ITT Post you're literal 10/10 gril

ITT Post you're literal 10/10 gril

whats with the potato head?

you're a fuckin moran




>you're a fuckin moran

Iike this guy.

Oh mah god. What are u doang

Why is Quasimodo so fucking hot to you faggots



I would legitimately do anything for this woman.




I was thinking of this before I properly looked at the rating - "it better be halfed or thats what ill comment next"




Why is your dad so hot to you? We're just attracted to them.

I read this as your liberal 10/10. Doesn't exist.


Olivia Dunham of course!

I agree with your choice of women

Do you think the observers lurked on Cred Forums?

Most definitely



>you're literal 10/10 gril

I am literal 10/10 gril

i'd still fuck her.

Queen of hamburgers
Drinker of sodas



Fucking Faggot

What about eating your own dick

In a second.


So you're into chick's that look like guys? Gay.

She is beautiful



you live in gv fam?

Yeah why?

fairly sure i live near you. and since you're on Cred Forums means you're down for whatever...

I'm not the girl I posted. You know her?

Wow... these all really suck; you faggots should be ashamed of yourselves.

indeed i do

She's so gross

I know she goes on Cred Forums, not Cred Forums though, I can give you her number


In any of her classes?


how do you know her and how are you getting me her number?


If you're smart you'll leave this thread without answering that question user. He's trying to narrow down who you are.



She's in my bio class. I have her snapchat and number. You could just directly add her on snap, it's horan.ciara

She's pretty autismo just say you heard she goes on Cred Forums and she'll talk about it

lol i'm not giving info out like that. just know her and lowkey would fuck her.

who dis? she looks like a combo of two girls i know


should probably delete that asap


>tfw looking for qt's and see someone posting my pics

a-user do u wanna add me on snapchat? ;v;

u really would fugg me?

Solid 10

fuck yeah I would

any more of her? pic not related


do you wanna chat? I'll prove it's me and you don't have to say who you are



about to send you a snapchat message...

thank you user you wonderful human

Ok ^ - ^

requested you as a friend...

It's really too bad she's such a damn whore







Holy shit this is so cute

I know Cred Forums to well to know this is fake


>that face

I'm not entirely certain if that girl is legal


she iss


fucking gorgeous. Love freckles. Wish more girls that had them did to.

both 6 or 7 at best


help b im in love with this cutie

whats sad is the ones that have freckles, usually got so much shit from peers about them when they were younger, they feel the need to hide them with makeup

Obligatory shit skin for curry lovers




Looks even cuter with a dick in her mouth

what's the name of that set, if anyone knows?


excuse me sir, that is not human



meh, way too much makeup. plus the pink hair is pretty bad.


das better.




>that butchered nose
>disgusting fake lips

nigger please



