Rekt thread

Rekt thread

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That is a watermelon mr. dubbbz man



Did he die?


OP you're supposed to dump what you have

Post something yourself nigger

Get off Cred Forums newfag

Commencing my dump since OP has cancer

>still confusing gore with rekt

I still cant believe he survived this!

Steve brule no!!

>Oh, where are my manners
>Closes register

Yeep niggers.
Also white women keeping their guard down around niggers because keeping guard would be racist.

Longest sucker punch in the world, couldn't move out of the way.




if you look closely it seems she wasn't even looking at him during the punch.

Wonder what kind of injuries he got? I'm assuming back related.

Top kek

uhh try death?

This one never fails to get me. I have a genuine fear of heavy machinery because of this. Our flesh and bones are like paper to them.

He leans up, retard


You could definitely survive that though. Was there a story to it? Something confirming he died? Just curious.

Faggot thought he was John Wick or sum shit. That's what you get for watching too many movies.

he leans up because of his lower body position, he is clearly not conscious


That's fucked up

He clearly wasn't trained, if you have enough power in the kick then you can do it.

He was bent out of shape. That was his body just springing back from muscle tension. That nigger was unconscious, if not dead within a second.


summer is over edge lord, gtfo.

go linger on liveleak.

Fucking kek, that dude is like "fuck your weaboo trip kicks"

i know this is Cred Forums but, you disgusting fuck

>put a towel on my kitty
>she crawls across the floor as low as possible
I don't get it


"Game over man game over"

Reddit really took over this site?

Found the neckbeard ninja bronie guys

Gore threads have been a staple of the Cred Forums community since it's inception
Not knowing that bit of history proves you are the cancer here sir

I hate to laugh at this kid, but he's obviously been watching too many cartoons to think he doesn't need force behind the kick to sweep someone's leg.

It all looks so easy on tv.

He survived with a broken jaw and a bunch of shattered ribs apparently.


I hate people like you, you are the fat unwashed guy that hangouts with friends of friends because people feel sorry for you

Some user posted it a while back, if you look around on LiveLeak or similar I'm sure you can find the video and the news story in the comments.

Frankly, I'm too lazy to find it for you with how long my phone takes to load shit.

We used to do this takedown on the mat before wrestling practice would start. The move requires a wind up which telegraphs it to your opponent. It only works in the right situation, but when it works right it is very effective.

I can't believe people actually think you can die this way, pro tip: you can't . It's water, it's not like you are hitting concrete. The only way you could die like this is if you didn't know how to swim and drowned

U some kind of dumb?

please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be baitplease be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait

Don't you get tired of such low hanging fruit? I mean, honestly, dude. Make a flat earth thread, at least, ffs. This shit is too boring.

How fucking new are you?

No one ever understood why I put this in gore threads. It's basically to bump them

How fucking new are you?


Bait but:

It literally liquefies your body

Monster! I'm sick now

actually, it's JUST like hitting concrete


Yeah, you're the kind of fag that posts the "ur mum will die if u don't suck this dik" bullshit.

bait, you could've at least tried harder

Guaranteed responses are still responses. Newfriends have to learn somehow.

What does Cred Forums think of this?


How fucking new are you?

We apologize for the inconvenience, this product will be shipped back to the newfag cultural mainstream, no charge of course

fuck you, faggot. He's right. Sweeping someone off their feet is not some alien ninja tactic, nigger. it's basic hand to hand, and it takes specific application of force.

Jewgold sponsored and sick peoples insurance money supporting the site... still better than 8 Chan.

> sweping someone off their feet
> hand to hand
> foot to leg*

With the kind of traffic that Cred Forums draws it should be extremely profitable to run this site. I have no idea what kind of mismanagement has led to the state of affairs we are seeing.

Exactly. He just done it like a fucking moron, he pretty much "slipped" kicked him and got his ass beat.

That statement doesn't excuse your from a good personal hygiene regiment or your unhealthy size and weight

Hand to hand includes kicks, elbows, and even teeth an nails, dude. It just means fighting without tools.

I've seen lots of rekt threads but this picture made me close the thread

No, I don't know where that your mom shit came from.


You're not even close in your insults though, dude. Are you just projecting, possibly?

do you think a stereotypical neck-beard shutin would know anything about hand to hand?

I'm aghast.

Well, as far as I can see it serves the same kind of purpose of bumping a thread. It's click bait for newfags, but it destroys threads because once superstitious people notice it, that's all they do is focus on that one post and it'll have like 50 replies by the end of the thread.

Wow, using a gay mans argument.
Because you called me fat and unclean, y-y-you must be th-th-the one that's fat and unclean....
So you basically just told me you are fat, unclean, and a homosexual


Cant beleive Tommy Wiseau did that

Nah, I only post that can't die this way when a thread is really slow. It never really gets that many responses, I think the most I gotten was forty though

lol. Well, whatever bakes your boat, nigger. But it really sounds like you're projecting. When people randomly throw out specific insults like that without knowing anything about the other person, it's usually because those insults mean something to you personally.


