Should I fuck a fat bitch tonight whos mouth look like Little Nicky?
Should I fuck a fat bitch tonight whos mouth look like Little Nicky?
would you
Honestly if you feel you have zero and I mean zero chance of ever sleeping with anyone better than her, go for it. When I say zero percent chance I mean you're like 300 pounds, acne ridden, and smell like cheese.
It's better than fucking a prostitute and running the chance of getting some STD or STI
If you're just doing it for the fuck of it then fuck no. Do you really want to fuck something that will forever make you want to kill yourself for the rest of your life.
underage virgin
You are an underage virgin?
Depends. What's your credit card number?
you are wise
Slam it in her poop hole. She's fat and won't complain. Bonus: You don't have to see that rekt face.
If you want some pussy then do it. It's better to fuck a fat chick on her side. One leg under you and the other wrapped around your side. Put a little of your weight on the leg and start plowing. It feels so good.
Is her name Erin?
Why? For giving him advice that could help?
Same haircut too, I'm guessing.
>One leg under you and the other wrapped around your side.
this guy has fucked fat chicks before.
and he is right. best way to do it.
fuck her you dumb ass! jeesus christ are you actually asking if you should fuck? the answer is always yes.
theres gold in your balls
hahahaha nigga u fucking hilarious
Is she going to release the good or bad
You're such a boob.
can we get a look at this mouth?
you can black out eyes or crop or whatever
Is he a trap
>Should I fuck a fat bitch
Let me stop you right there and say no.
Unless you're into that sort of thing.