

Other urls found in this thread:








Goddamn bro i know what its like to get kicked out
and be on the street its hard man i robbed some dude and got enough money to stay in a hotel for a few days till i could reach some friends
you just gotta take good care of yourself and try to make the decisions best for you

Are you actually fucking retarded, kid? I cannot see you being older than 15. Seriously, ask anyone around here what I was like when I was 15; not even I was autistic and obnoxious as you.



My god, can't you come up with anything else?


I can, but I choose not to.

what the fuck are you even babbling on about

your autism level however increases exponentially with age

assuming you are 19 now, you are 16 times as autistic as you were 4 years ago.

But does it actually multiply on a given date, or does it steadily accelerate each moment? I feel like a calculus equation would be more suitable, but I'm a dumbfuck who doesn't know calculus.

And quints confirm it.
Now give me fucking hexes, I'm sick of these stupid quints. I've gotten at least a dozen now.

Constantly of course.

Learn about the origin of Euler's number.


nvm im talking dumbshit im just gonna go eat breakfast

Why are you confessing to mugging someone in a furry thread?



That was rather enjoyable.
I haven't had a good pone-ing in quite a while.

Fuck off dash.

And lil bishboi is still talking shit in the other thread.







Oh, I'm pretty sure I already learned this. Granted I was asleep 70% of the time I was in that class and never did any work, but I somehow did quite well on the tests.
Man, I really wonder why I acted so fucking retarded in school considering my test scores relative to the time I was actually paying attention. Having a completely fucked up sleeping schedule didn't help. But I digress.

No. I can post gore if you want me to. I'm sure Gerald would be happy with me taking his place, or perhaps even fighting this war side-by-side.





This war has just become a free-for-all!





Marked as pone in TFF.











There should be an option to quarantine certain threads.










I bet Hiroshimoot isn't happy with us right now.



like a group vote to move a thread to /trash/












thats about as close to quarantine as you can get.



Post more guro



I mean having the option to make certain threads as cancer threads in TFF or something.





Don't worry, there's a lot more where that came from. Enough to fill up almost 3 entire threads.




>what is every mark option


I really love her art.


Too convoluted.

that's called marking as gfur





This thread smells

Not really. All gfur threads are cancer, but not all cancer threads are gfur.













I actually kinda like that one. I love bedroom eyes.



Are you sure that isnt just you?









I smell of doughnuts. I smell great.


I thought that was shit from the thumbnail.









Guess you're right about the thread then.





I'm pretty sure it's not the whole thread, just part of it.





Damn, that's good. I'll have to get more from that artist.



The parts that aren't you or me.










Admit defeat or suffer my wrath, Neocunt!


lol, fuck off boi.

Get a room