I'm a l33t hack3r Cred Forums ama

I'm a l33t hack3r Cred Forums ama

What language do you use and what is the best way to solve the travelling salesman problem?

HTML, you can solve it using cookies

English bitch, this is america. N3xt?


are you the hacker fortune?

>travelling salesman problem
Earn your own mirrion dorrah.

Where are my dox? I cant find them

>not h4x0rd

try harder, kiddo

Low quality bait.

One of these three is the hacker of fortune.

You ip address is Closing in on you now.

Clearly you are not versed in the art and sci3nce of hack3ring. I have an online degree in hacking, faggot.


The fuck it is. I graduated top of my class. I wrote multiple programs and algorithms. I am the matrix, faggot. I'm getting your ip address now

I read this in asian accent.

How did your 12th birthday go, kiddo?

I'm American faggot. Im not no squinty eyed yellow skinned chopstick fucker. Fuck you. Youre on th3 list.

I read this in german accent.

Would a 12 year old have a beard as amazing as mine

I read this with my cock in your mom's mouth. I told you I'm american

How do you started "Mr Robofaggot"? Tell me something to prove that you are a real hacker.

I cant expose my secrets or else the nsa will emp my battlestation. Kek nice try fbi

I will tell yiu i had something to do with the fappening and emma watsons latest leak

Fuckin magnets how do they work?

Call 411

They come from the earth. The earth has gravity. Magnets have residual earth gravity. Fucking n00b.

Goddammit stop answer8ng questioms in my thread. This is my ama. If you want a ama fo strat one on reddit yiu stupid queers. You probably dont even know how to ddos.

What is better linux or mac?

Mac, obviously

I think cookies are the best kind of bait

You guys suck. Im out. I thought your were going to ask questions like who ahould we hack into n3xt. Sure is summer still. You all suck. I hate all of you. So much for our next big op. You guys ruined it. Fucking hate you.

Some user ask you how to become hacker kek, do you really think fbi?, kek

> I thought your were going to ask questions like who ahould we hack into n3xt
>Post this has ama

How do you make your " E "s back to front like that?

Hack the gibson.