Sup b. I'd like to tell a story in hopes of getting some good advice...

Sup b. I'd like to tell a story in hopes of getting some good advice. This all happened a few years ago but I haven't forgotten.
>wife and I looking for a bigger place to live
>find awesome house with pool that is perfect for our family
>it was beautiful, cheap and large with all the amenities you'd want
>it was so it was too good to be true
>as we are moving in, the next door neighbor watches quietly from his driveway not saying a word with a disgruntled look on his face
>I'm white, not covered in tattoos or piercings with nice cars and stuff. So I have trouble understanding the mean mugging
>the first few weeks of living there the cops were anonymously called on me about 5 times about how my car was parked in MY driveway
>as I wasn't doing anything wrong nothing came of it
>my German Shepherd had free access to inside and the fenced backyard via a dog door
> I walked outside one day to the neighborhood kicking at my dog thru the fence cursing at him
>my dog is not a barker and is never outside on the loose so I pop my head over the fence and say "what the fuck is wrong with you RETARD
>When I said retard I could tell it triggered him. Without saying a word he ran inside like I caught him fucking a dead horse
>next day my dog is lethargic pissing on him self and shaking in pain
>take him to vet..they couldn't save him.
>I was distraught. The dog had been a part of our family for 6 years and was very important to my kids and wife, as caring for him and training him brought us closer as a family
>I wondered for days what happened to my sweet pupper with no conclusion
>a few weeks go by and I see neighbor walking angrily with a actual retarded person who turns out is his brother
>I then inquire his living situations and find out the asshole lives with his mom and retarded brother..he's 64 years old and has never moved out of that house with his mom. Lived with his mom and retard brother in that exact house his entire life...
More coming..

it's been 2 minutes where is the continued post OP

>too good to be true
>didn't consult to see if neighbors are retards
gj dude


The dog part is enough for me. I'd kill the neighbor and take whatever consequences come about

Sounds like somebody poisoned your dog. As long as it was well behaved there's no reason for it so that person is simply ignorant and evil. Such persons deserve the same fate as their victims.

>few more days go by and I catch retard throwing dog shit at my front door
>I run out my house and chase him into his
>"I'm just returning your dead dogs shit to you" he shouts
>I punch him directly into his ugly half tards face
>I go to jail over it..1st time ever in jail
>as I sit I jail I wonder how he knew my dog was dead..I now know own he poisoned him
>as soon as I get out of jail that night I start packing get my stuff. We're moving from this asshole before he poisons my kids
>I'm then diverge a plan to ruin his life
>I'm poison his beloved roses
>burnouts on his beloved lawn
>spray paint "inbred retard" all over the side of his house
>brake fluid all over his car
>scaled his fence, got on the roof and emptied a 5 gal bucket of yellow paint all over it
>i watched from a block away a team of ppl install security cameras
>in the dead of night I scope and shoot every camera with my pellet gun from a block away on my friends roof
>constantly drive by and throw nails behind his car
>I sledge hammered his exposed main water line to his house and cut his phone lines several time
...Here's where I need advice..I am out of ways of fucking with this coward. All this took place over the course of 3 years and it is now a solid year since I have fucked with him. What else can I do to ruin his life with out getting caught or going to jail. Please help...I have a mental block and can't think of anything good

if anyone poisoned my dog I'd take their life, without question.

Fucking gay captcha got me

lol the story is fake but funny

Just finish this and burn his house down

have a cute girl come by his house time to time, offering him encouragement. then after a few weeks when his crush is at its highest, fuck her on his front lawn while he watches

Molotov coktail through the window

It's not fake at all..he poisoned my cat as well.
My dog's name was Frank and my cat's name was Penelope. I loved them dearly and I can guarantee that this is what happened. There is more to the story further proving how fucked this dude is in the head..but I don't have time for details. I want revenge till this fuck dies

PiƱata full of wasps on front porch is the answer here. Good luck OP!

No man deserves that

I know mentioning anarchists cookbook is fucking gay, but there is an ACTUAL CHAPTER in the book named 'how to ruin someones life/house'
it has a LOT of good ideas that you havent mentioned yet, OP

The only one that springs to mind is to hammer 9 inch nails through their front door. oh yea, slash tires, then replace air with concrete is another.

