White people hate thread

White people hate thread


what color is your skin?

Third generation nigger detected.

I hate dem mayo eating crackers.

Using white techniques to mock white people. Like a true nigger....lack of imagination

This thread is b8

White. Obviously. This is what we call being an edgelord....and i dont get it

YT invented the bumper sticker...

best looking race, smartest race, saved the niggers from africa

A kilogram of steel.

Gonna melt you with jet fuel

best looking race for sure, but smartest race, due to quantity, are asians

nice dub dubs

asian / white mix = new best race?

White guys:

Invent nearly everything? Check

well, they do make adorable babies

Appearance wise, only the females.

Also, mixed Asians are hated in their home countries. Asians are the most racist people on this planet. Fuckin gooks!

Mind = blowing
Hapa future now. Shit up and take my genes

real talk, though, asians are fucking cray cray

YT keep de blak maing down wif
chiggum 'n' mellin!

honestly I wasn't racist till the blm bullshit started shitting out dindus left and right

white people lol




Honestly if all the niggers disappeared today, would the world honestly be a worse place?

we would still have the slavs


now hard mode choice, if you had the chance to remove every nigger or islam follower from existence, would you?

All asians are chines

people, in general, are idiots. the world will always be shit, because there's always someone who wants all the power

You forgot:
Make more money
Live longer
Not go to prison

Haha nice thread "Opie" shieeeeeeeeeeet and dab am I right "niggas"?

Islam followers, everytime one shows up about 50 people die.

That's racist. You racist.

>Use slang black people created

Actually almost all modern ebonics was invented by white people. Scottish-Americans, to be precise. They were super poor so they ended up working as farm hands along-side the slaves. Africans don't talk like degenerate, uneducated fucks. Only Scots do, and anyone influenced by their culture.

lots of blacks are islamic so it'd be win-win

try harder, m8

Thats a tough one. If you took out the Islamic people, it would include quite a few blacks. So ill go with followers of Islam.

>Create technology
>Create civilization
>Create language
How about a "if you're not white, you didn't do shit for the human race" thread?

tfw white hate thread doesn't pick up

why is this even discussed?
its done, we've owned the world for thousands of years now

>made up white illness
why do black people dont believe in mental illness?
its there....you can physically look at it in the brain in some cases

maybe thats the kind of unfounded belief thats hindering your progress, and its not white peoples fault


Brown people are psychopaths is why. The literal definition.

>legally paid no taxes utilizing laws his opponent helped put into place