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Yeah remember when Africa invaded Europe and killed millions of tribal Europeans with their machine guns?
Le black lives matter
That never happened, neither did the inverse scenario. Try harder. At least put a little bit of education and effort into it.
Never met a negro. But I know quite a few chill black people.
Whatever you are, I can say I don't like them. If the shitty human that you are is any indication, anyway.
said the smug liberal living off a trustfund
OP's has come to realize that his inferior genes make his penis naturally tiny. No wonder he's lashing out.
>he's never heard of the age of colonialism
Ignorant cumrag
You hate millions of dark skinned Americans.....congratulations.
I genuinely agree. They should all be forced back into their shit third world countries.
>trust fund
choose one
When did /b become so PC?
the fuck?
liberals are the only ones living off trust funds. theyre so naive as to reality because of their sheltered existence
you must be one of them
>holding an opinion can make you a shitty person
this is why people dont like liberals
So you're saying liberals come from backgrounds of money. OK.
So which dumb southern hick state are you from?
Just the outspoken, social justice ones.
I've met plenty.
eat shit faggot
Smug liberal, but far from living off trust fund. Been lower class most of my life, bucko. Gradually crawling my way up.
Since we're doing presumptions, might I conclude that you're a bitter uncle fucking hillbilly?
Daily reminder that Africa had civilized states before Europe did
Holding a uneducated opinion makes you a shitty person, especially when you try to act like a victim about it. It's why people don't like you. And generally give a resigning sigh whenever you're around.
You can disregard the opinions of people who wish harm on innocents, this is why you can discount racists, imperialists, capitalists etc
so, you've been poor your entire life, mostly. and lived around shitty people. which would put your into direct contact with negroes, in many cities.
and yet you dont think theyre unusually stupid/dangerous?
But outspoken anti social justice tards acting like victims is cool, though?
Get fucked dum dum.
You can't dislike someone because of the colour of their skin. You may find it unattractive but to dislike the person within it because of it is illogical and irrational. You can dislike the person because they are an ill educated, aggressive, violent, obnoxious, loud or uncouth person but this is not determined (directly) by skin colour.
Plenty of white people act like niggers too
>This is why people don't like liberals
That's why people don't like people. You're literally saying you don't like someone because they don't like you because you don't like a group of people. It's not even clear the user is a liberal.
Even if this is bait it's a great demonstration of why problems arise in today's society
who said this was about being cool, other than you?
Yes, because nurture is stronger than nature.
It put me in contact with alot of folks. Grew up in a mostly white "sundown town." mostly poor white trash. So I know your kind, buddy. And you're trash.
Teens thru 20s I lived around working class souls of all colors.
Currently live in a small village with diverse population. Never been happier.
Why are you so bitter?
Cool as in "a-ok" dweeb.
ok so you really have no place in this thread
He's afraid bein poor will turn him into a white nigger so he has to believe that it's DNA's fault
yeah, thats why usa negroes are just as stupid and degenerate as the african ones.
Muh dick
The only one who is stupid and degenerate is nazi scum like you
you say nazi like its an offensive label
nazi germany would have been glorious on a global scale
i wish i were a nazi
I consider myself more or less left leaning, but I personal experiences to back up my racism. I understand there are black people and then there are niggers, just as there are white people and their is white trash, but god damn, they've made me racist
For the record, I grew up, live in and work in a primary white neighborhood, so its not like there's many blacks around for this shit to happen
>My mom was raped by a black man when she was young, which resulted in my older half brother
>Older brother is schizophrenic and is violent when off his meds. Used to torment me when I was little
>He was imprisoned many times. But because he grew up white, he didn't identify with them so the black group wouldn't accept him and the white group wouldn't accept him, had no protection
>My dad was mugged really badly by a black as a kid, one of only 9 black folk that lived in his home town
>My bully growing up was black
>Over the years we've had break ins and things stolen, caught on our home security footage. Always been black kids
>Worked as an assistant manager for a pizza joint, got robbed at gun point by, you guessed it, a black man
>Work in grocery buisness now and our worst workers are the three blacks we have (one is okay, just mental disabled, so he doesn't count), the other one is a mean son of a bitch who purposefully tries to make you uncomfortable because you can't understand his "street" accent or whatever and the other is lazy as all hell
>Our black customers bring in the most noisy ill behaved kids and let them run every where
>Had a black customer start yelling incoherently at me (scaring a bunch of old people) because I couldn't understand what he was asking for
>Go to fair with my girl, glass ornament maker is about to sell out, we wait in line. Loud black lady pushes to front of line and yells about coming all the way here from Chicago so she should get the last one. Old Asian man gets in an argument with her, so we just leave.
