Post pics of your sleeping SOs. ill post more if she repositions

post pics of your sleeping SOs. ill post more if she repositions

"Man The Harpoons!" dot jpeg

Why would anyone need a large bottle of Mountain Dew next to their bed

>that giant bottle of soda next to the bed

My sides

Yeah you better cross out that tattoo because NOBODY FUCKING CARES WHICH FAT HEIFFER IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND

thought that was a very chubby penis for a second

You clearly missed the size of that thing in the bed there

Not horny at the moment and she disgusts me.

If I was horny I'd be asking for more pictures of asshole and feet.

I haven't
I think I just underestimated the gross habits of landwhales

Didn't know Mountain Dew have 10 litres bottles.

Is she missing her legs. Lol

Probably why she's so fat

Are hou sleeping with a giant dick?

I personally enjoy chubbies. Proceed OP

you should change your definition of 'chubby'.

You should quit acting like you're not a beta faggot and have seen a vagina a person.

Jesus that bitch is huge.

Make her turn over OP. I wanna see them bubs!

she ain't cubby she is a obese fat fuck

these things are true, but that woman is fat. she needs to lose 100lbs to even begin to qualify for chubby.

lol fucking 2 liter of soda on the nightstand you cant make this shit up

Nah. She's a bigger grill, but not a sloppy land whale imo. Cred Forumstards have some out of touch sense of what's acceptable and what isn't. Truth is, if that bitch grabbed your dick, you'd blush and run away and go fap to pepe pasta.


>not a sloppy land whale imo

thats a fucking 240+ pound bitch bruh. rolls on top of rolls.

>what's acceptable and what isn't

my girlfriend goes to the gym every morning at 6 in the morning, that is acceptable

your girl sleeps with a 2 liter of mountain dew next to the bed. that is not acceptable.

i think you're the one who is slightly confused son

Im honestly into that,send more?????

i'm to fatties and cubbies, so don't try that. even i think she's got a sexy ass, but she is fat, not chubby. you're in denial.

Not my girl brah. Oh boy, your girl goes to the gym everyday. I don't like fucking a stick, but to each their own. Be proud?


Her ass looks like a dickhead

She ain't got a sexy ass nig. Her ass is pointy and square.

Im really into chubby chicks, do you have anymore photos? mmm that ass, well done bro

Fat and landwhale and two different catagories in my book. Yes, of course she's fat, but I wouldn't consiter her a disgusting landwhale is all I'm saying.

>my girlfriend goes to the gym every morning
He spells his name "Jim".

Nigga my wife is pregnant and is not even 1/3 this bitches size

>ill post more
please don't

How come every guy on Cred Forums has a fat ass ugly gf/wife? I've never seen a hot one here.

i like a fat ass sometimes- sue me. if i can bury my head in it, it's alright to me.

I am not OP. I was just "weighing in" on the thoughts of this OP's grill

It might not be soda in there.

We may have located the legendary female piss-bottle-user!


i guess i wouldn't go that far to call her a landwhale, but she's still anything but chubby.

why would she be a stick from going to the gym every day? i hate to tell you this but my girl has D's, a 24 inch waist and 41 inch hips and you will never have anything like her. sorry buddy.

going to the gym doesnt mean doing cardio and starving yourself to become a stick bitch...LOL

I second this.

I like chubbies too but fuck, man, there are limits beyond which "chubby" becomes inapplicable.

Will someone get this stupid nigger out of here? Listen nigger, if you want to fuck hamplanets, that's your own business, but don't come to these threads spouting that fat bullshit. OPs picture is fucking disgusting, and you should kill yourself for wanting more you degenerate waste of oxygen.

Nigga if this is chubby then any regular person with a proper bmi is fucking anorexic

This thread is actually fucking hilarious.

Y u mad tho?

Bury your head into a square pointy ass that probably smells of stale farts and has left over poo particles? Cause lets be honest, her fat arms couldn't possibly reach far enough to clean the shit out.

And if that is chubby, fat would only be those fucking creatures on TLC weighing over 700 pounds.


