Still waiting on Assange, i have it on mute, i'll unmute in in 47 mins

still waiting on Assange, i have it on mute, i'll unmute in in 47 mins

Other urls found in this thread:

im watchin wit alex jones


why would wikileaks want trump to win?

>OP's post ended in 911


wikileaks doesnt support trump, the site cant release dirt if their is none to report. as far as now trump is clean.

right now the big story is the half black son Bill Clinton has with a former black prostitue in Arkansas

Alex Jones knows his shit

Assange says Hillary is a demon, shes so corrupt and globalist that we don't have a choice but to stand against her. If the public knew the extend of the lies and cover ups then they'd view trump as an innocent choir boy in comparison.

eh, hes pretty good, jus dont get taken up b his alarmist ways. i remember back in 2000 during the y2k scare, he said life on air that russia nukes have misfired and r on their way to the u.s. ppl actually ran to the hills. its on youtube.

YES theres a thread

this needs to start already

because hillary would be a disaster


wikileaks is often used as a propaganda arm for putin
nytimes com/2016/09/01/world/europe/wikileaks-julian-assange-russia.html

DEVIL TRIPS, i just like what he is saying about globalism and propaganda

well, that raping a minor civil case starts the 14th, so that'll be interesting to see play out

LOL new york times

can you dispute the evidence?

>BBQ-ing babies on the whitehouse lawn....

where's assange? still this phagget after 45 minutes?

Oh yay tabloid garbage

There is no evidence in that article?

Just speculation

please tell me you arent serious

post evidence I don't want to listen to that fag babble.

Fuck, when the loudmouth started selling his products I turned it off. I'll check the headlines tomorrow, this basic bullshit commentary is mindless drivel.

>nytimes com/2016/09/01/world/europe/wikileaks-julian-assange-russia.html

Did you read the article cunt?

Aside from being an obvious propaganda piece of its own, the article doesn't allege any collaboration between the two parties. It even says so in the fucking byline.

That their interests "dovetail" mean nothing more than it's probably easier for Wikileaks to obtains leaks regarding some of the evil bullshit American government/politicians get up to, rather than Russian.

Alex Jones plays with his shit! Useless as a box of rocks.

15 mins til Assange.... I'm writing in Bernie Sanders fuck both these two Trump and Cunton

Trump isn't clean he just shits all over everything openly instead of hiding it.

>nytimes com/2016/09/01/world/europe/wikileaks-julian-assange-russia.html
(not the same guy)
Honestly, it's a little hard to trudge through pages and pages of NYT garbage, but what exactly do you think the evidence they present is?

There is literally no evidence of anything in that text. The only thing being said is Assange criticizes the west a lot, and Russia/China not as much, even though he says they definitely are very corrupt. Putin then said at some press conference that they shouldn't jail Assange (something most world leaders outside the west agree with).

So what? I seriously don't get how you people buy this shit...

u do know ny times is a liberal wag that supports clinton. r u a paid shill?

Nothing to see here, folks. Go back to hugging your guns.

What a fucking Cred Forums fag

You ignore all the information posted simply because it's on a site you disagree with

You're all the same kind of special retards that discredit people based off their flag

CNN wont even cover this live

Have you been listening to what he's saying?


> u disagree with me so u must be on hillarys personal payroll hurrrr

i doubt he did it, he cod buy underage whores, no need to rape, tho ive heard wen u ahve all the money in the wolrd u need to do shit like rape to get ur rocks off. well see, tho tbh i wodnt care really if he did rape that girl. that doesnt mean hell b a bad pesident. wodnt b the first president to be a deviant.

No one is voting for her because they like her.

They're voting for her because she's not Trump.

Too bad it is not true at all.

did Alex Jones ever get to find out if Reptilians are real

love how you ignore all the posts saying there is no evidence and your just an idiot who read the headline and jumped the gun

lol, well i mean trump isnt corrupt, or maybe hes better at hiding it. either way i support him over hillary any day. we know for a fact hillary is corrupt, trump is a wild card, ill place my bet on him.

russia is the only reason I'm not voting trump. Fuck that shit.

this is the same reply that is posted everytime someone calls someone a ctr
coincidence? maybe

eh, ur comment sounded like a copy and paste shit poster.

there is literally no evidence whatsoever that Trump is in bed with Putin
its literally something started by the Hillary campaign to distract from the email leaks
when caught her pants down during the dnc email leaks she started shrieking about russia and then tried to tie Trump to it

It's the end of the world.

