

Cause things should be fuzzier!

Other urls found in this thread:


fluffy butts

Sup guys






fuck you hiroshima you cocksucking chink








Yeah it sucks, like it's 2012 again. I wonder what the motivation behind it is, can't be a technical thing.

I mean if he really wants to save a few bucks for server resources like that what does that say about the state of the rest. I've read that he maybe wanted to hand it all off to a mod but don't know any details. And I read it on Cred Forums so yeah.



ain't nothin wrong wit dat








>Not gonna lie I'm a bit of a digital hoarder, and I never fap to anything I have, kinda weird I know.

It's not so strange I think, I almost never do that either. Like 3-4 times a year, and mostly because Internet's fucked or whatever. But when I do it's real fun. But not fun enough to do it more often I guess. The hunt for good porn is awesome tho.




U have good tastes sunshine













I had a phase where I'd spend days going through plus-sized see-through women's lingerie websites. I've never opened that folder again lol. Must be spergs.

Fishing for compliments?


By the way has anyone seen Dash lately? I wasn't here for a few days lately and was hoping to see him here tonight, but nah.


furries are living bags of trash

Lel yeah I can relate, had some pretty weird fetish phases myself. Huge lingerie is at somewhat normal.

I'm glad that I don't have that fucking scat fetish anymore. Damn what was I thinking?! I'm loyal to the watersports tho.

He's been around, was here last night before I passed out

Can't recall

I think you're probably retarded.

Go back to posting loli

stick around for a few hours, he'll probably turn up


I love me some watersports too. I never got into scat tho, shitty fetish iyam









Did someone say watersports?




Says the user wasting his time in threads he doesn't like with people he hates. In a perpetual, never ending flood of degenerate fur threads. With mostly the usual suspects even. On Cred Forums of all places.

I'd call that pretty weird tbh, but wait some time and you'll be drawn to the furstuff as well. Heard that from quite a few anons that came here to troll but now are full-on furfags.












Aight thx!

>stick around for a few hours, he'll probably turn up
I'd do that, just like usual, if I didn't absolutely had to get up in a little more than 3 hours. And no way I'd survive that day without at least a teeny tiny bit of sleep.

I'll just get here again when I have a little more time.



































>shitty fetish iyam
Badumm tssss!

Butt indeed, it's pretty fucked up one. I still have some porn from that time but no way I could watch that today. Nuh-uh. From one day to another I got totally repulsed by it and it never came back.

Hmm, at least it's a feasible fetish... Try doing some furry or vore shit IRL. I wouldn't want to five vore and fur up but I was kinda relieved that I was again able to spank it to human grills again after a few months. Didn't look like it for quite some time..













>Did someone say watersports?
Aww yeh famalam!

























My go-to rehab is women with big asses, never fails me.

