Ultimate gore/wrekt thread!! Seriously, you cannot fucking beat this! Someone turn this shit into webM, its better than anything them pussy ISIS has!!
Ultimate gore/wrekt thread!! Seriously, you cannot fucking beat this! Someone turn this shit into webM...
Other urls found in this thread:
That's it, I've had enough of this bullshit.
Post your fucking address so we can square the fuck up and I can knock your FUCKING teeth out.
I'll check this thread again in 10 minutes. I swear to fucking god if I come back to this thread and see you replied with some pussy shit and tried to avoid fighting me I'll track your IP myself and throatfuck you in front of your mother.
nope, I am too passive aggressive to fight you. Guess we have to do it the hard way.
why isn't this shit on the fucking news
Don't forget your credit card and your NIP so we san send you pizza.
People should be spreading this around. Post it on Trump's Twitter, email it to congressmen, send it to news media. Remind people that THIS is what Trump wants to keep out.
website has only 2pics where is the video ?
No first is a pic, second is the video
have a link to the video ?
are you fucking blind?
i can't see the video, maybe it's blocked in my country ....
the website looks also not normal. I know it from before .....
this road only goes one way
o wait seems it don't like https
oh god i hope that's bait and u'r not actually that stupid.
please be bait. please leave me _some_ confidence in humanity.
What the fuck is with the playlist lmao
ok now i have it
mexico a land where i will never ever make holiday
yeah banning guns in mexico helped. at least nobody was shooted.
vote trump before democrats take your guns.
Underrated post
Your fat ass is never leaving your room anyways
Well, this is why mexico should be purged with nuclear weaponry.
Trump 2016 anyone?
so what ? it seems to be the only safe way of living.
>Are you kidding me?
>I just can't
>like wow really
Deep argument
Damn that dude suffered hard and felt every bit of his death
> u'r
Fucking kill yourself.
wow that shit floored me
This video has been posted like 3 times that I've seen. Stop spreading this fucked up video.
Did I somehow get put into Doc. Brown's Delorean and timewarp to last week? It's deja-vu all over again here.
This is obviously fucking fake, not only do they use their voices in the video, not only do they use their bare hands, but the person is fucking alive. No way anyone would be alive and kicking from having their face torn off, hands cut off, and beheaded.
You're like a week late, mr internet explorer user. webms already exist
You couldn't go there even if you wanted to, cause you're poor. And probably fat
He's not beheaded you fucktard.
If you understood the language, or had been here for longer than 3 days you would have known the knife was blunt as fuck. That's why they tried to use the machete.
The aim want to behead him, but to make him due painfully. Drug cartels are bitches, and thus guy was on the wrong side that day
I wish they recorded the face peeling with the eyeball plucking. Even Satan would cringe
They did. Guy filming didn't release that one as most of it was missed as guy was moving around too much so had help out.
you realise real life is not the movies? the human body can sustain a stupid amount of shit and not die they suck as beheading so he was bleeding out slowly.
what is with all the pussies on Cred Forums these days, back in Cred Forums golden time gore threads were born in no had shit like that on half the threads front page you have grown weak and caring people
Obviously beheading would kill, but the fucker had his face peeled off.
>mfw Funky Town comes on at the end
Autistic auto correction.
They wanted him to bleed out, not behead him.
>what is with all the pussies on Cred Forums these days
I didn't cringe, just pointed out the massive bullshit behind it. He would have at the very least passed out.
Blame Bernie and Hillary.
>No way anyone would be alive and kicking from having their face torn off
you must be new here
> hands cut off
thats why they bind it
> beheaded
he isn't
Sweet Jesus that was brutal
Honestly, the most brutal people in the modern world are these people.
Even ISIS although barbaric they do deliver the death eventually, their tactic is to scare their enemies not to focus on the agony, that's why their creative.
Mexican Cartel I hear, this isn't torture for information extraction this is just .. shit.