>list goes on and on
Shit, sorry about all the crappy grammar and junk. I've been drinking.
yeah, pretty basic, standard nigger stuff.
theyre the worst race by far. bring that shit wherever they go.
what a great politically correct answer.
let me lay the TRUTH on you.
humans naturally group similar looking people together in their minds.
the majority of black people are dangerous
so it is natural for people to not like black people? is it morally wrong? maybe it is. but more than likely theres good reason.
now the the real question should be why are the majority of black people dangerous?
some one would say due to years of actual racism causing niggers to become what they are today. this is my personal guess as well.
others would say its in their genes / ect which i think is bullshit. people are not inherently violent or dangerous unless they have mental conditions.
Kek suuuuuure. Am I invading your safe space, buddy? Are you...triggered?!
There are fucktards of every race colour and religion.. are some races and religions over represented in the fucktard space.. definitely. But somewhere there is black muslim lesbian who is just as fucked off as you with the idiots out there.
no i mean you just have no experience with the nog
you said it yourself. grew up in a peaceful white town. get lost.
Lol it would have been really embarrassing for Germany to lose the rest of the world too and not just the Rhineland and east Prussia
Germany fail, neonazis are clearly degenerate by the definition
nazi is synonymous with dumbass pseudointellectual loser
Too bad they failed. Kys like your dear leader, it's a good first step.
>has a bad experience
>blames everybody in the world
The sad thing is I know there are people who are illogically racist to a stupid degree, but there's a certain level that's just basic observation. I've met plenty of good black folk in my life, but nearly every ill encounter I've had in my life with another race has always been a black person.
despite my left leaning tenancies, I cannot with a logical mind conclude that the black race is the same as the other races, at least on a behavioral level, their bad folk out weigh their good folk by a mile.
not that guy.
but a bad experience with a nigger is more common than a one time thing.
you are acting like hes the only one whose ever had a bad experience.
i hear ya, dude
thanks for your honesty
confirmation bias, you're just a racist
I said I grew up in a sundown town. Look up the meaning kiddo. I also said I lived with working class folks of many races from my teens thru my twenties. And currently live in a diverse neighborhood. Are you too dumb to properly read?
I wonder why nobody ever says that white people are genetically predisposed to committing financial crimes
im white. and if i met op in real life id beat the fuck out of you.
conveniently omitted the "mostly white" part, eh?
i dont trust anything you say. you probably live next door to the police station
when hillary loses you will be one of the first people i round up and gas, faggot
It rains in the desert, but if you're heading to the desert you better prepare for there to be no water.
Experience and observation have some meaning. The grand majority of my bad experiences have an observable source, its only a natural conclusion to be cautious towards that group in the future. Doesn't matter if its right or moral, its a behavior that's been shaped by my environment.
I hope you get cut in half by a white tweaker robbing your house
I have bad experiences with white folks all the damn time. Your logic is flawless, ked.
He's not blaming everyone in the world, though. He's only blaming niggers. Can't you read?
Uh well does this mean you believe in the flat earth because you've never seen the curvature yourself?
