is so white. im blind now.

Who's the girl in the 7th pic?

sau ce

bc in the movie he started disappearing?

no, because he has parkiensons or whatever. It gives him the shakes.