Why do asshole men always get the woman?

Why do asshole men always get the woman?

women like men who have a nice house, nice car, loads of money. they like tough hard men who drink beer swear and smoke. they don't like anyone like me. they hate pussies and faggots. some stupid little cumstain who cries like a pussy. stupid cumstain.

women like hard men they don't like pussies like me. It's true women who like men like tough men. They don't want some wimp who cries like a pussy. the bigger man walks away? that's not true. the bigger man destroys the other one. he'll smash him and kill him. stab him, shoot him, batter him. smash him into next week. women like hard men. they hate me cos i'm a pussy.

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The women you want don't want you, and you make the guys they do like into bad guys to justify yourself.

That of you have a damsel in distress complex and het the hots for women who need "saving"

Either way whinging like this makes you seem like an entitled little bitch which is easy to not care about. How do I know? Because I was you. But I grew the fuck up.

Also, if you keep trying to prove what a nice guy you are to women so they'll date you, they WILL find it creepy and ARE laughing behind your back.

>simplistic worldview with a lack of nuance
I'm not saying you're not a pussy, but there are probably plenty of reasons why women don't like you.

The same reason why asshole men always lose the same woman. Arrogance can be terribly impressive to idiots, but even idiots catch on after a while.

But yeah, you're a pussy and that's why women don't want you. You'd have no problems if you exercised somewhat properly, didn't go on Cred Forums, and learned how to talk to people. Which is actually perfectly possible despite what you think.

>Falling for this bait

It has nothing to do with being an asshole. It has far more to do with having a personality where you make sure the stuff you want happens.

You want a girl? You go out and hit up enough girls until you find one. Etc, etc. Stop being a faggot.

Yeah, but it's pretty common for people to think this way.
Especially on Cred Forums. Best to not take chances.

>puts in equal amount of time to post in the thread

"I am bait, destroyer of threads"

What do you have to be rude for? I didn't need to hear this

Watch this video
It will explain everything

>> the bigger man destroys the other one. he'll smash him and kill him. stab him, shoot him, batter him. smash him into next week

only fucking idiots believe someone could do that and get away with it

women are taught from the media that the stronger a guy is the better he is to breed with, it's about genetics

although ye, most tough guys will be assholes simply because they know they can treat a woman like shit after she's had a kid because she'll be vulnerable

remember get a woman when your young and healthy , and also remember most women are suckers for worthless tall skinny pieces of shit

Yes, yes you did. One day you'll look at who you were in this moment and feel sick.

You know who else was in your position?
Elliot Rodger
Just because you are "a nice guy" doesnt mean you deserve pussy
It just means you arent an asshole
Being nice is expected of you

I'm glad i'm an asshole.

Pic related, it's Op

I can assure you, any quality woman does not want a man who drinks, smokes, and swears.

Being nice only for the sake of reward does not make you a nice person

Let's see a pic of OP and we can judge for ourselves what the diagnosis is. Don't forget a timestamp Rudy Poo.

Truuu my cousin is nerdy as fuck and hes dating a bomb shell because hes a confident nerd

At least he was around sorority's

It looks like your mother's child

You're not from where I'm from

Yes it does, if you try your best be real nice you get the woman - it's like anything else in life, study and work hard sacrifice and you get the prize. fucking cunts

not always the case, I've seen women with bright futures end up with literal crack heads, I'm pretty sure doing crack and being a confident alpha are not the same, there is something wrong with our culture in america

> be real nice you get the woman
> work hard sacrifice and you get the prize
you live in a imagination bubble kid
unless you are willing to step on others you wont achieve anything in this life, not by working hard, not by being nice and not by studying, thats bullshit your parents and teachers tell you.
> learn how the world works

itl be real nice if being mannered and polite and nice to people would get you a woman but it doesnt, women are material beings, they look for the muscles and face and money, not your attitude.
people in the real world wont give a fuck about you unless you can offer them something, and once your offer ends they wont think twice before kicking you out on the curve.
to progress and achieve you need to make others seem less useful then you are and if you are already useful make yourself seem more useful.

You sound like a fucking retard. These " ass holes " get the girl because they have confidence and aren't socially retarded


Fucking hilarious, and sadly very true.....

not quite, you can be confident and useless. a chick wont want a useless prick.
check facts mate, i have had over 28 girls so far, thats the conclusion i have, some chicks even told me that they want a guy who dresses/looks nice and has money

Because you're an ugly cuck.

I have never meet a boy/man that is not an asshole, looks nice (or takes care of himself) and not have a girl, but every fucking goddamn dude I've meet and heard complaining about girls not liking nice men looks like shit, is fat, or does not take care of himself (or all of the above).

Also, girls that go for chads mostly, are sluts. If you want sluts, you can pay for sluts. Nice girls will go for nice boys that know how to behave with them (in society and in private as well).

Of course, most of them have done mistakes and dated assholes, but no one is born with the intuition of discerning nice guys from assholes (as assholes usually are manipulative as well).

From what I've read from similar threads guys complaining about this are actually the reall assholes and they think that they are entitled to girls just because they are "nice". No, faggot work your way there.

Fucking cucks.

Holy fuck. I sound like a fucking retard without several commas there.

When I say confidence I mean a drive to take what they want. People who are confident in life tend to be successful in turn but I have seen girls date guys who are total fuck ups too

depends what it is they are looking to get from the relationship as they continue to offer nothing but used pussy as a reward


>>waiting on timestamp


This is just a meme undesirable guys use to feel better about themselves. I'm not an asshole at all, I'm not muscular, none of these stereotypes, but I've never had trouble with women being interested in me. If women really don't like you at all, it's either because you're like a 2-3/10 or you have like no redeeming qualities. Seriously, women like a guy who's funny, or talented, and generally who is actually interested in them. If you just listen to what women say when they speak that's one of the most surefire ways to be attractive to them. It's not hard, and being an asshole doesn't help unless you're trying to get with 15 year olds or dropouts.

>women like hard men
Sounds like all you need is viagra, dude.

You're welcome
Kill yourself
Nigger faggot
