S/fur : Midnight bread

s/fur : Midnight bread

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Semi-lurk mode activated


So does it make you gay if you like gay equine furry porn but not any other kind of gay porn?


I'm not sure gay is a binary thing. You can be a little gay. That's not super gay. And so what if you are? Burying the fact you like something never ends well..


Semi lurk modeo here

Anyone wants to make it furries after dark edition and have it turned up a notch? Make it more raunchy with some fetishes. Vore, egg play, cubs, hyper, feral, go ahead and post your kink. Most of us are going to bed soon, so there won't be a better time.




You're welcome to post... idk ferals. Vore and cub I would shy away from.

Evening, fellow denizens of S/fur

Fuck ya, feral equine all night baby.


hi bloodthunder

Ayy lmao

So what qualifies us for your list Alex?

what do you mean Ayyy?


The requirements changed yesterday.

You have to get me out of my country and grant me asylum in yours.

How're you?
Idunno, kind of a greeting I guess.

Welp...oh well.


about to head out. It's late, no coffee and I have work in the morning. Don't believe I've ever run into you in these threads.

I believe I've seen you a couple of times but it was a while ago, anywho..sleep tight!



Do you guys know each other here or something? Aren't we all just anons here? How do?

Is this your normal time for posting? This is a bit late for me.

Anyways, night all.

It's a secret to everyone. :3

We are all avatarfags.

You just learn everyone's name and avatar after a while.

Furry magic technology that i stole to then master.

I'm on at odd times, but usually around here or a couple of hours back.

Sauce on this?

Mk, mines Greg. What should I have for avatar.. I'm on a tablet. All of my stuff is on a laptop that's being fixed right now. Lemme see if I have anything on here.

Well hope to see you around more.


Fuck off normie.

You have to be posting via dwb to be one of us.

Would this do?
We got a train guy here so I figure anything goes

Take care, friend!

Fuck normie?
Elitist much? Holy shit what an exclusive furry club this is. And I thought furries are an accepting bunch of fags. Guess I was wrong. Cred Forums rubbed off on you too much.


>he doesn't know how a circlejerk works
>he still thinks he's on Facebook
>he thinks he's entitled to participation
just do yourself a favour and fuck off back to twatter

Goddam what are you 15 years old, like we give a fuck what you choose your avatar to be, what the fuck to do we look like your fucking pals on Reddit?
Lurk more.



you sure told that guy off Annihiliator.

Well done man 10/10 ebin


On Cred Forums, everyone's an asshole

Im having a mental shit-out here, whats the name of that artist again, wasnt it hiro something?

Im having a mental shit-out here, whats the name of that artist again?

Hiro Shima

What the fuck is the deal with this influx of newfags?

Did Fox news link to Cred Forums again?

fuck off

>'Hiro Shima'
>>my sides

Big fucking deal.


4chans been mainstream for awhile, friendo, where have you been?

This place is 70% newshitters now


What the fuck makes you think I have the heart to say once again what I've been illustrating for years?

Go fuck yourself in the ass and lurk more

o fug

And that shows how new you are and how little you know.
Cred Forums fur threads have been flooded with newfags for a couple of months now.

It's pretty pathetic right? Honestly, I can't help but cringe at the 'newfaggotry.'

Woops sorry I wasn't on the s/fur threads on mobile every second of the day out during my job and while I'm driving, or hey when I took a 8 month break from Cred Forums.


Also, this.

>points to nothing


Sup Gerald?

I didnt feel I needed to point at my intro pic.

Oh, I have no idea.

I've lurked here for years nigger, you think I don't know what's going on? Shut your pretentious dickhole


dog years maybe

You should probably go back to lurking then if this is all we can expect from your posting.

I like how people act like Cred Forums hasn't always been shit.
Rose tinted glasses

I'm not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing.

It was inevitable

All good things come to an end

It's just a thing, neither good or bad really.

Sad, but true my friend.



But is it new?

Cry me a river, you sissy, I can post when and where I please. Feel free to hide my posts

It was certainly more entertaining than whatever garbage comes out nowadays




You're a total shitter

Why are you so proud to be oldfags?
You really sound like one too.
Back in my day Cred Forums had bla bla bla...
No one cares about your old days you fart.
It's a new generation grandpa and we make it as we want it. So fuck off and die along with your dwb and triforce shit.


miss me yet?




never have I seen anyone so new

Your ability to find cute and well done art amazes me gerald.

miss me yet?


Who are you, again?

miss me yet?


I have cute and well done non-Krystal art too

I just normally post Krystal

And I never seen anyone so old.
Nice meeting you.

Thank you!
I know a lot of what I post is a bit too different for most to like but I do intentionally try to post things that are different.


refer to the list

tag off

You could at least post a furry pic if your gonna shitpost. Carry on the legacy

He's a faggot.

Nice bait, but you're still retarded

What a homo

I'm the old one, not him.



is buttsack a word

It can be anything you want it to be.

Even the art I don't "like" is usually still very good. You have goo taste Gerald. You're responsible for a good bit of my saves, and artists I'm currently following all of the sudden.

How y'all doing?





there's never enough feral in these threads




I just lack it in general. Haven't seen any worth saving.





fuck off filenames

fair enough

heyo user.

Well that's because half assed furries don't like it.
They think we're the sickos.


maybe some tasteful vore?





>half assed furries


ey there


Any requests?

Zoophilia is not the same as being into furry wholy you goddamn baka












Built chicks?



you got it.

I mean, technically.



Getting awfully quiet in here
Post some music



kek. Have a fair bit of her though.















I'll find my stronk next thread.



Who said anything about Zoophilia, Just because it isn't super humanized doesn't make it the same as masturbating to pictures of draft horses eating grass in a field.

where is new thread?

This is why I come to this place.


in never passed bedtime land