Honestly trying to put wiki leaks in with Russia is such an obvious attempt to discredit the real damaging information coming out.

NYT, CNN and most other news sources really are just the same bullshit.

I'll be voting for Clinton btw because there is no other choice,

I would fucking kill you in person if I knew who you were

So edgy

Go to bed Daniel

i want pizza

Sadly trump is not a wild card, he is just retarded. Establishment is horrible but at least competent for now.

why are they going off saying that hillary had the talking points in advance like they weren't obvious what they would be?

*unsheathes katana*
*teleports behind you*
nothing personnel kid

this would be the best trolling ever if Assange came out with a cake for the 10 yr anniversary of Wikileaks and had nothing else


Because trump is retarded.

Hillary is intentionally malicious.

"Today is my birthday"

>I'll be voting for Clinton btw because there is no other choice,


its the newest conspiracy, that hillary had the questions in advance
personally i think this particular one is bunk. hillary is a career politician and probably just had all her ideas she wanted to try to slip in writen down
where as trump would probably just want to talk off the cuff

Kanye 2020

Can't lose situation for Ju-Ju the sex pest.
He either has a genuinely ground breaking story & the Clinton campaign is over or, as I rather suspect, he has some flimsy and contrived evidence if something no non partisan person will give a fuck about in which case he gets to bibble on about the vast conspiracy to return Hillary. Nice day out too, pity he can't leave the building.

Even though she's corrupt as fuck she would make 1000x better president.

And Pepe will be vindicated.

Many keks will be had at the expense of the CTR shills.

Gotta love the liberal media. The only thing on Trump is

>He said things that hurt my feelings
>What about his tax returns?

Literally, that's it. Never mind all of the Clinton criminal foundation's wrong-doings or Clinton getting people killed.

Sure thing buddy.

it kind of scary how little they care
used to be that sure they had a bias and sure they pushed propaganda but they at least tried to hide it
now their just going full tilt and flipping their nose at the rest of us like what are you going to do about it
if they are at the level where they can do that without a bigger outcry then what we;re seeing then it may truly be to late

The definition of a "good" President, has become BEYOND muddled

> the liberals the jews it's a conspiracy

Donald trump is an absolute fucking retard. More of the same is better, sorry.

Yes, enjoy the influx of Muhammad into the US

That's the problem, you actually believe that

im not voting for hillary because i dont want her to give a liberal majority in the supreme court

fucking hell, fuck off to Cred Forums with this shit, nobody cares, she will be your next president, because Americucks deserve her.

how much are they paying you? :^)

heres your (you)

its ben

here's your new thread topic

check and balances will do damage control if trump is unfit, tho im not convinced he wod make a bad leader.

why the fuck are they doing this in the middle of the night.

What are countries other than the United States?

>Trying to convince a Trump supporter that there's time zones

>rupublicans are dumb lmao

half the shit they talk about is about the USA

starting to get kinda bored here lady...

>Implying American politics don't affect the rest of the world.

lol ikr, i think she is buying time for julian, might be eating a breakfast burrito.

jesus christ bitch, just get to the campaign shattering nudes already

And democrats aren't?.......... even funnier

inb4 the nudes are of bill.

can someone explain to me what the fruity froot loops is going on?

did shit happen yet? or should I check back later. People should spam twitter that Julian committed suicide just before ( or after ) the announcement. By shooting himself in the back of the head.

The man thought the Mayan calendar was the end of the world

I'd peek at that Slick Willy.

i think they are doing it so the media doesnt attack them rather then the info
either that or assange is giving obama a little more time to call and pardon him to save the witch

wikileaks is goin to leak info that they claim will end hillays campaign.

This whole thing was staged so that he could sneak out the back door of the embassy to freedom.

Bill and Chelsea ...

>I don't have the patience for this so tell me what happens.

"No gun found", and reports say Rodham the Robot was seen scurrying from the scene

no it should be by drone strike
assange piloted a drone from the american military right into his window where it promptly exploded

i would destroy hildawgs puss bros im not even gonna lie. id make her scream.

