ITT: where is the best place to hide weed?

ITT: where is the best place to hide weed?

also general stoner thread

In your bowl then smoke it

up your ass unless you are in seattle or san francisco

thats where the cops look first in those cities

depends on the amount. i keep mine in a sunglasses case

Leaves no evidence too

>what is google
>what is asking friend and people around you
like we'll know where you live and the good hiding spots. lol autism struck hard this year eh

Be more your bag or at home?


You don't need to hide it you need to worry more about the smell then you can basically keep it on you 247

in a baggie in your closet put it in one of your jean pockets or hoodie pockets. or hell just throw it under some folded shit. no one is going to look through each individual piece of clothing.


I once hid a dime bag in my dick

like in a drawer or something. I took out the optical drive in my laptop and took out all the bits and kept the frame intact, i put the baggie in the frame and it makes a good spot to keep it, out of the way and out of sight but right near me. More out of convenience then a desire to hide it.

Hold on lemme look around your house for you while you reply and shit post on Cred Forums

no, in college, roommates dont approve of smoking weed

Put it in a container and hide it outside dumbass

In an empty deodorant. It helps to mask the smell. Probably want to wrap your weed in two baggies though.

in your lungs

Get vacuum seal-able bag for stash, keep on the go bud in mason jar. Double sealing/ peanut butter still won't trick drug dogs. If ur in college i doubt ur picking up much anyways so just get a mason jarand wrap it up

thanks, will keep in mind.

Pack your urethra for when your boyfriend smokes your cock.

put the baggie in a random article of clothing in your closet. try being creative, theres tons of places to hide weed

Put 4 Screws about 5 inches above the bottom of a drawer, get a thin piece of wood cut at Home Depot that matches the dresser's wood, tack a piece of cloth to one end and put it face down with the cloth sticking out in the back.

Cover with shirts or sone shit and you have a perfectly hidden space. I'd also recommend bagging your bud and putting it in a glass Mason Jar too. Completely eliminates any odor.



In ya sock

yep vouch for these little fucks

they work really well

they are reusable and after like opening it 60 times the zipper brakes but even then it still hides smells if you cover the opening with tape or something because its made of a material that doesn't leak smells

Yep up the ass

>hiding weed
I don't smoke all the time but when I do have weed I leave it wherever the fuck I like because I'm an adult.

In the butt

Is it normal to have no reaction the first time? Some say it, but i feel I am maybe getting ripped off. Do you any xperience about that?

>adults don't get suspended from college

its funny, but i never got high the first time either

really weird

Did you get high after that?
Wat is it like?

Get a real cheap bar phone and put it where the battery is

Oh. Well I'm the kind of adult with his own home. That's what I meant. College students are like pseudo-adults.

Tips for no smell?

my friend has always used a mason jar with one of those clamp lids. he keeps it in a lens case in plain sight in his room. his parents have never noticed. no smell.

just buy small amounts and smoke it asap. no need to worry about hiding..however, you got a new worry: the whole "shit nigga i must buy it quick and not be seen". good luck bruh

I put mine in a mason jar and put it in an old guitar amp where I took out all of the electronics and shit. No smell and nobody would ever think to look there

In your bong.

unscrew a stick of deodorant and put your weed in and put the stick back on and screw it down. cap it and your set. ive taken that shit on planes using this method

Thank god I've never had to be secretive with my bud, parents grew up in the 70's and are still stoners today.

Use the big empty space in a ps2 console for its network adaptor. I bet you could fit half an once in there and who the fuck is going to check a ps2 for weed?

Why has no one mentioned a coffee container? Seals nicely and the smell of coffee residue masks it.

People check the most unlikely places first, who's gonna look on the kitchen table for weed?

I'm sorry to hear that


I used to open my computer case and put it on my hard drive

I gotta admit user this is genius

mason jar

This is actually fucking genious. I found that room on my ps2 a few months ago and didnt know what it was.

Also i used to stash my stuff in a small round box. Doublewrap it in plastic bags and hid it inside my desktop pc. Also used to keep stuff inside the old broken printer we had. Mom and dad never even cared to look.

