Cali thread. 760!
Cali thread. 760!
I just did a job in Barstow. How the fuck do you live there? I was deployed to Iraq and Iraq is better. I'm not even joking. How do you not kill yourself every day?
Yucca valley here
aye san marcos
760 must be asleep
Any csuf girls?
Oside. Any Alyssa F?
Cali is a shithole full of niggers, spics, gooks, and white cucks.
you know katherine desbrosses?
Your point?
dat gap tho
=) hot any nude?
Nope got this tho
Not bait. Look at every girl posted in this thread so far.
714 bump to keep alive
530 here boys
Let's get some 310
Cred Forums is leaking again
Like Tahoe?
where at m80
Palmdale 'ere
no, chico place.
im here in 760 acid and weed and fucking bored
714 here
Nice ass any more?
Fuck you newfags always saying hurr pol everytime user calls out the dregs of society. Lynch yourself nignog this isn't your safe space
vista 760
That's a very Cred Forums thing to say
any decent wins?
Only a Cred Forums fag, complains about being called out being from Cred Forums
I never really go to Cred Forums, but okay. It is just funny to hear people from the west coast talk it up like any respectable person would actually want to live there.
Nice b8
Made me reply/10
Travel more and you will see that I am not baiting you.
San Marcos waddup