Consuela needs to shut up

yeah we can't bomb fucking london

wrong nationality, dumbass

who wouldnt

all i can hear are chickens clucking...

not going to lie thats disgusting as fuck, maybe even as little as ten years ago sure. but now, might as well fuck emperor palpatine

how do you know consuela isn't from ecuador

>ClintonGate the greatest escape since argo

I'm enraged by these cunt's need to be in the lime light right now, they're boring MILLIONS OF PEOPLE who stayed up to 3am on a Monday night with their inane babbling. At least whip out a milk dud

woah when did that dude show up

uh, emperor palpatine is dead you fucking idiot. You CANT fuck him now.


it was a reference to this


Says who?

wikileaks has done alot of good, if anyone deserve some attention time its them, its their 10th anniversary for fucks sake.

lol that other dood thought alex was mocking him bein gay

jokes on you, them being dead only makes me moister

How modern west democracy is fucked up amaze me.... Our choices are now based on which politic is the less shitty/mad/highly corrupt.......

who is giggling in the background....

Not agreeing with all his bullshit, but the shit he was saying at the beginning of his program earlier was some real talk

Not commenting on or agreeing with all of his rubbish

Get out of here with your rational fair points, I'm tired and cranky and want to hear how Clinton was eating babies

It's been that way for decades.

Alex Jones is a stupid ass troll that falls for his own shitty bait

why do people care about this? he leaked national secrets to hurt our government - seems like a legit target.



If trump gets elected we'll get an influx of Muhammad coming in by way of plane into our buildings. Actually not sure which I prefer at this point.

I have patience, but geeze
are these reporters losers or what?

i love you guys

>mfw he's died



At what time are they going to spill the beans? Sick of listening to these people talk of not much importance.

could the chat on the youtube page get any more juvenile?
fuckin retards

"Hurt our government" LMFAO

45 minutes ago...

Quints of truths

yeah, he did. which part is funny.

Is this a goddamn Telethon asking for money?

If there actually was any evidence of Hilary corruption don't y'all think she'd be hanging from a street pole given how many people want her gutted?

And Trump has connections to all kinds of dodgy shit and brags about tax evasion but Hilary is the evil one?

little under 20 minutes until he comes on

alex is gettin pissed they r takin so long to dish the dirt, hes pounding the table. hahahaha

was supposed to be 3 AM EST....

jesus why are you watching that fag

>And Trump has connections to all kinds of dodgy shit and brags about tax evasion but Hilary is the evil one?

When you live in the infowars mindset
you give up all grasp on logic and proportion.

>user's post ended in quints

He can only drink his own coffee for so long.

how much fucking longer until secrets

roll. if dubs you must do a cock tribute on image of that talking chicks face

I thought it was kool-aid.

Lol, such close-minded sheep

>was supposed to be 3 AM EST....

To be fair 3am was for the old location, they did have to scramble to move.

But I agree, a bit too much padding here.

Thank you. I can get in a quickie fap.

move where? It's not like assange is going anywhere.

>Lol, such close-minded sheep

...says the dude who thinks that all media except for his 1-2 chosen few is completely crooked and against him

Alex Jones need a therapist and/or medication

Tax evasion is an american pasttime, same with staying the fuck in america and not going to murder brown people.

One of the candidates is a quality american being.

Doesn't matter. Trump raped a child.

its an hour long conference
it started at 3 est

No, wait.

Sheep think is hearing the words Hillary and corrupt together so many times from right wing idiots that you think its true despite zero evidence.

you know all this "kill assange" stuff makes Hilary look pretty good.

>move where? It's not like assange is going anywhere.

google is your friend, not me

its almost 5 am est

The majority of media IS shit, what's your point?

Are you talking about Trump? The guy who has openly talked about nuking Syria?

Maybe if he wasn't a direct political opposition to Hillary? I mean having people kill your political rivals is something a Clinton would do.

>Holy shit you're dumb

When will they fucking show some shit.

proof please

sorry I don't get this. republicans calling for assange to be killed makes Hillary look better, since she asked about a drone strike.

>The majority of media IS shit, what's your point?

>only trusts info from one viewpoint
>calls everyone else sheep

Didn't happen. Hillary is a robot with multiple clones.

fucking checked

there was no reason to greentext that user

Fuck Trump he is racist man. I will be no friend of racist man.
Hillary has done bad stuff but we forgive her okay?
Vote for Hillary this year!

