Well Cred Forums, I'm down to my last Chip Sandwich...

Well Cred Forums, I'm down to my last Chip Sandwich. Don't get paid for another two weeks and I'm already 2 months behind on rent.
Being homeless will be fun I guess.

pic related, OP's new home

Thatz what happens when you send all your money on internet, videogames, and waifu pillows buddy.

Enjoy the sandwich OP. I guess it really depends on where your from. It's getting cold out there now where I am. Big ups.

Its called budgeting, try it sometime faggot.

Lol shit

How much is your rent?

That looks delicious. Wish i could afford two of them.

I don't even own a console or computer powerful enough to game. Not into waifus.
Yeah it's starting to cool down here too.
I make next to nothing.
$850 a month. I get about $175 a week from working.
Two of them would be great.

You could always join a band.


OP, talk to one of the younger managers at restaurants. Try to convince them you won't sue them and arrange that they save food (in fridge) they can no longer sell so you can pick it up daily. You will get shot down a lot so keep trying.

Also, supermarket dumpsters have lots of edible food they can't sell. Bakery dumpsters have lots of good bread a bit too stale to sell.

You'll be fine if you are willing to scavenge from dumpsters. Where roughly do you live? Maybe an user can help you.


its better than being dead.

Always try to imagine that the glass could possibly be half full somewhere.

just how many weeks do you think a month got if you think you can pay 850 with a 175 bucks per week job?

With a socialist democrat in office, you shouldn't have trouble getting foodstamps, free phone, free internet and shelter. You have to look pretty hard and it helps to live in a big city that cares about it's homeless population.

My parents were pressuring me to move out. They were fired of me borrowing money, even though I always made sure I payed them back. Never once have I skipped out on them and not payed.
North Mississippi, but it won't matter.
Maybe I'll walk up to Memphis. It isn't very far. Maybe a couple hours on foot.

If you don't pay your rent where did all your money go?

Shoplifting is pretty easy, if you know how.

Sell your shoes
Soup Kitchens actually have pretty good food

Other bills. My landlord is a really cool guy but he's getting tired of it.
Already doing that pretty often. Just one thing at a time, I don't want to get caught.

If somehow we could all be decent people here and try to raise you enough food money to last until you get paid: how much do you think it would cost at the minimum to feed yourself until then?

THIS, especially bakeries. I'm not remotely broke but every so often I hit up a local bagel shop that throws out their leftover bagels in big plastic bags (so they don't get contaminated by other trash) at around midnight

Join the military? It's good pay and you have accommodation/food on base.

What are your other bills?

Buy a bunch of coke and sell it. Then use the profit to buy a shit ton of camping supplies.

Water, gas, and light.
I steal WiFi from my neighbors.

It wouldn't happen and I don't want you guys to.

850 a month?! I'm living in a 3 bedroom, 2 story house and it's only 510 a month!!

Just grow weed in your obviously massive house and sell it.

OP, listen to this guy. The work might be shit and you may have ideological objections, but they'll keep a roof over your head and food in your stomach.

So that's like 300$ a month on those bills. If your not paying rent why don't you have money for food? What are you spending the other 400$ on?

what is regional cost of living

although on second thought, OP's living in the sticks so it does seem pretty high

I was rejected from the National Guard.

Car note and insurance.

All depends on where you live. I live in a 3000 square foot house with 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and it's 1800$ a month.

Go enlist.

Why the fuck did you buy a car if you knew you didn't make much money?

Why were you rejected?

exactly why budgeting is so fucking important....... I'm starting to see why your broke as a joke.

I bought it when I still lived with my parents. I'm trying to give it back to the dealership but they're making it really difficult. Plus my SSC and birth certificate are at my parents and they won't elt me come get them.

Failed a drug test and apparently I'm colorblind.
It was just weed somebody smoked with me, I'm not blowing all my money on drugs.

The guy is eating chip sandwichs along with saying he doesn't have a powerful enough computer to game - I bought a computer nearly 8 years ago for 800 and it still runs everything at 1080p without much trouble.
I know it costs more or less depending on where you live, but only an idiot would pay 150 more a month than he makes for his house. or anything really.

OP - What about a room-mate or something??

Knowing you only make about 700$ a month why did you move into a place that cost 850$?

>I bought it when I still lived with my parents. I'm trying to give it back to the dealership but they're making it really difficult. Plus my SSC and birth certificate are at my parents and they won't elt me come get them.

what the fuck?

Why the fuck do you get a rent that is MORE then you make every month? Seriously dude you need to learn how to manage money.

That is really high. I live in a university town in the Midwest and my rent is only 600 for a 2 bedroom apt. Hell you can walk into just about any business here and get hired nearly on the spot earning more than that. Hell the Temp agencies aren't paying less than 11 an hour.

To which part?
I was in a rush. I thought I would be able to get a room mate but every time someone comes to check it out they don't come back. It isn't even dirty, I don't know why.

? Give it back to the dealership? If you bought it new, then it was prob. 8K or more - Why don't you just sell it and buy a banger...

Also, if they have your SSC and birth cert. then walk up to them, tell them to give it back to you, or you'll get the cops involved...

It makes me wonder what kind of peice of shit op is if his parents won't give him his SSC and birth certificate.

I wouldn't call the cops on my parents....
And I've had it listed on couple soghrs for a few weeks and haven't gotten any responses.
I've never done anything for them not to trust me. I walkways pay back money I borrow and I've never stolen from them. They've always been really strict and mean for no reason.

I gotta go to work guys. Wish me luck for the future.

Definitely more to this story than has been told.

OP - What about taxi-ing/mini cabbing. If you have this awesome car, then make it work for you..

Your parents are being "mean" and have apparently stolen your rightful property. Either you done something fucking stupid and have been disowned, or they're assholes and you're better off without them.

I'm not buying it op. What aren't you telling us?

OP: Another drop out of society because they thought smoking dope was better than getting a real job or continuing their education.

Step 1 of 3 for turning your life around. Don't do drugs, find a halfway home for people in your situation.
Step 2 Find gainful employment and improve your living situation.
Step 3 Once you have upgraded your living situation and income stream, consider continuing to not do drugs. Seriously waste of money and time just to feel good for a few hours. If you want that just go to a massage parlor and get a happy ending. Can't test positive for a hand-job and get fired for it.

So make next to something. That's what most capable people do in these situations. You're two months behind in rent, why haven't you been looking for work? You could rent your arse if it's that bad.

Prepare for incoming excuses

Do you have a car op?

Dude there are so many things wrong with what you have been doing here. I can't even fathom how you only make 175 dollars a week. You literally living on poverty wages. Get government assistance at least but first, manage your money. Keep track of how much you make. Then take all reoccurring monthly bills and subtract that from your income. Use the remaining as your, food, utilities gas money. Track it ALL. By the end of the month you will know what your spending to much money on.

OP, how old are you and what city do you live in?

How the hell did you even sign a lease? Everywhere ive stayed need paystubs showing you make atleast 2-3 times the rent.

Lol, after all they've apparently done to you, you shouldn't have a problem with. You can't live without them so grow some balls, get a baseball bat and get your fucking property.

Jesus Christ, go to a fucking food bank

That's terrible. My rent is 1600.

you make less than minimum wage
I'd suggest finding a new job regardless of how this turns out

Troll post, ignore it people.