Wouldn't help the smell

In your lungs

Put it in your deodorant. Screw the whole bar out and stuff it inside

I can not seem to get high...
Maybe its just beginner's bad luck?

I think weed makes me gay. Whenever I smoke I really want to get fucked in the ass and jerk off to traps. When I'm sober I jerk off to milfs and other straight stuff.

in plain sight

Hmm yeah i've heard that before

Baggie in a can of coffee beans, legit have had dogs in my dorm not pick it up

>Haha has to hide weed from parents

if these came in plain black they would be perfect, the branding on these defeats the purpose

When I was younger I used to be able to smoke a bunch but still go about my daily activities with little trouble but now when I smoke even a little I get floored and have to go lie down. I smoked some not too long ago and went to Subway and could barely order any food. I dropped all of my change trying to pay for my stuff trying to hand it over too and the cashier said she'd just get it herself then when I tried to leave I repeatedly dropped my sandwich and drink because I was so fucked up I could barely concentrate on holding them both. What happened?

Funnily enough the same thing happens to me when I drink booze

In a baggie, in a glass jar filled with coffee grounds. I did that when I was younger and hid it behind some books on my bookshelf.

Tolerance my man

Cant have a been drug k9. Those fuckers will pick up any smell of drugs. The dog dont give two fucks about the smell of coffee. Either the container was up towards the ceiling (sometimes the smell dont reach the floor) or it was a common k9.

Out in the open right where the police can see it. It totally works, and dopers believe everything they read on the internet so obviously I'm right.

Never said i hid weed.

Explain how the logo defeats the purpose?

Jeez I hope you weren't driving

Prison wallet

it was up on a shelf so maybe, either way really solid place to hide drugs

that mite b it, i used to smoke pretty regularly as a teen then i stopped for a few years and just recently started again

thank god no i probably wouldn't be here to post about it. i made the mistake of hopping on a train though and i spent the entire half hour journey staring up at the lights because i was convinced everyone sitting around me could tell i was high

my parents are chill af, my dad even grown his own weed

1. tape under your sink
2. tape on bottom of that heavy toilet lid thing
3. empty out metal pen case, joint holder
4. in a bag, in a pill bottle, in a bag, in literally anything else.

my parents are chill af wih it, my dad even grows his own

Keeping your stash out of reach for the dog is a pro tip. Keeping it close to the ceiling is a good place to start. We rarely lift the dog up to sniff up high.

Im in a legal state, i keep mine in the medicine type bottles it comes in. Put that in a small lockbox I have in my desk drawer, if Im worried about it. most of the time its just sitting in the drawer. I always keep a dryer sheet in the drawer though, they are excellent at covering smells.

try dabs its much more of a clear headed high, definitely gonna put you on your ass the first time but just stick with small dabs and you're set.
Also can be a lot cheaper than bud if you keep your tolerance low and only use once or twice a day.

This fag is right. Those dogs are trained damn well. I always buy some macdonalds or pizza if I do a pick-up, and hide the baggie in the burger or under the pizza. Trick the handler into thinking the dog is going for the food instead of going for weed. No one will ever search your burger.

In a jar inside your pc

ok faggot

put your weed in a bag. Then place the bag 'o weed in a jar, put coffee beans/powder on top of it. The coffee hides the smell 100% and it looks just like a bag of coffee

At a elementary school, no one looks there

Just giving a helping hand my dude. Also not a lowtier american cop.

Good question, and while Imma adult and hide my shit whereverthefuckIwants (like some user said) being an adult means I usually by in bulk...

Thus interesting topic:

Coffie! Chilipowder in carpet for dogs... What else? ... As for smaller amonts just always keep it on you or hide it in your diary or somewhere ur roomie never could admit to finding it. If you actually get searced at times where u live take the trouble and sow pockets into your underwear - if yr cool they *never* search there...

cops don't look for weed in seattle, it's legal idiot

Doesn't stop them from looking.

Had to spend nights and weekends in jail, used to bring weed in in my work uniform behind my name badge. It was stitched in the shirt

Cavity searches are their favorite pastime. But they still have to wait until the end of their shift to beat off.

