Strictly for self defense : Knife or pepper/paralyzing spray?

Strictly for self defense : Knife or pepper/paralyzing spray?
>inb4 gun, Yurofag here

Other urls found in this thread: kune do

why not both? get a neck or a boot knife and a pepper spray keychain. you could also look into taking a self defense class

Buy a war hammer. Will never regret

Spray has range and is much more painful while not requiring emergency services.

Well, provided they don't muscle through the pain with sheer rage and then beat you to death. But they can do that with a knife wound too.

Your ifunny is showing.

I've been hit with pepper spray, nothing hurts like that. It'll stop a bull in its tracks.knifes you can get by on adrenaline if you are hit in a non lethal spot

Do a martial art like Krav Maga, Hapkido, MMA, Jeet Kune Do, Japanese Jujutsu, etc. Make sure the local school doesn't teach bullshido and is accredited by/registered at an official governing body or produces good competitors if it's also a combat sport.

You should get the worst bug poison you can find. Where I live they sell scorpion spray... That shot is so painful and can even blind someone for 3 days. Wasp spray would work great too. Hurts more and has longer range than peper spray

Are you afraid?

No amount of martial arts will help a 100lb woman.

Pepper spray to the face.

Otherwise try Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, medium to hard Karate style, Aikido if you want to do the least harm (but is probably also the least effective style). Same as before applies for these arts when checking if the school is legit.

Of gangs of gypsies roaming the streets when I have to walk back home at night?Yes.

It varies from p-erson to person. But yeah, for a 100lb woman I'd use pepper spray.

if you are really concerned you should invest in a flame thrower. if you dont have enough money to buy one then take out a loan or just carry a lighter and some hair spray

person* I think I'm tired

>pepper spray
>roundhouse their legs
>stab them in the neck while on the ground
>walk away

Says the person writing this with no thumbs

shut up i can still use them ... sorta

If you get pepper spray make sure its over 2m heat units

source: i work for wildlife dept and have used effectively on a charging bear

It must suck to have to push the space bar with your index finger

i get by

How do you even hitch-hike?

with my big toe. you see after the "accident" i lost both my thumbs and half of all of my other fingers so i was kinda out of options there and if i were to use my dick i feel like it would be a bit too obscene so i resorted to traveling on one foot with the other in the air to get peoples attention

Fair enough.

Fucking war hammer!

Pic related

A reasonable response? On my Cred Forums? It's more likely then you think!

How do you non-verbally show approval?

or get a spear if you are able to make some distance between you and your assailants

well since i lost my lips and all fine motor control in the great flame simply hop infront of the car

Personally I like the polearm 2nd from the left. But it is a bit pesky to carry around with you all day

>says warhammer
>posts halberds

This is what a warhammer looks like you chud

get a sap. its a small leather sack filled woth granualted lead. Generally non-lethal and if you hit right, the target goes down n one hit.
>sap hat
>sap sack
>sap sap

Fists and balls bitch

lighter and deodorant can, feggit

Tfw thumbless, lipless, person with no motor skills

Pic not related

nothing will defend you against a experienced nigger with sucker punches and sneaky back attacks.learn mma and then beat groups of 4 like me.



No argument here

Here are a few vids on said martial arts:
Krav Maga:


Jeet Kune Do: kune do

Japanese Jujutsu:

My long sword would make short work of you knave! Do you even armour?

Mate. Have you made a decision already or should I spaghetti all over your linguini?

I think Jew Jitsu is actually supposed to be Krav Maga, as it's an Israeli martial art

Easy, just follow these steps

krav maga teaches you things like how to kick attackers in the balls/general situational awareness that helps you in dangerous situations. just carrying a weapon sounds kinda dangerous if you dont know how to use it

Assassin's Creed wrist blade obviously..

With a knife you will only get yourself stabbed. Go with the spray.

Get yourself a walking stick.
I can't think of anywhere in the world that a person can't carry his cane/walking stick. Just don't get something that looks like a weapon and you should be good.