I'm pretty sure she doesn't love me back and only ever talked to me cuz she was lonely

I'm pretty sure she doesn't love me back and only ever talked to me cuz she was lonely.
Can you cheer me up please


join the club :(

Women are shit anyway.
Love isnt real. Youre not real.
Nothing is real.
Suck it up bitch.

Have you told her how you feel?

You're one of literally billions of your specie. If you choose to let what one effect you enough to ignore the fact that you've got plenty of other human beings to get to know and potentially form a relationship (of any kind) with then that's your cross to bare.

Move on, meet someone new, do something exciting. The world still awaits, it will never reside in this one person you seem so hung up on.

That's my best attempt to "cheer you up" user, I hope the best for you.

Did you tell her how you felt about her, you cunt? Women aren't mind readers.

We both said we really like each other, but we live so far apart, and she always ends up meeting up with other dudes, she said its because she wants to be held.

So go hold her.. holy fuck. This is literally on you being too much of a pussy to scale geographical locations to be with someone you claim to love. Fuck yourself.

I don't know how to talk to girls, she was the only one I felt comfortable talking to

its 2 embarrassing , i cant bring myself to do it.
If u could be so kind as to ring her saying your johns friend and tell her that i like her please. Thanks 07766 481127

There's literally an ocean between us, I can't just walk to her

That's not op, just some dude

I don't know if you fucking knows this, but we have progressed so far as to have access to cross large bodies of water. That's a mighty fine excuse, but to me it sounds like you're horny, not in love.

>asking to get cuck'd

I don't like you, user.

I'm getting a job just to travel to her, but I probably won't have enough money for a few months, I'm worried she'll keep going off with other dudes or she might find someone else before I reach her

So she fucks a few dudes before you meet up. Then you meet her and give her your dick. if she doesn't love it you part ways. Trust, there's nothing worse than marriage when you're not compatible with one another. Correct me if I am wrong, but I get the notion that you have the idea of "pure" pussy and how one dick can only fill the hole or you're cuck'd for the rest of your life. That's a mirage, my friend. Work hard to lose the delusions.

And I do love her, she's the only reason I'm still around, she makes me smile, she makes me laugh and we both like all the same type of music and movies

Alright man, I'm gonna break it to you.

You can either;

A) Try and either, fail or succeed and pursuing a relationship.

B) Move on, and carry that burden. Either way. Guys aren't gonna probably be friends for much longer.

And if your worried that she won't be faithful. Than how can you be happy with her? It's pretty obvious that you can't be serious with her.

Listen to your heart.. when it's calling for you.. but in the end it doesn''t even matter - Tony Soprano

nah op. she didnt talk to you because she was lonely. she talked to you because she felt bad for you and is trying to figure out how to back out without hurting you too much. but let it be known she is definitely going to be backing the fuck out. have a good night

This cunt here. He's been hurt before, and now he's trying to hurt back just to relate to someone else. You sad cunt, I am so sorry for you.

Stop acting like a women you sad cunt. Tell her how you feel or suck it up.
There 3 options. The 3. Option would be kys