Is this a hoax or what?

is this a hoax or what?

link: Forums-will-probably-shut-soon-folks/

they should put the porn boards behind a paywall if they take up so much space

or paetreon or something idk

hopefully it's real. it's past time to shut this shithole down

the long night is almost over, dawn will soon break and all the neckbeards will leave their basement to gaze upon the sun for the first time in possibly years and shed a single tear for the shithole garbagedump of a timewaste that is Cred Forums

This. I need to move on from this dump of a board and grow the fuck up already.

I miss moot.
I wish he was still here with us.

Holy shit are you serious...? But we're here forever right?

martin shrkeli will save us

>some gayass blog with "predictions"

into the trash it goes

Clinton probably paid off moot-two due to Cred Forums being a pack of awesome cunts...

Might wanna check out /qa/.

You do know he sold lots of our info already. Data mining gook!

I think its time to shut this piece of shit,this place is dying anyway.

me too lil buddy, me too

My god, this. I've been here for 8 years. I keep coming back.

He's the retard for buying Cred Forums expecting it to make money, let alone break even.

It never did in the past and no, you can't make any real money selling our data 'hurr came from xhamster, browsed 40 minutes, left to mless' no ad company gives a shit

Fucking celebrate! Fun while it lasted. Maybe something new will be born

Fuck you all. You'll miss this shithole, just like you do having actual friends

looks like we need to raise some funds.
>pic related
any volunteers?

Have faith in based hiro anons, he will surely delete Cred Forums , Cred Forums and Cred Forums to save us.

Instead of hiding in other chan, we need to invade reddit, tumblr, facebook, SJW "journalism" etc shitpost there, doxx them, post pizza and gore you name it, gather anons from all the globe, unite all imageboards and use all your weaponized autismo to unleash the wrath of this internet hate machine against UN internet control (don't forget how you meme'd a POTUS candidate, fucked politician and media minds and make them fight a cartoon, you revive an ancient egyptian god of chaos, and get ISIS REKT with the help of russians) don't wait for a happening, be the happening

not really another site will just be made


> Maybe something worse will be born


I hope this is true.. but it probably wont ever happen.. i keep coming back and end up spending 60% of my time on here instead of doing actual important shit like sleep, exercise and work. Let this be true so i may finally rest after 7 years.

No. Martin Shkreli is buying Cred Forums

And yet you're still here. We all are.