Let snoop dogg hold it for you

If anyone is without a grinder, You can use a cheap pepper mill with some minor modification, I did it to one i bought from Tesco only cost me like 1.50


No? Is that a reference to something other than escobar?

Bureau, 3rd drawer, underneath 2 pairs of Jeans.

Don't worry, I just got you mixed up with another mexican.

Carve a hiding place out of your wall dumby

I'm irish you cunt.

Hide in altoids sized tin. Bury in most inconspicuous spot in neighborhood. Dig up when needed. Your welcome.

Put it in a mason jar and hide it in a speaker

Scratch it off?

in your computer case

Won't work for cops.

I live with roomates who hate drug use, so I put mine in an empty lucazade bottle and hide it behind a few bins in the alley behind my house, I live in a pretty shitty area full of litter so I just put a little sharpie marker on the lid, so I don't get mixed up, been doing it for 3 years, no one's ever caught on

under the soap in your moms bathroom , it will never be discovered in there by that fat stinky whore .



I hide it inside cigarettes

A used old spice deodorant tube is what I used to use.

I hide my stuff in the back compartment of the toilet in my house so my parents won't find it, sometimes the water seaps in and soaks the weed but if that happens I just wrap it in a pair of socks and put it on the radiator when they're not home

Did you deliberately try to make that the saddest thing I've ever read, I can't even insult you at this point, you smoke weed damp from toilet water and dried in a sock, if you must hide it in the toilet why not put it in a container wrapped in a plastic bag


Daddy will have to fix the toilet one day, and he'll be in for a nasty surprise.

I'm 23 dumbass

that's even worse mate

Well I bought an Xbox one recently but still have my 360, Idk if you have a 360 but I put my grinder, rolling papers and tip in the hard drive slot (filtered grinders won't fit) and I pretty much hollowed out the rest and out it in there

Oh! Since when?

In the garbage you stupid stoner.

+1 for this idea. When I was still living at home I'd hide it in a speaker or computer case.

this man is smart. If they find it, how will they know it's yours?

I need sum weed

find a section of drywall in your house that has no stud near it. get an electrical gang box from home depot. fix that to the hole you made. then cover it with a blank outlet cover, also from home depot.
you can easily fit a half o in there.

I know I'm gonna be in the bottom of the thread by now, but go to wal-mart or some craft store, hit up the craft section and look for containers for beads or other small bullshit
tons of little threaded jars to store shit all over the place,
pack em and stash em

besides the booze stuff you mentioned, THE EXACT SAME THING HAPPENS TO ME NOW TOO!

I used to have a reputation for no one ever being able to tell if I was baked or not back in high school / early college. Now in my mid-20s weed really messes me up (feel kinda paranoid/anxious). Wish I could go back to the way it was before.

Back of PS2 in the expansion slot

Can someone tell me if this stuff is shit? Friend gave me it for free but I'm questioning it.

That's weed. Just really really shitty weed. Enjoy.

> open bag of chips

> put weed at the bottom under all the chips

> ???

> profit

you fags just gotta get creative

looks kinda dry, its not bad though,
no offense, but if your noob enough to weed to not be able to tell, its gonna be fine,

Like years ago Jesus Christ

Yo ass

Ty bud
Yeah sounds about right, usually I just get my mates to pick up and roll it so i dont see the bags often. North UK pretty shit too especially around uni area.
Thank you both

pretty smart actually

Personally I wouldn't smoke any of the stems and dried up brown leaves. Just sayin enjoy bruh

Cheers pal

Wait, can't the police download it then?

First time posting while high, I love you all fags

On your person

Put it in a bag and then put it in a waterproof box then hide. Also keeps the smell contained. Waterproof boxes can be found at Walmart for about $12

Replica Borderlands Loot Chest!

Hollow book, nigga

You don't have to hide weed when you have a medical card, bitch.

This nigga knows what's up

That was my #1 go to spot

this nigga knows what's up

under the doormat

Easy, hide it in the cavity of your PC, if you have one

Just stop forcing your roommates to smoke your weed

Because when cops find bags they don't look inside, apparently.

I use to hide mine on my peehole, but only a few times when Ill get searched

this is your answer

in your lungs.