I'm not even a dog person and I agree with you completely. If somebody killed something I loved they would simply be dead. I would make their lives a living hellscape and then offer the sweet release of death before carving them limb from limb. As a medfag I have access to a bunch of great life-extending drugs that make it so much easier to torture people.

Dull the pain just enough so they don't pass out when you use the spreaders on their ribcage. Apply forced air breathing so they can't stop respiration. Surgery in vivo to replace the heart with a constant flow pump so they can't go into cardiac arrest.

I'm not afraid to go to hell if I get to take somebody evil with me.

that's some women thinking there

do you have pics of anything at all?

have fun in prison

Careful, that's some really sharp edge there. Don't cut yourself.


Forgot a few things I've done
>smashed his large front window next to his front door with a brick that had RETARD spelled out on it
>poured sugar in his gas tank on his truck before he got his new car
>broke every window on his new car like a week after he bought it
>saw him at Walgreens one day and started pointing at him calling him a sex offender and that he killed my dog. It was during Xmas time and the place was packed..he ran out leaving his items behind as ppl looked at him with horror..
I need some good creative, non incriminating ways to get this fuck

Make him a cake but instead of bread is carboard he'll never know what hit him

Who says I'll go to prison? Leaving evidence is for chumps.

Not of any damage I did. I'm not a fucking retard

Nice. It's simple though, now you move to the next step. You must separate him from his family and isolate him completely. He'll probably an hero and you'll have won.

Ironic, that you say this. That asshole probably put lightbulb glass in food, fed to your pets. Someone did that to a friend of mine in CT. Evil.

>tits or GTFO

Arson is the way user

I dont think you know what that meme means


Glass shards? From the symptoms it sounds more like antifreeze or some kind of household cleaner. I'd guess antifreeze though, it's extremely sweet and a lot of animals don't know it's poison.

Worked at a gas station when I was younger and the manager would just pour the leftovers of antifreeze and motor oil bottles down the drains in the parking lot. A few times there were literal puddles of antifreeze and birds would come and drink it. I sicked the city on him for illegal dumping after I quit.

One rotting fish in his ventilation system. Take fucking days or weeks to find it, and any cloth in the house will have absorbed it.Clothes, couch, carpet...

Kill him.

That's simple.


This OP. Also take a shit in his cars vent system. That way every time he goes to turn on the AC it smells like your shit

Sometimes. Easier to put crushed glass in a slice of meat. People were doing it to each other apparently, to dogs they didn't like.

Dubbs is truth.

apply ricin on the door handle of car

Lightbulb glass, supposedly.

I went back to the vet that operated on him and said his intestines were like glued together and they suspected rat poison. I would have went the legal route but had no way to prove it..that's when I decided to take things into my own hands. I really want to make this fuck pay for the sadness he caused on my young kids. It was hard explaining how a perfectly healthy dog just dropped dead one day. The memory of the look on their faces keeps me angry after all this time. It fuels my rage towards this fuckbag...I want his soul to suffer

I'm so sorry OP. RIP doggo.

I'd feel the same way user. Nobody fucks with my doggos.

It's family. And I understand why your so mad. Just don't let some fuck head ruin your life back. He sounds like a special kind of fuck head.

M8, if your animals were shitting on his property, they needed poisoning. Also, you are a fucking nightmare neighbour, and should be shot.

I like the rotting fish idea. Might be hard to pull off but I am very crafty
Any other good ideas?
And I will say I do plan to hire someone to beat the fuck out of him...not kill him but damn a life altering beat down..and make it look like a mugging. I have a few ppl that are willing but that will be the grand finale

They weren't you dumb fuck. Dog only had access to backyard. The cat did go on his property..she was an ally cat that knew no boundaries..that's why I didn't mention it in the story. I was sad about it but couldn't say much bc I couldn't keep her inside or off other ppls property. I never saw her shit on his property and wouldn't think someone would kill a helpless animal for laying in their lawn

This needs to be your magnum opus. The one that wins and ends everything. Have pamphlets made. With his picture on the front. Make some bullshit name for it but subtlety put hints to bringing every underage neighborhood girl to a meeting he's holding for an overnight test of faith or some shit. Ruin this motherfucker

That's it then OP. You must find a way to poison him the same way. Show him the pain he inflicted upon an innocent creature.

>>saw him at Walgreens one day and started pointing at him calling him a sex offender

So you Zarna Joshi:ed him, real mature.

