I'm gonna date a trap for the first time wednesday. Any tips? Should I suck her dick?

I'm gonna date a trap for the first time wednesday. Any tips? Should I suck her dick?

You ought to fuck off and die, faggot.

>her dick

Your mental retardation is off the charts.

Oh, and picture related. Literally I guess.

>her dick
That meme needs to die, people think it's not a joke and you end up with stupid trap threads everywhere

"her" dick, lol
kys gaylord

HER dick?

If the freak has a dick, it's not a "her" it's a hebitch faggot.

i find it funny you use a picture of an actual girl rather than a trap

Is this Cred Forums?

If she has a body like that then go straight for dat ass

WTF is wrong with people. Go suck that sick you faggot. Why the Fuck are you asking. I hope you get aids and die.

only required if they suck yours. Although it's just good manners to anyways.

this is Cred Forums

Talk about the Jews running the world. This topic never fails. Scream and punch the table if necessary.

>protip: if there is an awkward silence just take your shirt off and yell: WE ARE BREAKING THE CONDITIONING AHHHH UGGGGHHHH REEEEE UGRRRRRHHH., then sit down and change the topic

Thank me later.

This is OG Cred Forums

Why do anons like chicks with fat asses? Can someone please explain this to me?

Why not a fit, trim ass? Why doesn't everyone just prefer Asians like I do?

thats not trim..thats flat

Fucking faggot. Just suck his dick and let him fuck you in the ass afterwards. Gtfo.

How is that ass in op pic fat and not fit?

Nice trips.

If one ass cheek is larger than the chick's entire head then it's a fat ass.


1.OP's is perky and athletic, not fat

2.Your picture is flat, not trim

3.Different people have different tastes, believe it or not

4.I just destroyed your ass, son.

>Mfw that's not the first time I said that today


Hell no. Make him play the role of a female exclusively. Not jerking him off, no sucking, definitely no pozzing your neghole. Just traditional sex roles for females. Lots of worshiping your dick and anal. I don't condone fucking trannies, btw. Just saying that if you're going to do it, do it right.

So a reverse trap, or..?

if you don't suck her dick, then why fuck a trap? you may as well just fuck a woman


Really you'd consider that fat and not phat? She seems perfectly healthy and fit to me. She just has a round ass nothing wrong with that. Im sure people would agree its better than that asian little boy butt that was posted.

I guess the girl in OP's picture is athletic in the sense that she only does gluteus exercises and nothing else. Ever.

Yeah, I don't think she's unhealthy. And you're right, it's just a round ass.

But it just seems like too much ass.

I see your point. We all have different taste after all. To each their own.