> projecting.
I honestly don't think you know what that word really means, even in the medical sense

Friend of my dad told me he was working as an industrial lathe operator. One day as he was getting off-shift he was cracking a joke with the guy coming on-sift and lost his balance as he turning around to illustrate the joke
He has an artificial left arm where the machine tore it completely off while he was still laughing.



yeah need at least more than half his weight in force. Like shit, he weight 100 pounds that s a 50 pound swipe too hard to achieve.
If you kick behind the knee however he would drop down with minimal force

because advertisers don't want to put their ads for tomato juice on a rekt thread...

right? fucking sell used fucking panties and socks and shit and camwhore site ads like, shit

I agree, but if he actually knew what he was doing it wouldn't have been a problem, but his momentum was shit, for some reason he went on his fucking knees, .... aggh so many things he screwed up.

underrated post

post the isis one with the guy cutting his head

he looks ok to me, just lost some clothing.

Nice title

im speachless

His bones would have been minced internally his skin just held together


How does one speachless?


wtf did he steal remote controller in the end?



07526 565866...OOPS

that shirt will be deducted from his next salary

I just wanna know why?????

Rekt thread's are way i come to b/
b/ is shit



HA HA HA HA. he must have seen the new pee wee herman movie!



Shitstain Muslim country (Albania), the guy that lit the other guy on fire had an argument over a dialysis machine. The guy on the bed didn't die, the two women in the camera shot did, as did the guy who poured gasoline everywhere.

Fucking ragheads, amirite?


whofuck dis jonwick?
sum kinda feggtt?

Sick meme, bro.


did he? cos he made some fucking great film.

everyone knows the earth is flat already. not edgy anymore, fagbrains.

we thinks youre fuckin gay as fuck you feggt.

Look it up yourself you lazy faggot.

kek'd hard af at that title

Shieeeet he killed himself and two randies and didnt get the kill in the end top kek m8

Dear Parents,

Signing your kids up for Karate is child abuse.

When they need fighting skills, Krotty will only get their asses beat.

Sign them up for boxing instead.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter,



A swipe to the legs rarely works at all. If a person stands absolutely straight, it might work with training but if he has a stance that's slightly more stable, forget it.

Personally, I wouldn't use a leg swipe unless he is already standing on just one leg.

I teach self defence classes so sometimes during training kids (and even adults) try techniques they learned from the worst martial arts school: Hollywood. The Leg swipe is something many people try and it honestly never works.

I would just go for a low kick to the knee or leg.

"yeah? well I'll got make my own THREAD, with black jack and hookers!!"

This guy

Because anytime someone starts a gore thread newfags flood in with "OMG THAT'S SO EDGY XDDDDDDDD EDGY XDDDDDDDD"

Black Jack and Hooker thread? Fuck Where?!??!

Dat filename!

someone post the finger one

That actually looks very elegant and beautiful.

Hues of red from light pink to a dark purple spread over a spectrum.

Parallel lines with ridges and canyons.

Red tissues growing out from the bottom that look like fine hairs going from the parallel ridges like a Mandelbrot fractal.

At the top trees sprout perpendicular and bifurcate at the tops and bottoms.

Just beautiful . . feels sorry for the animal, but really a beautiful picture.

When you nut but she still suckin'

yeah a e s t h e t i c as fuck.

>We used to do this takedown . . . it is very effective.

Wanna know how I know you've never wrestled in your life?

Maybe you meant 'rasslin'.

sickko puke fuk mutant.


looks like hillary's chest.

>looks like hillary's chest.

No reason to insult his nutsack.



OOAAAAGGGHH fukin KEK thanks you user. you made my day. I will live another few weeks now before anhero. for realz.

wow this pleases me greatly, user



here more lsd hoof stuff for you then

No he pulled through, he was a fighter



Why practice that on a ambulance type vic If it was a penetrator (presumably from the lack of outward explosion)

He a good boi
was on his way to Sunday skool
just gettin his lyfe 2gether
dindu nuffin
bix nood

Awesome. however a solid elbow to the jaw could of saved that nigs life. Lol he probably said at the traffic light "god I hope I don't have to shoot this nigger"

he dindu nuffin. he out spreddn da word o da lawd. dat chinese nigga was talkin shit.

welp there goes my leg better cancel the dancing lessons before the charge me

Nice photoshop, fag.


It's a laser-guided 70mm rocket. The warhead is a normal blast-fragmentation warhead.


>attacking the armed cop with a flagpole
How can one be this stupid?

Black Lives Matter matters more

that made me laugh man thanks

Sauce? Is he died?