Nope, dick. Get back to 1700
Stop giving them free shit that supports their bad habits, fund an easy path to an educated job/trade/whatever, give them college loans that they only have to pay back if they are able, assuming they can prove they will get a passing grade, and do the same for absolutely everybody, minority or not. Then America will become great.
But I guess then you'd be without a military.
If you've known both whites and blacks to be criminally violent why do you trust whites at all
violent experiences?
or are you talking about someone not saying thank you when you held the door open for them?
Lol like America needs a huge standing army with its killbots and nukes
Yes, from the ages of zero to 15 I lived around mostly whites as a poor white male. As I said, I know your kind. I grew up with folks you, I know folks like you.
From 14-29 I lived in a multiracial working class environment, colloquially called "the hood".
For the past 7 years I've lived in a racially diverse village filled with middle class folks.
You have no experience in the world, kiddo. You're the one with no place here.
>Inferior genes
You do realize that whites have the close to perfect biological structure including genes, the only other race close to perfection are asians, but are still below whites. Guess which race is on the bottom of the list?
And if you take average intelligence in to consideration black people and sandies are quite litterally not needed.
Also guess what is the percentage of contributions to humanity by race?
White people have 99.79%... which explains everything else really...
So when you say that we have inferior genes you sound dumb as fuck and should an hero
Remember when those two kids went to columbine and held the door open for all the jocks
So savage
I'd say it's just based on where you grew up. I'm from a shitty place called Escambia county in FL. Lots of blacks, but everyone was poor, regardless of color. I honestly had much more problems with whites than blacks. I think we're just as bad. That being said, we don't chimp out and riot all the fucking time.
Niggers are violent subhumans. That is a statement of fact.
Be careful bro truth triggers people nowadays
theres no racially diverse neighborhood that isnt the ghetto
because blacks turn every area into the ghetto
you still have yet to prove that you are legit.
Hell yeah violent experiences. Rednecks are fucking brutal. I've seen friends jumped, I've been chased by dogs, and one of my buddies got shot up with bird shot. Nitwit.
Can you name any human groups that do not have violence?
No I don't believe in flat earth, far from it. I've looked out the window on a high altitude flight and know enough about basic physics to understand why a round earth makes sense.
Not everything has to be based in 100% personal experience, it just supplements what one learns.
Statics show that blacks have a tendency towards violence and crime and I've had experiences myself. It easily slips into my personal understand. It doesn't mean that I'd use my bias for anything ill, I just have a bias. And this isn't for every black person I meet, this is for when you spot someone who'd fit the title of a nigger.
There's a difference between a black person and a nigger and a difference between a white person and white trash. I don't get near white trash either.
Replied to myself, whoops.
well said
Also on top of not contributing they increase crime rates and pollution rates everywhere they go
Yo you honky ass cracka be dissin us niggas, bet you wouldn't do dat back when we wuz kangz.
Lel legit what? Dude at this point I don't even know what you're butthurt about.
>being this dumb
So if you know that your observances and statistics don't tell the whole truth why do you still carry this idiotic nonsense. Trust no human, sure, but splitting violent greedy bipeds into black violent greedy bipeds and white violent greedy bipeds makes no sense
Yeah, I've seen some straight up Deliverance shit where I'm from. I'm way more cautious around rednecks than blacks. I think we just breed them bad in the south. Everyone's shit here.
i doubt your experience around negroes.
i doubt youve spent enough quality time with them to have a basis to address this topic. your multicultural neighborhood is probably italian, chinese, and white, or some shit.
We should just agree any poor, uneducated person regardless of race is prone to violence and crime. I steer clear of them as much as possible.
And I don't mean poor fags like myself who have minimum wage jobs and such, but like "never seen a working tv that wasn't stolen" kind of poor where there one stolen piece for scrap metal away from ending up back in the cardboard box.
