Real 10/10 thread

Real 10/10 thread

Post your 10/10

You have shit taste

0/10 no cock. This is Cred Forums 2016. Where have you been?

you have nonexistent taste faggot

7/10 elf ears


You mean oval.





Nice taste user I was gonna post her myself.

Strangely arousing.

Dubs confirm hive mind! I love blondes like her.





To paraphrase Andy from The Office: She has got that Autumn look down." Lovely.



Just try and tell me she's not perfect



Thats a very Brave cosplay







> literal perfection


10? Lmao ya ok

Personal opinion I do think she's a 10.

Only 10's in this thread.
Everything else is 8 and under.





You need a reminder on what a 10 is m8

You haven't been with many women have you? Not just going off looks for me.




Don't lie, you all love this lil cunt



20% potato
20% style
20% takig care of her body
20% assets
20% qt 3.14
Apparently this is perfection

There's a distinct difference between a girl being perfect looking and her getting brownie points because she touched your hand in chem class desu~

shes not perfect

>All dat skin cancer tho

You've got me all figured out.



>And what does a cow say kids?

Fucking nose ring.


It wasnt in a positive way.

Jesus christ, how mich worse can it get?
I mean the first was passable but all the addon shit is making it go down the drain






What is this? I don't get why this photo appears everywhere. Are we supposed to know who this is? Is the fact that she is absolutely not attractive the funny bit about this?


I think it's just a meaningless meme


inb4 not aryan 0/10

She's perfect looking but I spent some time on her tumblr and surprise surprise

She's a depressive self obsessed vapid asshole



Fuck yeah

We call it a meme user. There are many in the rated females thread
>2/10 would not bang
>g. Hanenhanehnlouse
>plain Jane
>that furry pouring wine
>stuttering Jessica Alba cuck

You'll see them all the time. Sometimes it's because it's just one guy who is obsessed with said meme, sometimes it's cause someone else is posting it ironicly as a joke.

want more

>She's perfect looking but I spent some time on her tumblr and surprise surprise
>She's a depressive self obsessed vapid asshole

Has she ever been nude?



tfw no ginger gf

pick one


i dont know


The girl



Just because she's strong doesn't mean she's a dude :^)


No it's the testosterone that does it

You sound like a bunch of whiny fucks that don't know how to talk to girls.



>self obsessed vapid asshole

Who the fuck wants to talk to that?

He's implying all women are, and you are fools for not realizing it and using it to your advantage.

good lord
I'd marry her


Fair point actually

leafy gender bender? #nochin




There is only one true 10/10



he's cute


hhnnnnnnggggg those eyes




underrated filename

hory shet user is there more with her hair like that?




>wanting weak women



Rate these two


>wanting men



>strong men

Post more?


Wow she's pretty.



I'm with you man. 10 all the way.

hory shet plz more but less zoomed in


10/10 teeth too.

Man jaw/10

Dam, looks good.

It's Beth Lily, Right?

Nice one dude.



Retarded version of this beauty



Rate her

my kinda girl





body of a goddess

Woa, what a qt.


i know right

I swear, as much as i hate tumblr bitches, chokers add to sexiness.

chokers set me right off
fucking best shit ever











69696969 XD


>doesnt look like they wont to kill themselves
pick one
because we all know the only reason they're taking a selfie is because no one loves them enough to take pictures

This one wins for me, holy fucking shit.

fuck this chink using contacts, foundation cream and fake eyelashes, i bet she used plastic surgery too !

These girls need exercise.





Too soon man

Posting this one here too


this girl I think I'm in love


obvious samefaggotry. take that fat pig with you and get out




>tumblr in filename


>Calling me a samefag while I havent even posted the pic.

Dude, just..


any chance more with her hair down> that one kind of blurry :P




fucking yes finally i can call a 10/10

Looks way too much post-emo and like she's a narcissist bitch. Especially because i knew a girl that was just like that and has a picture with the same pose and earphones. 6.5/10.



She wrote me in vk, she lives in Moscow and unfortunatelly she has a bf (
Also she's been to a psychiatric hospital and had a severe depression and hallucinations. An ideal woman for me. She is kinda shy and only has 3 pictures on her profile.


Name please

thats a man

thats a man




still go there

Are not the same.

Mudslime rape bait.


overall could use better landscaping but a very nice house


Holy shit she is beautiful

that actually upsets me
because its true



I'd love to wake up to that every day.


hanna hallysem

My nigga. I think if I could fuck any chick in the world, it'd be Helga Lovekaty



Would impregnate/10.







The girl on the left has the most exquisite birthing hips.


I always find it so heart-warming when you see a couple where the other is pushing his/her partner in a wheelchair.

Gives me hope for the humanity.

gr8 forgot the pic


I thank you any my penis thanks you




emily rudd

Emily Rudd


Emily Rudd

>Helga Lovekaty
nice is she from romania?

Oh thats her? I have seen pics of her in here before but she had long hair, so I got a little confused lol.

Victoria is perfect.

Yeah she trimmed it


I have that same pic on my phone haha

o boi is there front pic?

My stalking tells me she's Russian.


looks like this chick

No it's because 'she' has a penis that makes her a dude

Kruger prior to the fire

got the one you posted on my phone too

Its the same chick.

because it is






Mr. Robot?


new thread?