Hillary is a demorepublican exactly the same as them.

I think that the military made Manning get a sex change. That is his punishment. Now they are going to force him to cut off his penis.

They have beaten, tortured, brainwashed him to say he wants this.


Honestly if anything exposing our secrets made our nation seem all the more threatening of a force if not to other nations and countries but to our own people as well.

There has been no evidence that it has made us "weak" or "hurt" in the sense of the Government being an overall deadly and controlling force.


He didn't evade taxes you dumbshit, he literally legally used tax laws that are on the books.

Let's not talk about how shady the fbi investigation into hillary was and how, as part of their "deal", her lawyers had all of their laptops completely destroyed by agents so there couldn't be any future investigation. Because that's on the up and up, obviously.

For this low effort post, no compensation will be credited to your account. Please report to your local PAC representative to learn how you can better participate in CTR.

just insinuations. dont worry rome is fine

It's funny how only places like "right side" and "info wars" are the only people streaming this wikileaks broadcast.

Seems like something this "groundbreaking" information might be broadcasted by some of the major news networks

ive heard the samthing, its too much of a coincidence that a whistle blower decides he a mentally ill tranny after hes been in captivity.

look, I agree with you - and I believe(d) in wikileaks as an online repository to protect documents and whistle blowers.

But I can see why US Govt could reasonably see this as compromising our national security, and killing someone to prevent it from happening ( or afterwards )

600 shekels have been deposited in your account

have they said anything yet besides how awful government is?

>my sides user

I think CTR needs to have a training seminar.

yeah, it makes me sad. Can you imagine being fucked up in the head, tortured, etc until you beg them to cut off your penis and give you hormones.

Femanon here Im voting for Hillary. We need a woman in power. What's wrong with giving her a chance. Only reason you're voting for Trump is because of his edgy attitude that turns you guys on.
All of you are fucking autistic and need to drink bleach.

>Seems like something this "groundbreaking" information

Hold your roll there,
it's nothing but a wikileaks commercial so far.
Let's see what they actually have
before we start calling this "groundbreaking", alright?

you do understand how it works dont you? the same thing that happened repeatedly throughout history right? dont worry. rome is fine.

it also did a great job of discrediting him and what he did.


Fair enough

cnn and the rest are to busy jerking off to pictures of hillary
after the conference they will all wait by their computers for the official spin from the hillary campaign and spew it as gospel

im fapping to these 2 british chicks accents



tired of all these polshills

Anyone else typing in pepe in the chat room?


Dutchfag here.
We enjoy free press:

"What is statutory rape," Alex?

and the only reason you're voting for Hillary is because she is a woman. That's sexist. Just like voting for Barry because he's black is racist.

sound cuts out for 2 seconds,
and comments fill up with

you know, thinking everything is a conspiracy
is just another form of being a sheep.

awwww shit here it comes!

They're the only people for whom it will be "ground breaking". If there was real shit here we wouldn't be seeing the theatrics.

Expect a revelation of the level of the Clinton family leaving a restaurant without tipping in 1997.

Various fucknuts will have brain explosions, nobody with a life will give a fuck.


>techno anarchists haxxors
>can't run a fucking power point stack

Says the woman voting for a woman for being a woman.

I'm all for a woman president. But for fucks sake pick the right one. Not the first one.

Did we not learn a lesson about that kinda thing the last two times?


>inb4 it's fucking nothing.

Honestly I would consider it a threat of National Security if it meant access to millions of unknowing innocent people data or if it meant leaking launch codes or leaking schematics in building weapons/experimental weapons.

But most of it is all past tense documentation on things that the people in charge of our country has done wrong, and that should be held accountable for it. No one person should have the right to believe they can escape the legal system just because they have money/resources to make it happen.

I like neither candidate honestly, and I do not even want to vote this year. I feel that a better plan is to just flee to Canada and see what happens.

trump is accused of rape of a teenage girl, thats much diff than a willing participant.

Anyone who votes for Hillary, has got to be one of the dumbest people ever.

I feel like you're forgetting that Dubya started a war all by himself and "checks and balances" did fuck all.


yeah we all know that, drop the docs so we can proof that to murrica

>none to report
>lack of open taxes means they're totally clean

>they dumped secure communications between our embassies in the cable dump
>doxxed a bunch of random turkish people

I'm not saying it is right to take him out, but I can see why a government would ( and have the legal right to )(

That case is garbage. It will fall apart quick.

