As a former Soldier that has killed dirty Muslims anything.
Ps. I enjoyed my work.
As a former Soldier that has killed dirty Muslims anything.
Ps. I enjoyed my work.
Why did you leave, faggot?
Think of all the muslims that are still alive because of you.
How many confirmed kills ?
How difficult was the process of joining for you? Did you first join to kill faggots or did you learn that you liked it later on?
Bait thread
post pics of your kills
Did you ever rape some of the Muslim women or girls?
Why do I want to suck your dick knowing this?
"Look!" "Dad!"
Doesn't "that" sound weird to your ear when writing about a human?
Marine here. Where did you serve?
I was in afghan 09 and '10 slayed some muslims myself.
Prove it
What you read in their eyes?
MOS, years in, number of deployments.
How can it sound weird to his ear when he fucking typed it
There is already a Deus Vult thread up.
> picking on the most peaceful religion in the world
> killing their followers because you know they're pacifists and won't fight back
You're a grade-A pussy. It's funny you faggots lose against farmers who fight back (Vietnam) but only win against the religion of peace
How many children?
Special forces, 3 deployments in Mogadishu, Iraq and Bosnia
>As a former Soldier that has killed dirty Muslims anything.
You accepted Jew programming via 9/11 and feel that Muslims are your enemy? How come? Jews did 9/11 -- a false flag meant to demonize Islam.
The Jews are the enemy. Pay attention.
Aren't all religions a "religion of peace"?
>asked for MOS
>not giving MOS code
>faggot never deployed
I mean, they do a pretty good job of demonizing themselves wouldn't you say?
didnt take long till the first edgy teen appears
Special Forces isn't an MOS fuckwaffle. I'm willing to bet that if you were in, and you did deploy, you never got outside the wire.
Fuck you user - because I don't believe you. However for those anons reading this who are actively applying boot to ass against some radical Islam motherfuckers - thanks.
Paktika Province, Afghanistan
COP Margah
Fuck you pussy faggots that never killed shit
Im in iraq right now, spent some time in syria as well. One deployment while i was still enlisted to Anbar / Ramadi. Did a lot of ECP, shit was not cash
Deployment not cash? What's not cash about having to snort hand sanitizer just to stay up for a week straight?
Mainly the endless 12 on 12 off ECP shifts is what i mean
ECP isn't bad. Being in a COP, which was the most attacked in Afghanistan sucks though.
Fuck you faggot I've killed plenty of ants