Alright Cred Forums dilemma

Alright Cred Forums dilemma.

I'm 19 and my gf's 15 year old sister and I are actually really good friends. Well my girlfriend and I broke up about 3 days ago and her little sister has been clinging to me ever since then. Whenever I go over to hang out with my ex she's right there, wants to sit next to me.

Today she told me that she wants to fuck me.

What the fuck should I do Cred Forums? I honestly do not know how the fuck to handle this situation.

Not fuck her?

I don't know how you find this difficult dude, do you want to go to prison, you fucking retard?

Benis in bagina fuckboi

I know that dumbass, i'm obviously not going to fuck her.

But how am i suppose to even be around her now?

Then tell her you don't want to fuck her. So long as you don't pull your dick out in front of her, you're fine.

Seriously, just tell her you don't want to screw her.

Why are you even spending time with your ex

Be honest with her?
Maybe not go hangout there? It's great if you and your ex are friends, but hanging out a bunch that soon after might not be the best for either of you.
Which means that you can say to the sister that you're not gonna be coming around too much, and you can't give her what she wants.
Let her know it'd complicate things and whatever.
Just be a real dude

This generation is fucked beyond belief cause they are too friendly

lol. u kids r lame

Cuz we were really good friends before we started dating and the breakup wasn't bad.

Pics of sister and ex or the story is fake

Fuck you cunt, not going to post picture so you can dox her

I dated a 14 year old when I was 17, and I turned 18 before she was 15. It lasted about 6 months. Some interesting experiences in regards to both her and the reaction of my family.

>Then its fake faggot.

Anyone can come on an anonymous website and type up bulshit stories of their non-existent ex and her non-existent sister

Try harder

Have her blow you.

true, but you don't have to believe the story or not, it doesn't matter.

She wants me to take her virginity

post it with covered faces you dumb fuck

When something sounds too good to be true, it probably is not true.
The fact that your ex allows her sister to come with her indicates to me that the girls know something you don't. I would trust neither of them.

jesus fucking christ what is the source of this image???

Either talk to the ex about it or just wait till the sister reaches the legal age of consent

You should probably do it

Flirt with her and play her to keep her interested until she`s 16 (presuming thats the legal age where u live) then go BALLS DEEP faggot!

The reality is that you'll get caught. The little sister will tell your ex and out of anger she'll tell her parents and the call the police.

Similar experience happened to a friend.

OP, if you live in new york, it's legal. just dropping by to say that.

Don't have any pictures of little sister, but these are the two pictures I still have of my ex

I live in washington.

Her birthday is coming up soon, before the end of the year. Maybe i should just tell her that I'll take her virginity then.

3 year difference. No problem.


Well it was nearly a 4 year difference.

Mostly for me it's not a legal issue. no one would find out if I did have sex with her.

The issue is that I've known her since she was like 8 years old. She's a great girl and she's like a little sister to me.

doesn't fill in her eyebrows. user if she wanted to please you she would fucking look presentable. Ditch the bitch sleep with the slut.

She got her eyebrows waxed once and she broke out really badly so she never did it again.

I didn't really care.

>filled in
Way different than waxing. It's the thought user, she should want to look her best for you 24/7. If she doesn't put in the effort to be your arm candy then she's asking her sister to settle with fucktoy

What are you even talking about?