>adults always do the right thing
>girls like nice guys
>lifting weights will get you laid
Adults always do the right thing
Your dubs will be checked
when dad said it would just be "our little secret"
That you would have a mother and a father just to end up going through an everlasting emotional distress when the father does drugs and screams at you then leaves your mother and then end up growing up with your mother literaly dying
Anything a person said. I assumed it was true. I caught on quick.
>you'll figure out what you want to do as an adult
Also that your mother is dying from sickness and that you know uinside that she won't make it but she is always there for you more as a friend than just a family member and as well having to clean apartments for a very low rent just to keep you and your sick mother roof over your heads
M8 I can't handle your edge. I'm gonna have to jerk off to Richard Dawkins now.
>I just need to borrow your phone son
>Trust me it won't be anything bad
And that is how I ended up with a juvenile record and ended with a felony because the police thinks the phonecalls to the drug dealer was me instead of my dad
icup nigga
Goddamn user
I feel sorry for you
I hate this uncertainty.
>you'll learn how to do (random shit here) when you're older
>One day you'll find a nice girl who loves you that you'll want to spend your life with
Lifting weights does get you laid
>girls prefer the artsy caring man over muscles
>you can do anything you want with enough effort
>You make your best friends in highschool
>money isn't everything
>treat others the way you want to be treated
A lie. I don't give and ask for respect. I demand and return it. I do what is societaly acceptable, follow the rules. But I don't take shit from anyone in person. Not any more. I'll take a beating and sue your ass into the ground. Or I'll beat you and say it was self defense. Either way I'm willing to take whatever steps necessary to be the one on top at the end.
The only way to live these days is with the mindset of "I want more." Money, status, women. Always more.
proof, swaglord?
>things will be better when you're my age
No. No they won't. They'll be much much worse.
>you get smarter as you get older
All 30 year olds are retarded
>god is real
If you stick at something it will be rewarding
>oddly specific age group
Did ya get cucked by a 30 year old?
Fucking this. Screw baby-boomers and their tired bullshit.
>Santa is real
I remember the day my childhood died. It wasn't santa for me, it was the tooth fairy. I woke up as my mom was trying to collect my baby tooth.
I felt so stupid in that moment. Of course it was my mom. I knew it. I was just able to believe up till that moment.
Really? That's the one reply that's worth of a /thread? You fuckin idiot. Look no one cares about your atheism. Believe in the flying spaghetti monster if you want just shut the fuck up about it.
Well could be confidence change, but have had a lot more attention from girls since getting fit
You don't have to be benching 200, just ottermode and that'll do it
If you don't believe me you can try it yourself, I guarantee you'll notice the difference
Its more about being healthy than being Beefy these days.
The entire karma system and mindset.
Some people will get away with wronging others and live happily.
Well how's it going for you billy bad ass? You a CEO yet now or what
>Life is worth living
I promise you man, despite what the women themselves say athletic with abs> skinny/artsy/sensitive
>you're too young to understand
>you're egoist for not doing what I want
>I'll always be there for you
>post reeks of barely contained jealousy
What's it like being beta?
Girls like different things - Same as men. It's good to have a 'thing' to make yourself stand out. Everyone should have a thing. That thing certainly can be that you're the skinny guy. Some girls are really into that.
But in general, if you want to attract as many women as possible, then being athletic will get you the most attention overall. Because a lot of girls are really into that look.
Still, it's definitely better to have your own style than to be too plain and common-looking. Dress suave or stylish, or have your very own style. Add a few minor accessories like a wrist watch or a lapel pin to your blazer to add character. Only grow facial hair if you can make it look good. Long hair on men are underrated as fuck - About one in five women will literally cream their panties over that sort of guy even if you are pretty average otherwise. Some girls will even be into balding men.
Many women subconsciously want someone that reminds them of their father so if you can look slightly like he used to when he was younger, and act in a similar way, you'll earn her eternal affection.
>spent my childhood as fat
>thought I was fine cos girls like nice guys, right?
>single for most of my teens
>turn 16
>start lifting
>see progress over time
>start getting into it
>eating and feeling a lot better
>also feeling a lot more confident, have a solid sense of charisma about me
>getting more attention and respect from just about everybody
>turn 17
>sign up for dating apps because i heard some good shit about dating app hookups
>find some C-grade bitch from another city
>talk for a while and agree to meet up
>spend the day together
>i didn't like her much to be honest, but suck was suck
>starts raining
>find some shelter in a clothing shop
>take some miscellaneous clothes into the changing rooms together
>make out and fuck around for a bit
>couple mins later she pulls down my fly
>starts sucking my dick like a blood and cum filled lollipop
>good thing she swallowed because we couldn't clean my dick off with the store's clothes
>get a knock on the door from the staff telling us to get the fuck outta there
>moral of the story; you get in good shape, you feel and look better and then you get your dick sucked by lonely, friendless sluts from other cities that you meet online.
That's fair enough and I can understand that some girls enjoy the skinny guy look with no abs and such, is just that the girls that I have encountered that say they like that, said later on that they preferred me with abs and rather that. Maybe the girls I speak to are retarded though
maybe are you are like 14
When I had my fit-phase, I went from being quite skinny with a pretty soft stomach to having serious abs in around six months. My girlfriend at the time then ended up admitting to me that she really missed my soft stomach because it was 'much cuddlier', and that she had preferred me skinny and soft overall. And it was mainly for her that I had put in so much effort into getting fit because I wanted to be the 'best I possibly could' for her. Really back-fired. Oh well..
Egdy my friend
you sound like a nigger
If you work hard, society will reward you.
Women are your equals, and once you find the right one, both of you will be happy.
>"if you swallow that gum, it will clog your stomach"
>one day accidentally swallow gum
>Women are your equals
Every kid and their uncle play 'lick the snake' in the shed out back
>Doubling money