There doesn't seem to be a point.
I can only assume these people get off on this in one way or another.
Please nuke ASAP
Looking forward to this thread user
There is most definitely a point, and it is to warn rival gangs/cartels
Was this his breaking debut into film??
The fuck happened to the dignity of being able to swipe off someone's head in a single movement? This is embarrassing. Moreover, what kind of existence is it to be so deranged that you can perform this? Watch at your own risk...
You know they gave him a fuckload of drugs beforehand, right?
Have you ever stopped to think that maybe they don't want a swift beheading and want it to be as slow and painful as possible?
Homosexuals aren't really known for being tough
That song always makes me think of Hal on malcolm in the middle dancing in his roller skates
99% of the people that get this are also bad people. It's pretty well understood that most of the killings are between the cartels. They got the country divided up. The govt won't acknowledge it bc doing so is throwing in the towel. The govt is corrupt as fuck and don't care. The us don't care bc were the ones funding these animals. Stop buying the crap and they will go away. The corruption is also on our side bc we let em cross and do their business. Govt officials here are on their payroll. There are cartel leaders living a life of luxury here in the states. But guess what, they got money and that's good enough for the us govt to let this go on. Im not watching the video, bc there's no point to it. I've seen enough gore crap to know that it's basically porn. Idk why these don't get banned along with the cp threads. I categorize them equally. Pleasure from the suffering of others, yea its the same.
Evil trips.... too bad it's a tldr
Trump is a fucking idiot but I'm probably voting for him just to keep the spics out.
You're a fucking idiot too, but you're not even keeping the spics out so you're completely useless.
If he won nothing he'd push for would get passed, he's too extreme. Obama didn't get shit done and people liked him, what makes u think trump will. He would flip on all his issues like he's done already. At first he wanted all my people out. All 11 mill. Now he says just the bad ones (couple thousand)Lol get em out, but lol on him
No one deserves to die like this.
SJW would have us care about the people that commit crimes like this and "treat them like human beings" right?
Well... I think someone deserve: Hitler, terrorist, child rapist.
If someone hurt my family I want he die like that.
You don't know what kind of people are in cartels, all those cunts deserve to die like this
topkek m8, i r8 8/8
Does anyone have any info on this? I hope this poor man got justice. I've seen a lot of rekt and gore shit but this was hard for me to watch. I wish he could've been helped. What a horrible way to go.
All the fucks responsible for this shit will probably save enough to buy a pass to cross the border soon and your next president will be paying to house and feed them until they can breed with your ilk. Let that sink in.
There was justice. A faggot narco killed by other faggots narcos
>back in Cred Forums golden time
wooooow look guys we have a real Cred Forums GOLD status oldfag here!!
haha one of the tough oldfag Cred Forums-boys who just devour all the gore they can get because it's fucking SICCCCKKKKK af!!!
yeah bro fuck those pussies right I still remember all the times I masturbated to the 3 guys 1 hammer video because it was so amazing and gorey....real nostalgia!
long live the OLD Cred Forums! the true anonymous!
fuck off to all of you pussy ass redditor bitches and newfags haha can't handle amazing gore? well fuck off then because Cred Forums isn't for you!!
Do you get off on this?
If not then why watch?
you know it happens, you've seen much like it, why do you keep coming back?
Still no webm, is Cred Forums full of a bunch of pussies? Apparently so.
Make one yourself, tough boy.
This video is a couple of days old and webms are a DIAMOND DOZEN by now.
Go to r9k, webm is on the frontpage there
>ISIS want's to scare enemies
>Cartels have no point with doing that shit
Nuke yourself, fucknugget
Ok? lol
It wouldn't sound contradicting if you bothered thinking about it.
You can only scare people to a point, beyond that you just become a disgusting animal
>Diamond Dozen
Are you trying to trigger me pussy?
I don't think he's trying to trigger your pussy.