If he smokes weed, you could buy like a gram and lace it or contaminate it with something, and then leave it in front of his house. Idk what would do what, maybe another user would, but if he smokes he'll almost certainly pick it up and smoke it. Make sure no one else picks it up though.

Oh man that's good. I never thought of a good slandering.. that's why I came to b with this. Too many bright minded sickos in here to not come for advice and tips kek

Easy there, Satan

Really, I think it's time to upgrade to fire. There a many ways a house fire can start. I mean what if they left a lit citronella candle burning right under an exposed wood frame. I assume you don't have access to the interior of the house...

Depending on the roof type and quality, sabotage the roof. Leaky roofs are a bitch to fix and water damage is one of those death by a thousand cuts quality of life damager.

So yeah, all I got is look for places to start a fire "naturally". Any outdoor electrical (like those cameras) or places they might leave a slow burning candle are candidates. And destroy their roof slowly.

He's old and stupid. I don't think he smokes. I do know of a bar he frequents tho. I followed him and noticed that he always parks in the's where I'm going to have a thug kick his face in when the time is right

Call the police and make something up about him taking a young kid (or multiple) into his house and that you suspect he's a pedophile
Or SWAT him
Whatever you do, end your rain of terror by giving him a message like "You'll never have a normal life again"
Even if you go back to your old life, he will keep thinking about it every day for a long time

You'll have to print them without drawing attention or do it at your house but the ink might cost a good bit. He'll deny everything but being that he's already a jackass in his 60's who's been accused of being a sex offender I'd say chances of success are good. Religion paired with children can go a long way with this asshole

Trap field mice and help them into the house. You could do this with feral cats or larger vermin if you're feeling less subtle and more abitious.

Fire may well be your best option. Cleanse him from this earth.

Also wanted to mention I am willing to spend up to $5,000 on this project of revenge. How can I put my $ to work in this situation?

Be extremely nice to him. Smile when you see him, greet him, tell him to have a good day. Make him paranoid to the point of suicide.

I have a suspicion this is all fake but I'll entertain your revenge fantasy.

Continually fucking with this person in the way you're doing isn't healthy, for you, psychologically I mean. Imagine your kids growing up and learning their dad did all this petty shit when they were younger. Up till then they thought of you as a role model, as somebody who is an upstanding citizen and follows the law. They'll grow disillusioned. Right now you're no better than a black person that during the riots goes in and steals a tv from a black store owner because 'the white man is keeping us down'

Even worse is if you're gonna get caught again by a police ambush. Your kids were devastated your dog disappeared from their lives, but what if their dad disappears, too? Your wife will feel that she is forced to leave you and marry somebody else even though she loves you, just to give a secure future to your children.

You either go hard or go home. You need a single act to get all that revenge out of your system and completely irreversibly fuck with their life. Or you give up. None of this 'continually fuck with them over the course of years'. This way of fucking him up needs to not fuck over the brother and mother of the guy. Otherwise you're no better than him.

The solution is to either learn how to hack computers (exploit the fact that most people never set a password on their router, or leave a usb stick with malware on their front yard, etc) and download cheese pizza on his computer.
No matter how you go about this, it's gonna be tricky and risky. It's way easier if you live in a place where there's a "3 minor drug offences and you're in jail for life" ruling. In this case you just break into his property/car and stash some weed in there. Burn some, too. Anonymously report that you saw him toking in his backyard/car and saw him stash it behind a ventilation grille/in his dash. Repeat 2x times.

This guy knows what's up. You need decisive action or no action at all. Either you ruin this guy's life in one last shot, you kill him (like a man would), or you let him keep living as a mindless retard for the rest of his life knowing that he'll probably fuck up and get killed anyways.

Take him duck hunting. Donald Rumsfeld that fucker.