Its a hard life and the grand majority of them don't know how to take their frustrations out in a healthy way, so they act like pieces of shit, ruin their brains with drugs and become mentally ill. They live on the streets and blame everyone else for their problems and act it out in violence and socially unaccpetable behavior, shit gets them jailed and they're confused and thing the system is rigged and out to get them. Then their doped up friend light shit on fire, steal stuff and hurt people in protest and when they're vilified they can't figure out why.
Actual Africans are cool. I know a lot of Nigerians and Ghanains who are cool, but Ugandans can be dicks. Those big forehead Sudan/Somalian ones are usually terrible, much worse than any kind of Arab, although Eritreans are humble, and anything south of Cameroon you have no idea what the fuck you're gonna get.
>being this much of a buck tooth tobacco chewing sister molesting meth smoking American hick
Racism was invented by elites to get you to support their white nigger governors/politicians
If it weren't for racism getting people angry at Jews, people would get mad at all rich people
If it weren't for racism getting people angry at blacks, people would get mad at all the violent people
OP is a white nigger who would sell you into slavery to make a buck if he could, make no mistake of this
Shit can be crazy. And it was worse when my parents were growing up. I remember them telling me that one of their friends got cut up and put in a refrigerator box down by the river. This was probably late 70s early 80s (I'm 36).
Fo'sho muffukuh. Nah'm sayin'?
>implying you have to be poor to have double digit intelligence
Why would someone with inherited money be pro liberal?
People with inherited money are in favour of lower taxes. That is not liberal.
>the alt right constantly demonstrate they are politically illiterate
You don't even have a point, you just want to say "muh liberals" to anything that annoys you - which is anyone who disagrees with you.
This. I have a "from africa" friend at work. That dude is so fucking positive. He loves this country and he has a great sense of humor.
He thinks it's ridiculous the kind of shit African Americans do, he says they have no idea how good they have it.
His accent is great, it's always a fun, uplifting conversation when we're on break. lol
Fucking idiot...
1.) The land was usually bought from the local tribes in exchange for goods / weapons
2.) The tribes used the bought weapons to kill each other over century-old blood-tithes. Funfact: They still do so today.
3.) Colonial forces rarely attacked tribes, and never without provocation. The biggest armed conflicts were carried out between colonial forces of different nations.
4.) LISTEN CAREFULLY NOW, NIGGER: Usually it were successful local warlords, equiped with colonial weaponry, who were hunting down and enslaving other tribes, transporting them to the ivory coast, and selling them to the american slave-traders. The american slave-imigration couldn't even have happened in such a scale, WITHOUT NIGGERS (from the river "Niger", hence the term, dimwit) SELLING THEIR OWN BROTHERS.
L2History, idiot.
naive, spoiled white people eat up the white guilt agenda like pacman going after pellets
fuck off
I actually do dislike them a lot. I heard they were fairly obnoxious in America, but I didn't truly know how much until one of my friends sent me a video of a bunch of them catcalling her and sexually harassing her. Even at one point trying to touch her. They were teenagers though.
This is bullshit, the Belgian crimes alone are ghastly
she should have gone to a safe space, like taking a nap in a frat house or a motorcycle club
Europeans never killed a single person and I doubt any of you niggers can provide even one scrap of proof of any wrongdoing on behalf of a white man
Yeah, I hear about that kind of shit all the time. People who aren't from the south don't realize just how niggery white trash can be.
Not OP, but I think you're a fucking liar.
If you'd really dealt with "working class folk of all races", you wouldn't have this self righteous denial about the racial differences in behavior. Interacting with working class black people will always harden any non-black persons racial attitude.
If you really grew up in "the hood" you would have been relentlessly targeted for being white, and you'd know precisely where OP is coming from.
Englishmen who have had to suffer the Irish know just how big of niggers whites can be
Currently, I'd say 60% white, 25% black, 5% other. But this is middle class, educated. I have no qualms about that.