This is actually not a joke. When you support SJW and anti racist movements you are endorsing people like this to breed with your sisters, daughters, and destroy races in the name of degeneracy. God forbid we offend to save a race.
Spotted the liberal
Get off my board you filthy cuck
You mean you don't get off to this? Are you gay or something?
So fucking funny that people think like this hahahaha
the quacking was kekable
mfw ISIS gets cucked by even crazier mexfags
I get excited by it in the simplest terms. It doesn't get me hard but it gets me hyped.
So who wouldn't you fuck with?
A group of people who'll most likely just kill you in most cases (except they need to shoot a new movie).
Or a group of people who make sure that the last hours you have on this planet will be one of the most excrutiating and painful moments a human can withstand until you whish that they would treat you like ISIS would?
Take a fucking guess, faggot.
They don't kill people like that to spend their time, they are doing it for the message behind it.
Do you even think at all before you post, you inbred cumguzzling candyass?
>MFW that was the worst part of the video for me
After a while a hanging body from a free way or a charred corpse become common place enough to have little effect. So they move on to harsher executions, more gruesome killings. If you kill your rivals worse than they kill your guys, maybe they won't try to fuck with you. Or maybe, like is the case in Mexico, everyone just tortures and kills each other in worse and worse ways because no one is willing to say fuck it I'm out. They were disgusting animals before they started getting creative. It's all to send a message. Come to think of it, it's like some fucked up form of cartel texting. Maybe Instagram.
It appears that he is as well from the cartel, meaning he probably did stuff like this as well.
There is no "scaring them out".
The man bites the box cutter they used on him, probably just to mess with them.
All that filler petty name calling is wasting your time, it doesn't make you any tougher. You are better than that
mfw I can't move the seekbar
This is nothing. I seriously fap to this shit
So fucking funny that libcucks think the real world isn't what it is.
>Pic related, it's the guy who'll turn your daughter into his "boo" before adding his shit to your family
You seem to be lost kiddo, no pussies allowed here
you should seriously seek help then you weirdo
Can anyone explain why they stone these people and then set them on fire? What did they do to deserve it? Are they homos?
Try harder, 3/10
That or thieves, or adulterers, or any number of crimes. Sometimes it seems like they just do it for fun.
Source? Lol
Anyone here got a documenting reality invite that I can take? Email is [email protected]
I hope they keep doing it, by that rate + starvation + STDs half the nigger population would be wiped out by the end of this century
>Implying anyone knows what goes on in the head of an African
>Implying anything goes on in the head of an African
>Implying Africans actually need reasons to be savages
I wouldn't know why they do that. I think its just some primal instinct they still have back there.
Should I be seeing someone for watching that with a straight face?
Too optimistic. They breed like fucking rabbits.
Czech em
this one good with volume liveleak.com
Hard to pass out when they inject you full of meth, buddy.
>He had been injected with amphetamines and other drugs, most likely to ensure that he remained conscious while being tortured.[5]
>Camarena was tortured at Gallardo's ranch over a 30-hour period, then murdered.
fucking hell. that startled me.
Nah, I do it too.
Its just that if you've seen enough gore/rekt threads that you become a bit insensitive to it.
woah, i give a fuck, that actually make me feel something.
Would you do something like that to a person?
fuck you all, give some rekts
So, why this place wasn't raided by police/cluser bombed by the military?
Fucking mexican govt is doing almost nothing to get rid of this human trash.
Hopefully Trump will soon order US military to spread T virus in mexico, so this problem will be solved.
Also columbia should be purged.
underrated post
>inb4 old rekt
Cred Forums is dead
Hitler,Child rapists are fine they are useful for this society though terrorists are a no go
Don't know the exact story, I think its a double suicide where the other wasn't sure right away but later on figured to just say fuck it and an hero
is it too late?
plus the innocent people that are rumored to be one of those you mentionned
>that sound
Could none of these chucklefucks afford an axe? Silly people.