If Hillary wins she gets away with public disclosure of top secret documents

If Hillary wins she gets away with public disclosure of top secret documents.

And the American people get another four years of the slowest possible economic recovery in history.

If Trump wins he gets away with tax fraud.

And the American people get a better economy with possible bubbles like the ones that made a recovery necessary in the first place.

If Gary Johnson wins he gets away with only god knows what because nobody is taking his candidacy seriously enough to investigate him

And the American people get smaller Government if he does what a libertarian is supposed to do, that sucks because the Government is the only one hiring right now.

>Wat do?

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>If Trump wins he gets away with tax fraud.
Actually, he never did anything illegal. He just didn't pay more taxes than he needed to

and communists all over america wants to crucify him for it

you fags are like the "yeah note7 blows up but it doesnt matter so what if its blows up? Apple taking away the jack is very very bsd tho!!!!!!!!!"


say what

I'm trying to get what you're saying. Are you comparing Trump to the note 7 and Hillary to the iPhone 7? and that the headphone jack thing is marginal in comparison to note 7 exploding?

If you're saying what Hillary did is marginal in comparison to Trump, surely you haven't investigated Hillary enough. If she wasn't so high up in the food chain she WOULD be in prison right about now

American I don't understand u? WHY don't u all just come togather and Rewrite the Consitution

>WHY don't u all just come togather and Rewrite the Consitution
They stopped teaching cursive handwriting in schools

Because I like the constitution as it is but there is a vocal minority of crybabies that want to be sexually identidied as squirrels and I don't like the idea of these people intermingling their thoughts in with the constitution.

If the founding father were alive today a war would be fought again. But it would he easy since squirrel people don't own guns, they just hangout at starbucks with their 9000$ macbook ok pros

vote for clinton because your points are all nonsense.

plenty of liberals own guns. i'm one of them.

No, not many squirrel people own guns, obviously you are in the minority of squirrel people

you're a fucking idiot.

At least I don't think that you should be able to get special benefits from being sexually identified as a squirrel

you're not helping yourself appear any smarter. people as dumb as you should be sterilized.

of course there's little chance of you actually getting laid so nature has pretty much neutered you on its own.

still, we shuoldn't take any chances

you're both retarded
but he's making me laugh

>And the American people get a better economy with possible bubbles like the ones that made a recovery necessary in the first place

Citation needed

Actually, yes he did. One of his major crimes is knowingly hiring illegal immigrants.
Sauce: time.com/4465744/donald-trump-undocumented-workers/

See the problem is you people always defend the people claiming to be mayonnaise, transgender, or squirrels and it's just stupid.

You also claim to own weapons yet vote for the Squirrel part candidate that wants to make laws to prevent gun ownership.

So yea I think you and your squirrel people are stupid

If Trump wins he gets away with literally not being prepared for / having any issues about how to run the country.

He's an entitled nutbag "businessman" that has never run a successful business and never made a profit in his life.

Soon enough you won't be a liberal.

You'll be a racist, obstructionist, open mouth breathing redneck with no common sense.

Unless of course you give up your guns.


Also, you have squirrel nuts.

going from the million or so dollars his dad loaned him to netting something like 694 million dollars in 2015 is never making profit? fuck your real good at math

If Trump wins, nothing chanoes.

If Clinton wins, nothing changes.

What the fuck is so hard to comprehend about this? THESE PEOPLE ROUTINELY COLLABORATE AGAINST YOU.

Perhaps if Sanders, Stein or Johnson won you'd see changes, but I think that's unlikely.

Trump didn't commit tax fraud , he legally didn't pay taxes. He's been audited for the past however many years , if he was committing tax fraud he would've been caught by now

That charity tho... ;)

For a couple hundred years now the constitution has given us the freedom to decide which shitbags we want as presidents, and the right to bitch about them after we elect them, unlike in Syria where they can't get enough fiber to shit out Assad. Or Libya where they finally got enough fiber to shit out Ghadaffi.

>That's why.


This is what the US will be like under Trump:


The regulations ObaMao has on banks and loans have been strangling the recovery.

But then how do we stop the Squirrel people?

>Poisoned birdseed atlatls.

Technically you're right. Which is the only right that matters, but we all know that it verges on criminal. Cheating the system to keep every penny, is probably bad, but not nearly as bad as hillary's treason