Has anyone ever discussed policy in these threads or is it all "I heard on infowars Hillary eats white babies!"?

Cuz the math in Trump's policies doesn't add up.

the one about his school won't. You know they might bring RICO charges against him?

Get on with it, dirty dick.

Yeah but on the other hand the government should be transparent cause they aren't some sort of national security overlord. Their job is being the peoples' bitch.

Not ever. Its all unbiased. Sounds like you are snorting the shillary.

Clinton supporter here.
Is it fair for me to judge the intellect of the anti-Hillary crowd by the chat comments they're making on the youtube page?

Too bad, I'm doing it anyway.

Can someone just sum up what Julian is saying?

dont be fucking dense user
he didnt start shit by himself, congress backed him, including clinton

There is no case where someone underage is defined as consenting because of the Age Of Consent. If they're under, they can not consent. Period.
That makes it (statutory) rape.




Thanks for adding that green text because I had NO idea what you were talking about with that pic.


Oh look, all of you dipshits fell for clickbait again and it's absolutely nothing.

Fuck me but he's a boring bastard.

Dish the dirt, dirty dick.

Didn't he say he has only 20 minutes? He's wasting a lot of time here.

ur right, tho one crime is more severe than the other.

He went to war without telling congress. They backed him AFTER the fact. That's not the same thing and NOT what checks and balances is supposed to be for.


I'm not saying it wasn't a retarded decision but congress was republican controlled.

I agree with satan here.

And the earth shattering news is "They're keeping me locked up here and it sucks, I don't even have Super Nintendo. Please donate to WikiLeaks."

It has to walk a line - security is critical, and Transparency isn't a realistic option. But you still need internal oversight - and that doesn't work that well either. I don't have a solution. I mean shitfuck senators are on the oversight committees and they are corrupt too.

What pisses me off about assange is this timing. If they had dumped this 3 months ago, we could have replaced hillary with bernie. Now it will be too late. If it really does reck her changes, we are stuck with Trump

lets go Trax what do you have

Bluh, bluh, bluh listen to me, matter.

Sure. One is more severe, but its de facto rape regardless of willingness of the partner.

Bluh, bluh, bluh listen to me, I matter.

That isn't really true. You know what happened to people who opposed his war? They died in mystery plane crashes.

Or got packets of anthrax sent to them like Daschle did.

It was really clear - you play ball, or you get fucked.

What the fuck is he talking about?

Any moment now his head is gonna explode like in Scanners


>Missing an hour of sleep for this
I'm mad

refer to

i know right? I'm waiting for a shadowy form to step into view and cap him in the head.

Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

>Didn't he say he has only 20 minutes? He's wasting a lot of time here.

That's what I heard, and I agree.
I was patient for a while,
but to say you only have 20 minutes and then go on like this
seems that he really doesn't have anything important to say.

do you keep a folder with your pasta? or a single document. How do you organzie that ?

so he has nothing huge particularly to the US


nothing is happening, its just Julian getting his FINAL 15 minutes of fame.

"We have a great many publications"

"If we would give a shocking announcement for the US it wouldn't be at 3:00 AM"

Trolled again

Shhh! Stop interrupting the Julian show!

>yfw this is all just a 10 year anniversary hype

Uh uh um uh um... Uh zzzzzzzzz

>Trumpfags just got trolled

guess Hilary finally got to him, they bought him off.

This shit's boring, watch this Aussie make a pepe double-down while you wait

>wikileaks is trolling

>"If we would give a shocking announcement for the US it wouldn't be at 3:00 AM"

>be me
>did I hear that right?
>it's all been bullshit???

is he asking me to sign up for jihad now?

I knew this fgt didnt have shit

australians are trash

hahahahah he Trolled us pretty damn good

WikiRolled again. Damn you Assange!

just what i fucking thought.

I didn't hear it

Im muslim and im voting for Hillary.
Reasons Im not voting for Trump
1: He wants to make me leave USA
2: He is racist and hates muslims like me
3: He says bad words and never pay taxes to help USA

Fuck this, I'm going to play world of warcraft

he said it, he is really desperate for attention lately and will say anything to get media

What a cockstand.

kill all muslims

Holy fuck just spit it out!