Nigga that's a fucking crossaint

Wouldn't be able to see it on her you retard, and seeing a pussy isn't an achievement in any sense of the word

I would be disgusted, to my stomach. My fiancee is 60kg and that is acceptable, maybe even up to 75 would be, but that bitch is like 140

the bitch calf look like its the same diameter as a 2 liter bottle. let that sink in folks.

nasty ass, short bosnian penis looking bitch.

how much flour do you need to find her pussy?

Got horny just from reading that.
My girlfriend is only 94 pounds, so I get turned off by thinking about the exact opposite of her.

Yeah. That woman long ceased to give a shit. She probably looks even worse standing up.

If that bitch grabbed my dick she better have a baseball glove handy because very shortly after she's gunna have to try and catch these hands.

her ass is perfect, I love fat chicks. OP why don't you go to pound town instead of posting candids of her on here?

i love how early in the morning this picture was taken

Subhuman, leave.

>her ass is perfect


Here, OP. This is all I could find so I hope it's enough.

There's this thing? It's called consent you idiot

op why do that to yourself

jesus christ it's not even milled you lazy fuck

Baked potatoes need love too

I'd rather fuck another guy than that pile of shit. And I'm straight.

Lol you're so fucked Kris. I'm showing this to Jill tomorrow, I know where you guys moved to.

>op probably just as obese

Dem dubby trips

No, but I know for a fact he likes to be pegged and his name is Kris. His fat ass wife is named Jill.

trips is truth

can you imagine the smell in that room?

Answered your own question

I bet she rips some absolutely baking farts.

Meh, just get her to sit on it and crush it to a fine powder.

Nothing embarrassing about enjoying pegging. Sticking your dick in that... lifeform..., however, I could not live down.

Imagine opening a few cans of tuna, putting them on a hot radiator then pissing into them.

lmao, what kind of girlfriend doesn't give you consent to wake her up with dick?

mine... :'(

>waiting for sand nigger white knights to come protect their whale


Kek when she wakes up and slams that soda without burping then falls asleep she probably sharts in her sleep

There she blows!-there she blows! A hump like a snow-hill! It is OP's Bitch!

>explains poopy butthole

Fuck, you made me spit tea on my cat.

Closest you'll ever get to making a pussy wet.

Very nice.


I think you'll probably find its the ugly ass cucks of Cred Forums who post their girls all day long on here who have the ugly girlfriends.

I love how this started out as a sleeping gf/bf thread and turned into everyone laughing at OP's Humpback.

should've established that rule early on, sucks for you bud

Not really. My wife actually just stopped by the house at lunchtime for a quickie. It's nice living two minutes away from her workplace.

>>so big their butt is a different temperature than their body

>from her workplace
the corner?

>translator's note: keikaku mean plan

Yeah, I'm kinda starting to feel just a bit bad for OP, but hey: this is Cred Forums, after all.

Yeah, the corner with the sign on it reading "University" where she's a prof.

Of course, your meaning would still mean I'd be a pimp, which is sort of badass.


ITT: faggots taking obvious bait

Honestly, OP- it was just a bad pic to start the thread out with. It's not really sexy or anything, it's just a picture of a seemingly fat woman sleeping. You needed to start off with more juice.


A cumshot 4 beginning would be nice

Oh, well done, mate.

Someone please make a good screencap of this thread including all the funniest responses, I want something to remember OP's "Little" Miss Piggy by.

Probably, I was only joking.

I'm actually a faggot. I like fucking men.

>tfw graphic design is my passion

Not my thing, but have at it. More vaginas for me, then.

Question: do you guys find vages gross, weird, neutral or what?


Well, I can't speak for the entire faggot race, but I find them gross tbh. The whole period thing is really off-putting, besides I like dating guys because they're more emotionally sound than most women I've been with.

Huh. Menstruation is pretty freaky when you think about it. How about tits? Ever played with some?

I've played with some quite big ones, sucked on them etc during sex, but didn't really see their appeal. Sucking dick is way too much fun.

Op my girl

Significant Others

Significant Other.

lmao op isnt posting pictures after he got roasted for having a landwhale gf

Her ass looks like my ballsack, but 100x bigger.