I don't know who else to turn to, I'm getting really worried about my dick's health. Help a brother out, Dr Cred Forums. I just finished jerking off a few minutes ago and I found this weird flap of skin on the underside of my dong. It's not a scar or anything like that even though it really looks like one, it's literally just some skin that's folding over itself (when I pull the skin up it goes about a millimetre). Should I be concerned? It's never been like that before. Also I found a tiny scab on the top of the shaft two days ago which fell off when I picked at it (there was no blood thank goodness, but I don't recall scratching myself down there hard enough to cause a scab to form). Why is my dick acting so strangely?
I don't know who else to turn to, I'm getting really worried about my dick's health. Help a brother out, Dr Cred Forums...
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your dick is fine faggot.
fuck you for making me post and solve the captcha.
Bump, please save my penis. It's the only one I have
Was I forcing you to reply to my post, you dumb nigger?
Norhing wrong.
But also cancer.
Hi, professional penis reader here. That line is what we call the 'homosexuality line'. The longer it is, the more homosexual you are.
Your dick is gonna lose its usefulness, might as well chop it off and become a transgender.
if you wanted people to look at your penis, you could have posted in that "rate" thread
All humans are born female. Then you become a male later in fetal development or you dont. If you do become a male your overies become balls, your clit becomes a dick, and the whole thing fuses shut. That line is where it fused shut. Every dude has it. Also grab a mirror, it goes all the way fown to your ass hole.
Is that your photo?
thread is bait. Google it you absolute fucktard.
is that a fucking bearing?
>check out my BBC
Nah dude this is new, this is something I haven't seen before. I know my dick way too well to miss something like that
That's the line where your vagina fused after genes decided you gonna be a man. Learn anatomy, stupid noob. The fact that you notice it only now means you have just grown out of being an oblivious child, which is a great testament to the pace of your mental development, I hope you have rubber guards on your doorhandles and sharp corners etc. at home. Now that we have established that you are objectively a moron, your best recourse is to start working as a gay camwhore immediately, because that is the only way for you to make a semi-decent living, if you are spending money on school or university its going to be a waste and you know it.
ok, so you're both underaged and retarded. ask daddy to tell you all about your peepee and let you see his.
>All humans are born female
Fuck I'm retarded
I'm reporting this as distribution of child pornography because it's clearly an underage dick. Have fun in prison.
Retard I'm 19, plus this isn't a fucking scar (do people even read the post or do they just look at the image?). It's a fucking bit of skin that goes along the length of the shaft, and it's folded over itself. I don't know how else to describe it, just pinch some skin on your hand, lift it up and place it back on top of your hand. That's what it looks like. You all are terrible doctors
>what is flaccid
You're the underage one, moron
This must be a troll OP, surely no one can be this stupid.
Why did you make this thread if your not going to listen to the only reasonable posts in it?
2/10 made me reply twice
Yup, thats a skateboard bearing.
You are becoming a nigga, my friend. I'll call you Tyrone Augustus
Jesus fucking Christ, please read the post before you actually reply to it. I know what you're thinking, and no it is most definitely not that weird fusion line or whatever it's called that forms before you're born. It is skin that extends away from the shaft and then folds over. It is NOT NOT NOT a scar, it is skin that has folded on top of the shaft. I cannot stress this enough. It has never been there before, I should know because it's my dick (as an expert on my own body I would recognise if something has been there before or not). I knew asking b was a terrible idea, you lot are the special needs class of this site
just mark it on the picture in mspaint you moron. i've seen more dicks in my life than you can ever hope to imagine and there's nothing wrong with yours whatsoever.
Yeah I bet you have fag. The object of my concern is just above my finger (trust me, it's not a scar even if it looks like one)
you are enjoy baiting.
no one said it was a scar, it's the raphe. the fusion mark. that user is a wise user.
it's only prominent now because of recent blood flow from you jerking your feral foreskin off.
In males, this structure continues through the midline of the scrotum (scrotal raphe) and upwards through the **posterior midline aspect of the penis (penile raphe).**
>Clicking a tickbox
>time for a beer
That line is perfectly normal. Everyone has it.
Just wait a couple hours, i bet it goes back into hiding when your blood supply goes back to normal.
As for the "Ive never seen it before", be honest. How many times after fapping have you turned your dick upside down to look at the bottom?
You have been marked by Lord Voldemort. You will recive an owl and a letter from hogwarts soon.
that's just your seam buddy, that's where the doctor sewed you up when you were born.
every hermaphrodite has one, they generally sew up the vagina part and leave the dick.
Why the fuck is half your cock black?
That doesn't look like a shadow Cred Forumsro, have you been fucking niggers?
this thread is fucking funny man
everyone has it you goddamn cuck
If that's the case then why am I only discovering this now? I've literally never seen it before, and trust me I do look at the underside of my dick now and again just to admire the aesthetic of it. This skin flap is something totally new, like it just formed up overnight
That's a shadow, bud. That or I've been sticking my dick in the tar bucket again
I'd be more concerned about the fact that it looks like a wrinkly baby corn.
How come, no one noticed that this dude's dick and anus is riddled with warts?
It's flaccid. I'm a shower. Plus I'm uncircumcised so the tip is all wrinkly
Does it even get to 4 inches hard?
your a shower?
Nah, 6.5 inches. I guess I'm an extreme case? I haven't measured it flaccid
Wasted fucking trips. Fuck you, and your small hairy dick.
>i don't know who else to turn to
ask a fucking doctor
>There's nothing wrong with it. That'll be $237, thank you.
It's fucking flaccid, you mongoloid. Do you people walk around with a boner 24/7? Sounds like an absolute nightmare
I don't have the time or patience to see a doctor, I need immediate results. Surely there's at least one dick doctor on this board who will give me a prognosis
"It is skin that extends away from the shaft and then folds over."
That's what your foreskin does when your dick is flaccid you fucking imbecile. Are you an alien just possessing a human body for the first time ? I can't find a better explanation for this stupidity.
The reason you never noticed your Raphe (a groove, ridge, or seam in an organ or tissue, typically marking the line where two halves fused in the embryo, in particular) is because dicks get darker as you become older, before it just blended in a lot better, now its more obvious.
Registered dick doctir here. Looks like aids to me.
its alarmingly small and you should feel ashamed of it
other than that i see nothing
It's not hard at the moment. That's how it looks when it's not in use. When it's erect it is 6.5 inches, a perfectly fine length
>6.5 inches
>perfectly fine length
user, that's barely enough for a woman to feel it. If you're lucky she'll pretend it's making an impact
Ebin meme bro