Oh cool, its 2004?

your shitty strawman posts are boring and idiotic

jesus. fuck. christ. well I'm out.

>It's funny how only places like "right side" and "info wars" are the only people streaming this wikileaks broadcast.
>Seems like something this "groundbreaking" information might be broadcasted by some of the major news networks

lol, what does this say about the infowars conspiracy mindset??


lol self-important retards

go blow yourself up and get it over with already


This entire thing was for him to beg for money and to launch a membership site. Holy shit I'm so angry and find this so funny at the same time.

What a piece of shit.

There's nothing to spit. He's just launching an "appeal".

welp looks like there is no leak
what a fucking tool
why would you not actually release anything,
" end of the year"
so did he make a deal or something?
welp thats it fellas pack it in


Ah Ah Umm Umm

1 minute to go...
>drop mic
>I'm out

The October Surprise was basically Assange announcing the start of a WikiLeaks Street team hahahah


Why the fuck are you greentexting that

Fucking newfag

Didn't hear that part..
Was that what he really said??

damn we're foiled again!

oh yes! he is plugging a book!

This only applies to number 3.

Look up the Clinton foundation and it's history of helping people like Trump with complete tax evasion, as in, not paying at all. At least in that regard Trump just uses the rules in his own favor.

Also I'm voting for libfag not trump

There's a lot of people guilty of treason, she's only one on a long list of assholes.
Also, the FBI has done a brilliant job with their inaction, and the DOJ has done absolutely nothing but allow her to slip through any loophole in their imperfect system.

an hour after when hes supposed to be on
technical issues right ebfore he comes on,
despite hyping this he decides to wait until the end of the year
yeah someone just got paid


Are the Um's and Ah's code for something?

>linking to a post
>greentexts the entire post

You fucking retard.

Why u guys hate on muslims so much?? U realize u hating on me only makes me stronger and want to vote for Hillary

Guess what? Hillary doesn't like you either. Americans in general don't like you. You're a barbaric ignorant fuck who follows the retarded opinions of a pedophile. You make Americans roll their eyes when you walk by. Your people had great architecture, developed Algebra, so many great advancements that could have enriched the world. Instead, you allowed 3rd world bullshit to rule you because some goat fucking pedophile said some stupid shit. Mohammed is a faggot and allah is a false pagan god. Kill yourself now, just keep the bomb contained to just yourself.

>Doing nothing but promoting his book and products

>30 minute hotel commercial
>1 minute left
>drop mic
>I'm out

Too much kek

Go home please.

he's trying to adlib, since he can't talk about the "real" annoucement


Rap begs for money to help him continue to avoid answering for his crimes.

Hope to hear of a bullet in the head for this POS soon.

You mean writing off donations to Clinton Foundation like you can do with every charity ever?

i dont see how this is going to work for him
talk up his site and the book for thirty minutes then troll your entire audience,surely they will want to buy your shit now

>You fucking retard.

someone's butthurt about being fooled by alex jones (again)

lol u mad

nah trump doesn't actually make any donations

yeah I'm really confused.

No shit, it was LITERALLY NOTHING. Fucking unbelievable, I want that lost hour of my extremely valuable time back

I'm not voting Trump.......... Nor Hillarious.......
cause I'm french, ya know...

Who cares about tinfoil-hat Jones? I'm here for the keks.

I also mean getting a return on that several million dollar anonymous donation after it's reached foreign banks.

1wizful ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛

Praise allah my brothers

I don't think he's gonna announce anything. How did this start?

When will you loser Infowars crowd learn?

YOU are the sheep! You buy into this stuff.
Got fooled again.

I got roosed

we got trolled.

Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh

So, a book.... wow.

bamboozled even

He has already said he isn't.


you sound very worldly and non judgmental

No, he's not. People seem to forget that Assange have been reduced to nothing more than a paranoid with nothing worthwhile to say.

not just a book! BUT TWO BOOKS!!

why aren't this shitstains asking "so what about hillary info you promised"

I've figured out a simple means to reduce the amount of copy pasta on Cred Forums. Just like Cred Forums scans for duplicate images, it can also scan for duplicated text. If you try to submit a post that contains 98% of the same text as some other post, then it can reject your post as copy pasta. This will force stupid 4channers to be more original.

The moment you've all been waiting for....