Teens thru 20s I lived on the southside of peoria Illinois. My direct neighborhood was approx 40% white, 40% black, and 10% other (mostly Mexicans or some mix). These were working class folks, but at the end of my block the "hood" hood began. The part that white folks hesitate to drive thru.
When I was a child I grew up in a small, dying, mostly white town, in a lower class upbringing and white neighborhood.
My experience with people has been more diverse than yours I assume. Not just in upbringing but also in diverse diverse social circles I've been apart of and the experiences derived within.
Doubt whatever you want kiddo, but you have yet to prove your experience to me.
>27 posters
That is such the truth.
Wtf ever, bud. You can believe what you want. For the record, I think you're a fucking liar.
If you don't trust any black people, why trust any white people? Setting yourself up to get hurt, white people are historically devious, violent and greedy; just look at the medieval era to now
i have been homeless for a total of 10 months, literally sleeping on the downtown streets of austin, texas
saw black crack dealers everyday
saw black hustlers everyday
saw black pimps and whores everyday
theyre a species apart from the rest of us. i dont care if you believe me or not. buyer beware.
oh yea?
Like retreating absolutely peacefuly 50 years ago, leaving a working power-grid, road-mesh, water-supply, industry-complex, mining-operations, food-industry in the Democratic Republic of Congo?
All of which have been handed over to the new, black government?
All of which have been not maintained a single time since then and rot away?
Which caused the RDC to go into a humanitarian crisis, asking for outside help recently, only to exploit and complain about said help as well!?
The people of the RDC are literally too fucking lazy to run a entirely build up country, and now sit and complain in self-made ruins, complaining about their "oppressors" who literally left them a functioning country. WHAT A CRIME!
Here, go fucking educate yourself.
that's just humans bro. Humans are devious, violent and greedy. we fuck each-other over universally.
In Japan they have Japanese drug dealers, pimps and prostitutes
Does this mean the greatest of the asiatic races are no better than niggers???
So why waste time on racism
maybe, maybe not.
but i would bet a substantial amount on the fact that japanese criminal class is more civilized than the negro ones.
I feel this might be a bit relevant. lol
They commit violence, what makes them civilized? Are you for or against violence? Sounds like you're just racist, don't care about actual innocent people,
Because one is entire nations being after each other for historic reasons.
The other is violent neighbors going after your throat because nothing but pure entitlement and greed.
I usually have no reason to expect the later from white neighbors...
>posting on Cred Forums at 4am
Not alot of job prospects for ya bucko? Atleast you got your priorities in order. Once you a full year on the streets maybe that pimp will turn your skinny ass out.
Go back home fags
You're giving white folks way too much benefit of the doubt fucking Irish lover
Ok. fair enough
I'm just saying a Yakuza member wont cut your throat for barely touching their air jordan shoes with your shoes.
Are you really sure about that? They're big on respect, they might skin you for not bowing deep enough
Some groups suppress that nature better than others.
It's good to be cautious around everyone. Statistically, the groups that are poorer and less educated are more prone to those behaviors, so if its manner of dress, appearance, behavior or speech that indicates that this person should probably be trusted a bit less, then that's what I do.
It's simple, plus when you work in a service industry you need to know how to react around people, being categorical and making educated guesses is a huge help, makes you a good worker.
notice how i wrote in the past tense all over that post
fucking moron
Nah, this doesn't make any sense. Before the fall of Rome, Africa was a civilized place and Europe was the barbarian wasteland
All three places saw a great deal of violence. You're placing too much emphasis on the virtues of your own race but the facts don't bear that out.
It's more likely that wealth was transferred to Europe during the common era and this is what let's them pretend to be the civilized ones
I don't believe you were homeless, buddy.
Are all black people biologically programmed to mispronounce words?
Niddy, the British taught them to bong like that mate-o
German here.
I don't even care about american nigger.
What I "could" could care about are slavs, russians and hungarians, since they are the "majority of the minorities" here.