I do get overly nervous everything I do something to him. It worries me that I will go down for all the shit I've done. I now live 30 mins away from the neighborhood and much time has passed. I'm bad at Green text but there is much more to the story. I found out that he has many enemies and what he did to me he did to every person that lived there before and after's why the house was so cheap. A cop friend of mine did some digging and found out that he called the cops 37 times on his previous neighbors. The whole department knows about him and literally does nothing to solve the crimes committed against him...there is a lot to this story. He is a deranged fuck..according to many people's accounts

If anything stop fucking with him for a while, and wait till he tries to fuck with you again, gather evidence and report him. He's a fucking asshole, but he's not worth getting in trouble for. Your kids and wife will miss you if you end up in jail.
If you're done acting like a child, you could also just walk up to him and confront him about it. Tell him that you never meant any harm to him or his family moving in, but he killed your pets, who were part of your family. Ask him for a truce, you won't fuck with him if he won't fuck with you. You both just wanna live in peace and quiet, so man the fuck up and ask him to leave you and your family alone.

Sounds like u live in a trailer park, or some back woods hillbilly shit hole.

oh shit guys, it's the inbred retard of OPs story!

first off you need to get a TRO so this shit doesnt legally come back to you. since the past assault, you are now suspect #1 in anh investigation that may come aboug because of past "motives". im no lawyer but id start with a tro and maybe even call in a tip to the police that was "exposing himself on a playground".

another way would take some thought but if you rewire his electrical meter on the outside of the house so that he gets free electric. why do this? well when the utility comes out to investigate and se the meters been tampered with and he stole electric from utility thats federal charges.

Nope. I lived in a nice clean "white" part of new orleans, la. I have since moved north into the sprawled out country. Haven't met a retard or nigger since I moved here. Backwoods is the good woods friend

So, does your local law put you in the slammer after 3 minor drug offences or what?

Now, once he's in jail, the final coup-de-grace: you set some funds aside and set up a charity that hires and funds caretakers (cleaners and nurses) for special needs people in that town/neighborhood. You get your buddy that allows you to shoot off his roof to be the face of this charity, but you provide the financial backing at the beginning. He's the president and you're the treasurer. You start offering free help to all the disabled people around, and let them reach out to you.

Now the important part is that you lay low and do nothing. You don't gloat, you don't send him a letter once he's in prison, you don't look at him with a smug face when you see him again. It would be too obvious. It would defeat the purpose.

But every time there's a picture of an event, you're there. Standing next to your friend who is accepting the giant cheque, standing next to your friend and helping him deliver the electric scooters, in the group shot of all the nursing staff and the patients with your friend in the middle of the picture, you in the second row on the right somewhere. You don't send these pictures to the prison either. You let him discover on his own. Either when in his most intimate moments has a monitored call with his mother through a pane of plexiglass, where she explains somebody is helping them out and he incredulously asks who, or when he finally comes out of prison and is confronted in his own home with a wall full of pictures of you, his brother, and other special needs people, smiling.

Because that's how you fundamentally destroy the pride of somebody who provides for others: you show them that somebody else can fill that burden in their absence.

This. The electricity thing is brilliant. My neighbor actually did this thinking he could pull one over on "The Man" but ended up getting massive fines. Don't mess with the power man. Especially if you live in a PG&E controlled area, they will rape you inside out and then make you apologize for soiling their dick.

Release rats in the house or a ton of bugs.

Ignite some thermite on his car's engine block. It'll eat straight through to the ground and basically destroy the engine. It's easy to make also.

Pepperspray his door knobs and car door handles. Or make a poison ivy concentrate to use, that would probably be even better.

Find places in the house or even just the walls to place food, then buy an insane number of ants and release them.

Fish in the vents.

This is only good if OP is the kind to let a hatred fuel his entire life. It's brilliant and evil and would actually end up helping a bunch of people, but OP has to be the kind of guy who would exist for vengeance.

Put his number is a Craigslist ad, looking for cock, or better yet a rape fantasy, say to just show up at the address and start raping no matter what.
Video tape it

quick story...
when i was an electrician we got a call for a guy that claimed voltage issues. long story short he found his electric line that fed him, dug it up and spliced a parralell wire to it from his panel. this wire was unmetered hence free electric. he did have a very small portion of his electric load metered to keep suspicion down (his bills were like 20 bucks month). that splice he put in however many years ago failed so he called utility. they came out dug it up saw the splice and had cops there within the hour.

im not sure if he went to jail but out of curiosity i drove by his house a year later and it was foreclosed. so he went somewhere...

The fines, dependent on state, are almost always astronomical. In certain states they can and will send you to prison as well. Like I said, god help you if you steal from PG&E. They'll wreck you harder than they wrecked Hinkley, CA.

Is that it then?

I'm gonna just bump with a random porn webm.