"do i intend to harm Hillary Clinton, Those quotes are false" WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT

oh shit, he's saying he has been misquoted.

>"Will it destroy Clinton?"
>"There's been a lot of misquoting of me...."

lol conspiracy fags

You sound like your head is in the clouds and judge people with the sword

hhahahhahaha Alex Jones is gonna have to spin this so hard, right now he's coming up with a back up story

He pulled a trump


Someone get the Bunko Squad in here.

He's playing the long con.

>they removed the references to hillary from the stream title

it was fuckin nothing

...and he made such a big deal about staying up all night to report on it.
lol sheeples

>we keep releases confidential
>don't talk about what they will say
>promises this release will sink clinton
>talks about a website and book plug

I hope you get raped.

so apparently hes going to be leaking info every week for 10 weeks straight
iguess thats ok, doesnt give them a chance to spin it all in one go

no its to keep them relevant for at least 10 more weeks.

What an absolute cock! All he wants is your money!

This. The next 10 weeks is going to be interesting.

step aside roman atwood we have a new king of clickbait

>The struggle to stay relevant

FFS wake up. They've got NOTHING he's just panhandling.

way to put a spin on this complete failure.

alex is losing his mind lol

Assange wasn't worried about being assassinated by power structures.

He was worried about the inforwars crowd turning on him after being trolled, lol

Yeah, shits got real after tonight's mind blowing revelations.

No moreso than this morning has been.

I thought a simple method for reducing the amount of radiation of the mouth / type B / pasta. Just like Cred Forums Duplicate Image scan, you can also scan the text and repeat. You can reject out into the pasta, and then try to submit another copy of the same text, including 98% for some other function. Baboyi 4channers forces must be more creative.

Alex Jones is so pissed, he's treating this like MST3K

He's worried because the Ecuadorians are getting pissed off with him mooching. They're gonna start charging rent, so the fanbois gotta buy rapey Ju's book.

He's been putting extra iodine in his coffee. They're having fun with it now.

how is that a spin?
its literally what he said.

/rk9/ you fucking newfag

He doesn't need wikiturds.

What makes you think that these next 10 weeks will be any more interesting than what was said tonight?



Better get out and buy your copy of "how to avoid rape charges 101"

because he said they would be relevant to the election
and since literally nothing was said tonight besides
buy our book
no leaks tonight
they could release hillarys hair dying regimen and it would be more interesting

You replied to copypasta, you fucking newfag

If you can't see these questions have been preprepared it can only be because you don't want to.

"Do you still have information that you'll use to damage Hillary Clinton?"

"I was um errr uhhh misquoted" *adjusts shirt collar*

This fucker is a giant fraud.

Even wikileaks said that there would be Hillary related announcements tonight, so tell me again how the next 10 weeks will be different?

I can't believe I watched this fucking stream for 2 hours for nothing

Wikileaks hate thread incoming

i guess we wait and see,

Maybe it wasn't for nothing.
Maybe you learned something.
Like...fringe media is fringe for a reason.
Main stream media isn't just some big scam on everyone.

Holy shit, there's so much cancer in the YouTube live chat, it's just people who don't understand shit whining, cuck Hillary supporters believing that they are going to win and people spamming DROOOOONE HIMMMM like they are better off not knowing how corrupt politicians really are. There are people there who literally agree that Julian shouldn't be alive because of the information he has.

Alex Jones two hours ago: "historic", "too epic", "legendary".

Alex Jones now: "Atrocity", "bullcrap", "trainwreck

I like alex jones
>Assange starts shilling

At least his shit is actually good unlike Cucksange.

Muh book

Assange what the fuck..
you got all of our pussies wet
for shit
for nothing
for peanuts
Assange i hope they revoke your asylum and bring you here to the U.S. to get the Manning treatment you lying cunt fucking bitch cock sucking piece of flying dog cum going into your mothers mouth and coming out of her ass as a coagulated lump of anal nuclear fission. FUCK YOU!

I'd definitely try alex jones coffee if I ever thought about it. The rest is silly.

fringe media is shit
main stream media is shit as well
people need to learn to take everything from every source with a grain of salt and research it themselves


alex jones sleeping pills are the best, dont know if he sells it any more

>actually believing Clinton would let a huge destructive blow to her campaign happen without her doing her usual "diplomacy" work to stop said blow
welcome to politics fam