>Build time machine
>Explore 1890's austria
>Come across this lil rascal
What do?
>Build time machine
>Explore 1890's austria
>Come across this lil rascal
What do?
Tell him his fortune for 2 Groschen
Nothing. Literally nothing. Let history take place.
Teach him how to paint well.
Tell him hes going to do great things.
call him a dirty jew and falcon punch to the dick....do a 360 tell him he's a bitch nigga
Tell him not to shoot the Arch duke Franz Ferdinand
don't attack russia
kill him so i don't have to commit sucide
Tell him to be patient and pack more winter clothes.
As this wee' rascal is one of the reasons you are alive
Tell him to attack Russia only after he dealt with England.
I would tell him: don't fight against the whole world at once! Better kill your enemies one by one!
Luckily we got Mercedes Benz for that Problem
Tell him to forge an alliance with the UK and to not invade Russia until he has sorted out the rest of Europe
write him a letter about ww2 and tell him not to open till 1933
Thats amazing
the fact that this was almost certainly made by Jews justifies the entire holocaust
> kill hitler
> second world war doesn't happen
> my father doesn't emigrate from Poland to Australia
> i disappear
nice work, asshole.
That's the dream for everyone around you.
Buy him some sweets and tell him his father is a dick.
Good boipucci?
I can prevent the holohoax if true.
>Stay the fuck away from Cred Forums, Martin!
Why would he be in 19th century Austria anyway
>implying time machines are non existent.
Ever wake up one morning and everything feels off?
Congrats someone somewhere has altered the timeline.
Yell Allahu Akbar and kick him in the nut.
Advise him not to try and invade the Soviets, as that was his ultimate down fall
Tell him to become a priest
>the nut
Buy him candy
Teach him how to finnish what you start.
he wanted to forge an alliance with the uk, but they declined because the uk was already infiltrated and corrupted by you-know-who...
Ask him to introduce me to Wittgenstein.
say him something like: Stay an artist and stay drawing pictures, no matter what the others will say about your pictures
>Hand him a copy of Mein Kamph in English
>Tell him "if you change one thing about this story I'll come back and kill you myself."
>send my family a box to be given to myself, it's a package with a odd item worth nothing then but when it get it in my own time line funds me to build the time machine with a bit left over.
>sit outside the time stream just out of sight and watch everything unfold and hold him to his promise.
Like this asshole who came from a timeline where you can thread your own post.
>allow me
be a nice friend and save him from drowning in the river
That was pretty much his plan but the UK told him to go fuck himself.
but the English are the niggers of white people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
freemasons are Jewish cuckolds, they are responsible for licking jew ass.
something tells me this anecdote is what started the whole thing anyways
Ass rape him while speaking of German superiority and hatred for darker skins, telling him he reminds me of black germans and all who hate jews... and that is a turn-on for me. I go back to the future to see what Hitler differently.
Only correct answer
>Tell him his grandson is gonna be the next US president
be his kaiser local army recruiter/ enlister guy,and make sure he gets an assignment away from where gas gets used,,mustard gas he was exposed to caused,I suggest long term psychosis, and the lil monsters wars later on
Rape him
this and declaring war on the US was also a huge mistake.
>still voting for presidents
>not standing up like their forefathers against a government that is incapable of creating a debt free society to live in
Utter plebs
rape him while constantly telling him how jewish I am. Maybe it will get him to finish the job this time and actually eradicate the whole race
Put on my yamulka and laugh at his fingerpaintings.
tell him that murica is the greatest threat and that he should nuke em
you can't even pretend to be Jewish right
So? Fooling 6 year old hitler shouldn't be that hard.
You'd really want to meet him? What would you talk about?
What would you say to him that wouldn't make him instantly dislike you?
>Listen to your generals, you are not a master general. Don't invade Russia do if you do defeat them before winter/prepare for winter.
Tell him that the General Staff knows better than someone who can't get promoted above Private.
Always listen to the General Staff.
Smh diverted forces into the Caucasus mountains that just got destroyed anyways.
He made corporal you dickhead.
Muh nigga.
Tell him he will be right in his book, never have a war on two fronts.
Fuck OP's mum
If it wasnt Hitler it would be someone elsr, maybe someoneless irrational and then where would we be?
I'm Jewish and I wouldn't kill him because I might be dead if I did.
The truth of the matter is we need a culling before we overtax the planet's resources anyhow
He looks hungry.
I'd buy him a bagel and lox sandwich a side of potato pancakes w/apple sauce a bowl of matzo ball soup and a can of Dr. Brown's Cel-Ray tonic. That should keep him nice and happy until dinner time.
The problem wasn't him invading Russia. The problem was he invaded too late, thanks to Mussolini fucking up in NA and Greece, that delayed his shit until June, He wanted to go in Late April.