Problem is, they are so close to white that they actually can behave in the hood I'm living in. Literally never heard of problems with them, aside from problems between them, or if you're retarded enough to provoke them. And if they fight, it's either family stuff or dealer-territory.
Brown people on the other hand, muslims, roma, sindi, north africans. Fuck me if I ever cross them at night without watching my back. They cause the majority of police-calls in this area, often get caught for theft, mug people, and will behave violently and rude if you just look in their direction.
And all of this, while being the smallest minorities here. Fucking impressive, m8.
Doesn't keep me from kicking their asses if they try anything (thx half-niggers, you made me go to a wing-chun dojo), lol.
Point being: Even in the shitty place I'm living in, this shitty old american poster applies: Never relax around blacks.
I give white exactly the credit they deserve. Deal with it.
Language evolves depending where you live. Go deep south, see if you get great pronunciation from some of those crackers.
Give a white man a dollar, he'll turn it into two.
Give a black man a dollar, he'll hold it up for an instagram photo throwing up a gang sign and then proceeding to include 20+ hashtags of irrelevant nigger propaganda.
that's exactly what I'm saying. Right now, the other groups have the money, so they act more civil. The others don't.
Where the money is, the more "superior" and "civilized" a group will act, as it has been forever. The less fortunate groups are less likely to hold back and will gut you to try to reach the untouchables. In a manor of speech.
>60, 25, 5
>40, 40, 10
Where's the other 10%?
any place negroes exist, you have to watch your ass. it never changes based on culture or anything else.
If you give a white man a dollar he'll leverage the economy and cause a financial collapse
So, this is including words such as
ask (axe)
accurate (accreate)
specifically (pacifically)
Aliens m9
white man here, if you don't trust Jews to handle your money, hire me
Post itt to hire me as your financial consultant
funny post but you are talking about Jews
All the while the nigger just hit 12 likes on his post! Hurrah!
define economy.
define financial collapse.
Lets see if you actually can spout more than buzzwords.
Spoiler: /biz/fag here.
House of Morgan is Protestant
Only in america (and maybe some parts of western europe). The rest of the world's climate regarding negroids is pretty much in sync with your view OP
Wah! I'm a cry-baby racist that's fwitened of the scary negroes and I'm butt hurt that I can't call them names in public.
>confirmation bias, you're just a racist
No irony here?
raise the roof
Ahhh, makes sense now
You people are war off topic.
I have an especially hard time with southern accents, LA street accents and asian accents.
Everything else is crystal for some reason. Man do people get mad when you don't understand their accent.
I was this fag.
Had this black coke head guy come in and start asking me to help him find something. He talked so fast and with such a thick, toothless accent that I just couldn't make out anything. He got so mad after the third time I had him repeat the question he just said what I assumed was "don't you speak English you white fucker" or something like that, he then stormed off and knocked some chips off of the shelves, real classy like. Scared some old folk, it was actually kind of funny and I do feel bad that I couldn't help, but man when someone can't understand you, slow it the fuck down, don't just get louder and madder.
Shut your fucking mouth you weak-roast-throwing piece of nigger shit.
I'm the same w/ understanding accents, user. All crystal except those listed. Rather strange isn't it.
Asian accents I get being hard to understand, because their native languge is so different from western languages. But for the street and southern accents I don't get why it just flies over my head, maybe its too fast.
The funny part is I'm Californian, so I already speak pretty fast in my own accent, but Californian is so close to "American standard" that it's almost indistinguishable.
Not a nigger. Also not a craven bigot.
Statistically OP's correct, fuckin' libtards
Did not call you a nigger, moron. Called you the faecal matter of a nigger.
Statistically, OP's a faggot.
Blacks are the real versions of orcs.
Residing in western Canada, i'm not stranger to Asian accents. You think I would have developed an ear for it by now, but it still escapes me. As for southern and street accents, I don't really hear them enough to really comprehend the "dialect", for lack of a better word.
>majority of black people are dangerous
You're building your argument on "begs the question"