We need to have a serious dialogue about beginning slavery reparations and ending racial injustice in America. I finally woke up and now I'm with Her!
We need to have a serious dialogue about beginning slavery reparations and ending racial injustice in America...
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ok in my opinion the entire idea of reparations is simply retarded and should not be encouraged.
Any one feeling the need should go discuss reparations with Mali and Zimbabwe they are the ones who actually captured and sold their ancestors.
How soon can we start with slavery reparations? Has Hillary mentioned anything about helping out a race of disadvantaged people who helped build the nation?
But we America are the ones who prospered from all that free labor!
Sooo much suffering for this prosperous nation. Come on we deserve a bit of money to say thanks. Yo can afford it whiteys.
Paid for and then freed them and are paying for them on a daily basis hundreds of years later and now what do you want to do?
Pay some more, why? Cos they are used to putting their hand out.
Stop paying for their shit so they get over the snowflake status and earn for themselves.
Why don't you lazy niggers just get jobs?
Oh thanks massa thanks so much for our "freedom" while police light us up for getting a drink at 7 11 and you white guys get anything you want handed to you. Come on man just a little bit of money for us we picked your cotton for a long time. You owe us.
they prospered by capturing and selling them. we got the shit end of the deal by having to keep them.
>Any one feeling the need should go discuss reparations with Mali and Zimbabwe they are the ones who actually captured and sold their ancestors.
And who bought them and brought them to America? Who kept them there? Who actually created the market?
Germany paid reparations to the Jews and Israel. So why shouldn't 'murrica pay reparations to the natives and blacks?
You didnt pick shit and I don't go asking for money from my great grandads employer.
Have some pride in yourself and earn your own paper, charity queen.
Buyer beware, the return policy states no refunds.
Germany paid direct victims of the Holocaust. Paying a bunch of descendants of niggers from 150 years ago would be impossible. Youd need to have a genealogical report of every nigger.
Reparations? You werent a slave and no one alive in the US today has ever owned one. And at that, think about it, where would the all the wealthy african american athletes, rappers, etc be today of it never happened? Just let it be done and over with. This kinda of thinking helps perpetuate racism.
>Paid for and then freed them and are paying for them on a daily basis hundreds of years later and now what do you want to do?
Aren't white Americans the ones that sue for 16 fucking millions dollars because there was no warning that the coffee might be hot and they burned their lab?
>Germany paid direct victims of the Holocaust.
Bullshit. Most victims of the Holocaust weren't able to demand money anymore. Germany paid money to Israel instead.
Probably because it happened to them not their ancestors
If we are black and in america than you guys kept us here from slavery give us a few bucks for the trouble. You guys have so much god damn money and you spend it on stupid white shit. Meanwhile you steal all our culture and music as well. We should get something for that too honestly.
Sure, how about a one way ticket back to your country of origin? Is it the one with the AIDS kids or the Ebola monkeys?
People who create something get paid for it. Fiddy cent is loaded, so now because a whitey bought his album you want cash cos your skins a similar hue to his?
Shake your cup harder no one can hear you
Owe you what nigger? You weren't a slave. Your mom wasn't a slave. Your dad (did you know him?) wasn't a slave. Your grandparents weren't slaves. Their parents weren't slaves. None of my ancestor owned slaves. No one owes blacks shit. Oh, blacks were slaves in the West for a couple hundred years? Big fucking deal. What about all the slaves in the Middle East for thousands of years? I'd bet everything I own that a pretty much all of them weren't black. Or the slavery in all those Asian countries. Or the lands that would become Europe. You want to talk about black slavery? Look back to Africa. There are your slave owners, your "massas." They sold your ancestors for trinkets. Fucking polished pebbles. Then they turned around and caught more poor fucks to sell.
That the response you wanted, troll?
>Sure, how about a one way ticket back to your country of origin?
And how exactly are you going to determine that country of origin? Especially considering that Africa still mostly consists of tribal areas which are cut into pieces by the borders the colonial powers drew resulting in today's many conflicts.
