How is it possible that someone started a multi-state clown meme without using Cred Forums to organize it?

How is it possible that someone started a multi-state clown meme without using Cred Forums to organize it?

Other urls found in this thread: Alone Complex

i read on an /x/ thread theyre using a tor chatsite to communicate

it could be icp or shilling for the new it movie, it also could of been something organized on the deep web without 4chin knowledge

I really doubt it's juggalos. The stupider things they do seem to be confined to their own gatherings at this point.

Because b is just trap tthreads now

anytime someone comes up with an idea a bunch of faggot cunts go "wha wha wha not your personal army" and go back to jerking it over a pissy white dude getting fucked by some hung poofter

Cred Forums

Juggalo here.
there were no rumblings of anything like this at the recent gathering. it's not us, but that doesn't mean we won't endorse it in the future, lol.

I'm not trying to encouraging people to do shit like this clown faggotry - I'm just puzzled about how a bunch of random people decided to do it, if they are indeed organizing it somewhere.



This happened to me. Anyone remember the "Ponte Harambe" threads? Basically, we were trying to get a bridge in Italy named after Harambe.

Long story short, after a long battle, it inevitably failed. But near the end, we were losing, and our last hope was help from the other threads and spambots. I and some other user made threads on Cred Forums. I ended up getting banned for a couple weeks for "requesting a personal army". I don't think the other user with the other thread was banned, and you could call literally every single thread in that topic personal army request, since they were calling the various boards to vote in the bridge poll.

Was the ban deserved? I thought a personal army request was just some beta faggot asking Cred Forums to hack some chick who dumped him. Not asking Cred Forums to help make history.


the ultimate meme machine is still the Media.

I think the point of /x/ is "no proof".


what is it illegal to be a clown now? Alone Complex

Funny, it looks more like a lizard or snake to me.

R u retarded fam?

Idk, but I'm in college right now and it's a bit terrifying. Some of those fuckers carry knives. I haven't seen any irl yet, but friends have on their campuses. I hope these clown fuckers start getting jumped often and they quit their bullshit.

Say that to my face and not on the internet see what happens

i carry a knife (victorinox cadet) and my religion requires me to wear a clown nose. im not one of those menacing clown. don't lump us all together

>honk honk

Yeah, I'm here at Indiana State University and there were a few out tonight. A shit ton of students left the rest halls and when out with like pocket knives and shit on a sort of clown hunt. Shit was lowkey lit.


They're in the middle of filming a two part adaptation of Stephen King's "It" right now, perhaps it's a publicity stunt to drum up interest or draw attention to Pennywise the clown or some shit.

They probably do not carry knives, but pussy faggots throw in the knife detail to help explain why they pissed themselves over a fucking clown.