>Finds Shota
What else are Shotas good for?
So I'm not the only one who saw a shota and figured what to do?
Looks like a smart ass little brat you can't help but want to kick the little shit.
look, I already killed that shit Waismann, the bastard Fochs, that cunt Heinrich, the dreadful Koenig, and Khune. How many fucking German nationalist fascist leaders wo you wnat me to murder in their infancy? It doesnt make a difference - another little fucker jsut takes their place. the germans in the 1030's were a bunch of nasty racist, butthurt warmongering antisemitic and arrogant bastards - kill one leader and another arises. I stopped the fuckers under that psycho Merkel from getting the atomic bomb and wiping out London and New York, what more do you want me to do. At least this Hitler fucker won't actually blow up all of Paris, like Himmler did.
I'd do nothing, the tyke did nothing wrong.
Tell him about the jews.
I tell him to pack warm clothes and winter boots while visiting Stalingrad.
Tell him to give fuel to Rommel in North Africa and to first strike Russia but don't go to Stalingrad!
I would murder his entire family and then tell him i'm a jew.
nothing because changing history would only put me in a fake universe where everything continues in the direction I changed but everything is also not real and puts me in a complete different universe where real me exists
The past can never be wrong.
go back to Cred Forums boi
>being a bourgeois drone for Jewish Marxism
It's 2016, young one. Open your eyes.
When did it suddenly become acceptable to believe everything mainstream media tells you? That Cultural Marxism is a fallacy, that Trump is evil and Hillary is a saint, etc.
When did that fucking happen? Or are millenials that fucked?
That's already taken by the slavs
befriend him, follow his life as distant pal, find him when hes a poor artist in Vienna, introduce him to a hot, rich jewish girl whos in desperate need of dicking! Alter history
zuerst einmal Zeichenunterricht und dann ein bisschen Wärme und Liebe…
If Hillary is a marxist why is she being funded by the banks? Also: Go back to pol
You know the Bolsheviks were funded by Germany right? That's why they sent Trotsky back to Russia after the collapse of the provisional social democratic government. They gave him safe passage through Germany during the height of WWI and funded the christ out of him.
Marxist agents have always had the backing of special interests, foreign or domestic. You fucking kidding me?
$0.02 has been deposited in your account.
Dress up like a Muslim and beat the fuck out of him while whispering "Allah wanted this"
Source on this article? Also, I was born in the city where this took place.
The history is the prove that Allah wanted happen this way. If he would be real.
Host des no nie ghört?
so o schmarrn
>Host des no nie ghört?
Servus. Nein, aber die Geschichte ist wohl nie offiziell bestätigt worden und taucht auch nicht auf Wikipedia etc. auf.
Jedenfalls ist es ja Tatsache, dass er eine Zeitlang in der Innstadt gewohnt hat und des Gerücht geht scho ewig in Passau um. Wos soll da unplausibel sei? Der Kühberger hats doch selber erzählt.
Teach him how to make an atomic bomb and paint it in pastels.
Do not speak his name!
Convince him that he is the second coming of jesus and that god wants him to wipe out the jews so they can have a hope for salvation.
Ich bin in Passau aufgewachsen und hab das noch nie gehört, was aber nix heißen muss. Und unplausibel ist es vielleicht nicht, aber der Kühnberger hat die Story wohl erst viele Jahre später erzählt, und da kann man sich viel ausdenken - wer kann das schon nachprüfen?
Erstmal geh ich davon aus, dass er den Namen seines Freund auch nach Jahren wusste, und sich auf so traurige Weise wichtig zu machen - da müsste er scho komisch veranlagt sein.
Probably feed him my cock, then shove my meat stick up his tight boipucci.
What would you do OP?
>Erstmal geh ich davon aus, dass er den Namen seines Freund auch nach Jahren wusste
Die sollen damals vier bzw. viereinhalb Jahre alt gewesen sein und in den Berichten tauchen verdächtig viele "soll"s und "könnte" und "müsste" auf. Ich behaupte auch nicht das es definitiv nicht stimmt, ich sage nur dass der Fall alles andere als eindeutig oder bewiesen ist.
He'll red pill you.
Hitler wohnte im Haus der Familie Kühberger. Da dürfte es keine Verwechslung geben.
Adjust my yamaka, criticize his art, jizz on his ice cream cone, take a shit next to his dog, and high five his dad a couple of days later.
>this thread is still alive 7 fucking hours later
best er deutschfaden eva
Take a shit, freeze my turd and shove it up his asshole while saying the jewish race is obviously superior
[Green text] Give him details of upcoming World War and who'll be victorious.
[Green text] Encourage him to make a bet on who'll win
[Green text] Split the winnings
[Green text] ????
[Green text] profit
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