I know it's hard to comprehend for the average white trash piece of shit but not all people in Africa belong to the same people because they are black.
I might as well go back the apartment I live in is pretty much the ghetto thanks to your racism. Government housing section 8 it suckssss
Reduced or free rent that you're complaing about now?
Need a new car because lil wayne got a bugatti?
>Government housing section 8 it suckssss
Still better than a trailer under a freeway bridge.
Bro every black person you see was taken by FORCE to be here to build EVERYTHING you see around here. The tallest buildings in NY the nicest suburbs in San Francisco is because of us building them for you.
Then gas the worthless fucks. Win/win either way.
>Reduced or free rent that you're complaing about now?
Sure, living in a crack den is great, when it's free, right?
So move or remove the black dealers and junkie scum. How is this a white problem?
You want free housing because you're black but also you don't want to live with blacks.
>Resulting in today's many conflicts.
Because Africans never killed eachother before the white man came. Face it your savages that have been killing eachother since day one and will keep doing it and never form a successful country untill you get a proper british education. Same goes for Natives.
Oh I seem to recall all those white blacks building skyscrapers under mastas whip. Or the enslaved construction workers toiling night and day in the 40's to build a 3 bed/2 bath house.
Bruh I go to school everyday and yeah I get free food and housing and a little bit of money per month but that is literally the least you guys can do for enslaving us. I want a living wage where I can make some investments and make a better life for my family like you white people get to do in peace.
Fun fact: This is that guy's IRL granddaughter. She studied in Israel.
Earn it.
Pretend your white and stop asking for handouts, go earn them
>Bruh I go to school everyday and yeah I get free food and housing and a little bit of money per month but that is literally the least you guys can do for enslaving us.
That was sarcasm. I am on your side, you halfwit.
i got an idea, let them lose at the slave harbours of the past, let them find their way back
>got an idea, let them lose at the slave harbours of the past, let them find their way back
Yea, also lets ship your white ass back to the harbor your ancestors started their journey across the Atlantic from and see if you find home and are welcomed there.
ayy yo I'll just walk outside and open up a lemondae stand and sell delicious drinks while dodging bullets from the police after they ask for a business permit. You guys have NO idea how lucky you are to not fear the police.
Yep, since they seem to have some sort of instinctive ancestral memory of being slave, it stands to reason that should be the case for tribe of origin.
This guy gets it.
Oh my bad bruh Imm high af
conquest is different from immigration
Honestly I don't think theres a black person in this entire thread.
Im.not even from us n I've been stirring the pot for at least a half hour now
Fuk niggers am i right Cred Forumsros?
While we're at it, we could send your tribal ass back across the Pacific since you came across the Beringia land bridge to Siberia.
USA needs to return blacks to africa
Fuck off you fucking cuck faggot. #MAGA
Trump is going to win. Deal with it.
At least this cracker is being honest. Now if the rest of you could admit it about yourselves we would be in business. That's what my girl hillary understands.
Hillary will fuck you harder than Trump my friend, but you won't see it coming
Yeah right dude look at her she gets us. She is with us thats what her whole campaign is about youtu.be
Trumps honest and not afraid to call a spade a spade.
>what is the Freedman's bureau
There were slavery reparations.
For slaves
Who lived in slavery
And actually suffered
If you want money develop some marketable skills.
Why does that black woman require glasses for her hair?
Also shes appropriating white culture with her entire get up. I want repatriations
>I finally woke up
>Have a 13 years old simplistic opinion about racism story-telling
topkek, I don't think you got it right...
More than I had. And now I have more than you and I fought for all of it. Less bitching, more earning.
Ayy I got tons of skills. They call me Lil Smokey and I bring this fire. youtube.com
Watch all you honkeys steal this shit for yourselves like literally everything else.
Preach. Also there are currently more slaves in Africa RIGHT NOW then there ever was in America
Niggers need to be shipped back to Africa.
Dat shit sucks.. sell it to some crackheads or something
Walmart apparently hires nigger ex-cons.
I accuse you of being a faggot and connoisseur of nigger dick. According to your logic I am correct.