What's life purpose? why are we here?

what's life purpose? why are we here?
whats the point of living ?

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to crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, to hear the lamentation of their women


It's just a dream bro. After an eternity as a God you wanted nothing more than to experience the one thing you can't - and that is to die. You created this reality like a dream, a reality which has no clear beginning or end, in which the laws of physics (if you study them) actually don't make sense. A dream that you take as reality because that what the purpose of it is - to be born with the notion that you are mortal, to feel the rush of the final moments of your life after living in anticipation of that mysterious moment for all of your known "reality". When you die you will wake up with a gasp, after having taken the most intense ride of your eternal life. You'll simply get back in line and hop back on the roller coaster, cause hey, you've got nothing better to do.

To breed, and survive so you can keep breeding. Take away everything humans have accomplished. Go back to our basic existence and that is all there is. Everything else is the product of a brain that has done nothing but create needless excess.

Theres more than one purpose in life

>it is whatever the fuck you want it to be
>evolution + perfect conditions
>because you're lucky to even be alive so don't take it for granted and do whatever the fuck you want to do

The point of life is to be miserable, pay taxes, and die

Good ol' salami nips.

make your own purpose.

what are you passionate about?

If it weren't for bills and things _other_ people expect of you, what would you do with most of your time?

If you were to retire tomorrow, what would the next 10 years of your life look like?

>laws of physics don't make sense
We're just now starting to understand the universe with science. Just because our understanding doesn't make sense doesn't mean the laws of physics don't either


Is there anywhere I can go to live off the land?

found the nihilistic cunt

>what's life purpose?
Why do you assume there has to be a purpose?
>why are we here?
Why do you assume there is any reason?
>whats the point of living ?
Why do you assume there is a point?

What? How? I didn't say life was pointless, I said it is what you make it

Underrated post

Schwarzenegger is a modern day philosopher

I personally think the meaning of life is to eat chicken strips.

So far it's served me well.


Thats pretty based. I hope its real.

I'm here to shitpost


video title??
>inb4 "it's Mia Khalifa dumbass"

I was wondering this before I scrolled down to see this thread. I don't want my parents to grieve for my death before they leave, so when they pass this world, I see no value to continue to exist in this life beyond nature's instinctive programing.

Maybe I'll find a reason some day, but not today. This is going to take more than one night of thinking.

I like the idea that its the pursuit of hapiness, wether it be for yourself or others. I like that idea.


To get to this level of wisdom and happiness

Exactly. There isn't a point. Just try to make the best of your life for you and your loved ones and be happy. Enjoy the short time you have.

I don't believe there is no point, I believe the point is to find out what the point is. Just because we don't understand why we exist doesn't mean there's nothing to understand. That's the point

We are a way for the universe to understand itself. Just because we don't understand why we exist doesn't mean there is no meaning for our existence. That's what a nihilist believes. I believe the meaning comes from trying to find the meaning

Idk if any of the previous replies make sense, but they kinda do to me. You could atleast respond and tell me if you're going to insult me.

You should try to refresh your browser a few times more before rewriting your point, user.

Not the same user, but I like your point. I want to believe truth has a form of absolution that is attainable, but what is and has always been true to you is not the same for the person closest to you and further. Finding our own meaning has intrinsic value, but to refine and solidify it, we need to put it up to the test of public criticism. To be challenged and provoke thought, but you won't find much of that here, it's better to go to people you deem qualified to understand these things and ask to be criticized. Back and forth, challenging and be challenged, and when you feel you know enough, what was it worth?

He left. Anons are tired of debating, criticizing, or challenging since in the end, everyone here goes into damage control and retorts and insult their opposer.

They just make a simple insult and leave. They're content with this behavior.


To what end?

The only point of life is death. We were all born to die. That is literally the purpose of life.

Well anyway I'm glad you're a judgemental, lazy piece of shit. People like you just gives me more motivation to become successful in life so I don't end up like the human garbage you probably are. Don't hate you, don't want revenge by being successful, just feel sorry for you and my anger won't let me become like you. Fucking prick

LOL you have no idea what nihilistic means, I bet you support Drumph

Not the same user, but I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say it's contingency expanding beyond the stars still resorting to "survival of the fittest" for those who harness energy and resources opposed through the same species or some other form of intelligence. We can populate and expand, but energy is finite, so conflict is inevitable.

If we all die together, at least we may be liberated from existence. We will no longer be slaves to purpose, meaning, and value. Even if we're the ones who make it for ourselves.

Ye man your more of an existentialism kind of guy right?


somebody gets it...

> Why are we here?
> Just to suffer?

>my anger won't let me become like you.
>Fucking prick


We are here to fart around.

Just farted, refreshed the page, and saw this comment. Fucking wow.


there is no reason for existing. We exist because statistically, life was bound to happen. So the only meaning to life is whatever you give it.

The meaning of life is be as pompous an ass as possible, then die so that so one even remembers you 20 minutes afterwards, even though you were "so damn important" with your "ideas" and your "imagination" and whatever horseshit you used to deny your depression,

Yeah, I'm an angry piece of shit. I'm not a lazy piece of shit like that guy and my anger won't allow me to be like that. What's your point?

Did daddy hurt your fee-fees by calling you lazy as a kid?


I'm not sure what that means. I'm just a thinker


Nice try, but being lazy never really bothers me until some random insults me then doesn't respond. Didn't even grow up with my dad growing up lol, but lets pretend i did

it's a philosophical theory or approach that emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will.
It pretty much just means that like lifes meaning is whatever you want to do with it you know?
Like it doesn't have a meaning but you give it your own meaning by doing the stuff you liek to do.


Jesus no. That's what is best. It's not the purpose.

Fucking triggered

Die in a fire

I agree with all of that yeah. I mean there's so much we don't understand about the universe and to just dismiss everything in it as pointless just seems dumb to me

Not the same user, but I still think if I ever came across people who gave themselves this label, they probably think they really are special snowflakes. Philosophy for the snowflakes. I might be wrong since I live in an area of people who will live their lives never hearing this word.

>what's life purpose?
If we take the model of every living creature on earth, the purpose is to live thrive and reproduce.

A moral purpose would be to work towards leaving this planet better than you found it.

As a species, to pass on your genes and to advance our technology to assure our survival as a species.

A religious purpose, to do good and praise the God of your choice.

>why are we here?
As some user already said, millions of years of evolution and luck.

>whats the point of living ?
There's no point, kill yourself if you wish, no real adverse effects will come to the rest of us. But if you must have a point then reproduce and fulfill your basic living being duties.

Free will doesn't exist, so it's all meaningless anyways.

>there is no point
As far as we know (I know, that should be obvious. Just had to point that out)

And I know this sounds far fetched, but you never know what a person is capable of in their life. The world could be better/worse if certain people just killed themselves, so i think suicide does have an affect on others



our god is a shitty god

the only point to life is for us to entertain that piece of shit

kill yourself right now to save some respectability