

Other urls found in this thread:





You mean "image limit"? Dumbass.


coot :3


yes, they tend to be.

words of wisdom

Still not as cute as you.

Aww, do I make you cry?


You always have cute stuff :P


shitposting is fun


Harpo-kun, look into my eyes.
Yes good, keep looking.
When you wake up you will think Emilia is best girl, and pontificate it in every thread.








Is the comic user still here? Would love the rest




hmmm. I wonder how keeping an anthro as a "pet" would turn out. Social stigma and all that.



Depends if the pet is happy :O

My government would say yes.



If it were capable of speech I think it would be slavery not pet.

Well, good pet owners would be a slave to their own pet :P



What's the difference?

Well obviously. But do you think a massive group of people would jump shit about people having them as pets?

They'de legalize any market, no doubt.

Parrots are pets. Although I get what you're saying. A fully sentient being might be up for some hot debates on where they sit legally.

The highest quality post of the thread.


You realise they banned chewing gum and vapes.

And car ownership


Definition of sentient, able to feel, see, hear, smell, or taste

Some parrots have a strong understanding of the english language and are capable of holding conversations at a preschool level.


Id rather die




how hard would it be to get a car there? As in physical, not legal.

Correct, of higher intelligence then? The exact wording for that escapes me. And people also have monkeys as pets.

I know that. I find it very interesting. Gorillas can also learn sign language.

Yes, me too.

It would depend on the definition of sentience, the scientific term for sentient is anything with a nervous system with a centralized brain.

So as far as living creatures go, bugs are not sentient, they're biological self replicating "robots" but a dog, cat, or horse are sentient.

But the law doesn't dictate on sentience :O

Knowing most people it would come down to whether or not these other "beast races" can mate with a human, and how they naturally behave...

i would give anything to have her as a pet


So I'm now friends with the Black power family that lives on my new street. Fun times.

>strong understanding
>preschool level


That's why I specified capable of speech.


Ive gotten 2 coworker to watch it so far.
One of them used his day off to marathon the whole thing.


I don't know what that means.

Isn't red tape everything?


What? How does that relate?


Mate with or reproduce with?

You needed to be pet :P



penises in vaginas

Do any nations near you have cars? Also I thought they were just stupid expensive there.

I don't follow.
No shit.

Mate technically means reproduce.

I'd bet most humans would treat them as pets to begin with if we couldn't reproduce with them...


I barely treat my pets as pets. They get treated more like equals.


They are stupid expensive but you can't own them permanently.

They can understand almost anything you tell them, and respond accordingly. Whether or not they have the syntax to be above a preschool level is irrelevant. They have a stronger understanding of the english language than any other animal, and a stronger understanding than 85% of humans.


not Krystal




Well if you aren't coherent then I have to use Occam's razor and assume autism





The term you're looking for is "sapience."









I know a lot of people that say that and still carry their pets around and take them wherever they want :\

They still take them to the doctor to get sterilized.

I was just saying :O

There will be a general stigma that any race other than humans will be treated as subservient to humans... we're still having issues in some parts of the world having people believe that other people are inferior to their own race, or even social class...

If anthros are made in a lab, they will be treated the same way robots are to be treated, while some people will care for them like they are children, some will treat them as slaves, and others as doormats... there will be a wide set of attitudes... and no stigma until a majority takes a stand...


Would you rather have hugs instead...?



Of course. It's far less verbal.

I dont sterilize mine.
my dogs do go almost everywhere I go. but I dont carry them.











good... most people aren't like that...


but cute :D




tomorrow is my last day alive




Why? Made ironclad plans to kill yourself?







That picture is way too cute :O





Not as cute as you, pretty sure we cover this every time. Almost.



Where's Cox. Sucking cocks?





I just want to curl up with them in a blanket and snuggle forever :O

I'm easy to please :3




We all have our simple pleasures.


I want those undies...



cute stuff...

and pantsu :3

I want yours.







>go to pornhub
>click download
>nothing happens
Does anyone here who uses pornhub tell me what's going on?





>watching normie porn


It's fun seeing you act all cute like this.



can't help myself... your stuff is always super cute :3




I pride myself on it as a collection.






good taste... aside from all the pink in that one ;P



agreed. But the pink can be overlooked in that one. Bit harder in this one.










